Yaheng’s eyebrows were directly provoked by this sentence. He asked in a low voice, “She left the job? Because of what?”

"There is no reason for her, she voluntarily resigned, probably she feels that she can't stay in this line!" Assistant analyzed. Asian

Constantly looking at the car key, I did not expect her to go away and even say no to him. "

okay, I get it. Yaheng handed her a look that she could leave.

The assistant still thought that he could attract him, but the eyes that Yaheng looked at were so cold that she was afraid to stay for a second. She had to be fired by him and quickly left. Yaheng picked up the car key and held it in his hand. He pressed the inside line and "give me the phone number of Xu Xiaolu."

Soon, Xu Xiaoyu’s phone number left in the company was sent. Yaheng dialed directly, but the phone rang, but no one answered. He dialed three times, ten minutes passed, and Xu Xiaoyu did not even pick up.

"Damn." Yaheng could not help but sigh, this woman is so ruthless, even his phone is not picked up?

He asked the assistant to give him the address of Xu Xiaoyu's family. The assistant also sent it quickly. After Yaheng wrote it, he picked up the car key and got up and went out. its

Really like his identity, away from a medium designer, he is completely unnecessary to ask. can

Yes, Xu Xiaoying has a different status in Yaheng’s heart. He does not want her to leave. Even if she has design cells, he also wants her to stay in the company so that he can find her at any time.

Although he couldn't figure out why he wanted to find her at any time, it was like something he didn't normally want, but once he remembered it, he should immediately let her appear. Xu

Where is Xiaoxiao not picking up his phone? Instead, she is now placing new items in the store, and the phone is in the warehouse again. She didn’t hear it at all!

Half an hour later, Yaheng’s car appeared at the door of Xu Xiaoyu’s villa, and Xiamu, who was there to clean the yard, saw a handsome and charming mixed-race man coming over.

Yaheng first communicated in English, but Xiamu shook his head and couldn't understand.

"Xu Xiaowei... I am her boss." Yaheng tried to say a short sentence in Chinese he knew.

"Oh! You are the boss of Otaru! Otaru went to her store to help." Xiamu immediately said a string of words.

However, Yaheng did not understand, he groaned slightly, understanding the words behind her.

Xia Mu saw that he couldn't understand, and she quickly reached out and said, "There is her shop over there."

Constantly watching her point in one direction, he nodded immediately, and finished his summer mat, his long legs passed.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoyu was putting out the newly arrived snack food. After wiping a sweat, she took a cup of water on the table and took a break to prepare to turn around and take a rest. cold

Not to hear the guests coming outside the door behind us, she immediately turned around and said, "Welcome... visit..."

When she turned around, she was so scared that her greetings were stuttering. God! Yaheng? do

Dream it! Is it dazzling? Xu Xiaoyan quickly blinked and looked at it again. It was really him. She looked down and looked at a dirty flower apron. She quickly turned her back to him and wanted to go into the back warehouse. "

Xu Xiaowei. "Anchor immediately called her name. Xu

Xiaoyan took a few steps and she thought that she is not his employee now, even if she is wearing dirty clothes and old clothes, it does not matter in front of him.

She took a deep breath and immediately turned up a very bright and enthusiastic smile and turned around. "What does Mr. Yaheng want to buy?"

I am looking for you to talk. "Yan Heng did not intend to buy anything, like this street shop, he probably came in for the first time."

Oh! Sorry, I am working now, no private chat time. "Xu Xiaoying is still ashamed to face him. He is here. Is it because she wants to continue to go back to his company to work? She immediately left the company, and she has no plans to go back."

On the battle of Shang Sailing, she also doubted her ability. The so-called senior design company of the Asian Group, she went in, it was only a small transparent one.

"Good! I buy something." Yaheng raised his eyebrows. Xu

Xiao Yan saw that he needed it. He immediately smiled and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

I have everything in your store. "Yan Heng is screaming, very aggressive."

"Hey?" Xu Xiao blinked, the man made a joke, the things in her store, he didn't need it!

Xu Xiaoyan said boldly, "Yaheng, I have nothing to talk to you, if you are fine, please go back!"

Yaheng saw that she had to rush him away. He smiled and picked up a large plastic bag next to him. His slender big palm began to grab things on the counter, no matter what, no matter the price, he went to Caught in the bag.

"Hey!...you...what are you doing!"

"Buy things." Yaheng smiled and continued to install. As he loaded the big bag, the entire shelf was empty. "

This is my mom's shop, don't you mess around? You don't need these things at all. "Xu Xiaoyu was a little angry. Now, she left his company, and she didn't have to fear him."

Who said that I don't need it, even if I don't need it, people who need it, for example, those begging under the flyover. "Ya Heng finished, but did not know where to take a big bag, continue to install, he is a noble temperament, in this small shop, it is really out of place.

"You... are you sure you want to buy these?" Xu Xiaoyu secretly calculated, he is willing to buy, why is she not willing to sell it? Anyway, it is her to make money. "

Want. Yaheng said very firmly, he continued to grab things and put them in the bag, just after the mother returned to cook, and brought her to dinner. She

I thought that Yaheng had installed two big bags, but I didn’t expect Yaheng to start loading the third bag again.

"Wait, can you not install it again? Yes, it's already a lot of money." Xu Xiaoyan suddenly buckled his strong arm.

Yaheng stunned, and Xu Xiaoyu also pulled back his hands.

Yaheng grabbed the bag again and took three bags to her counter and said to her, "Checkout."

Xiao Yan coughed and went to the counter and asked him, "Are you sure you want to buy so much?"

Do you have to push the guests out? Can you make a business like this? "Against the mouth of Yaheng mouth. Xu

After a little squatting, I immediately picked up the scanning code gun and started sweeping one by one. Asian

Constantly watching her have something to do, his slender body leaned in front of her counter and looked at her serious face. "Why did you suddenly leave? Is it because I stopped you from packing coffee in the morning?" ”

Xu Xiaoyu replied while carefully sweeping, "No, it is because I feel that I am not suitable for the work of the designer, so I will not do it."

Constant frowning, "Who said that you are not suitable for the job? You are so confident?"

Yes, I am not confident. I feel that I am helping my mom to manage the store and have a way out. "Xu Xiaoyu's proficient way of scanning the code also proves that she is indeed suitable for this trip.

Soon she swept a bag of things out. She was facing Yaheng Road. "Trouble you for a bag."

Heng went to the front of the finished goods, slowly carrying a bag and said to her, "I hope that you will come back to work for me, I believe you have this ability."

"Forget it, I am in your eyes, it is earthy and vulgar, don't filthy your eyes, the designer in your company, which one is not to have a figure, a temperament and temperament, that is the person you want to recruit. Believe in my position, I will soon recruit new people to fill it."

Xiao Yan looked at the amount on the screen, could not help but reveal a few happy smiles, wow, today is a big harvest.

Yaheng frowned, while holding a bag, and looking at her shiny eyes, he went to the side, picked up some food and pointed at the wine channel behind her. "The wine there." I have to."

This wine... you should not drink it! The grade is too low. "Xu Xiaoyu does not intend to buy him."

I don't drink, there are many poor people under the bridge, they should like it. "Anchor bought so much, it is to contribute to there.

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