President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1664: Support her

Xu Xiaoyan rushed back to the company. She ran back to Yaheng's office all the way. When she stood in front of the man in a panting, Yaheng couldn't help but look at her.

"Is it really? Do you believe me?" Xu Xiaoyu still couldn't be sure to ask again. Kexia is now by his side, already a red man, and her design is also very good, often on high-end magazines.

Is he willing to be a woman who has no work yet? Let Kexia leave? She is really surprised. "

how? you do not believe me? "Yan Heng groaned, watching her a small face because of running, and the breath was a mess, pretty face and powder, actually let Yaheng throat swallowed. As if he was not looking at a woman, but a Meal, let him want to swallow it.

Xiao Yan immediately bent his lips and smiled. "I certainly believe in you! Just like this, are you losing a general?"

"I don't lack designers." Yaheng calmly responded by saying, "I want to train you to sit in the position of Kexia and become my personal chief designer."

Xu Xiaoyan blinked, the chief designer understood, but the private word? What does it mean? "

Why am I your personal designer! "Xu Xiaoyu is very puzzled to ask a question."

Yaheng hooked his lips and said, "I am private, do you have opinions?"

"Hey? Don't dare." Xu Xiaoyu only felt a sweet touch on his heart, okay! She is also willing to be his private. only

It is enough to ask this man not to abandon her level too low. Asian

When she looked at her and wanted to leave, he suddenly thought of something and said to her, "Come with me."

Xu Xiaoyu immediately followed him and went into an office next to him. It was in his file collection room. Xu Xiaoyan looked at him with amazement as he flipped over the cabinet. He picked up a draft and handed it to him. she was. "

Are you sure that this manuscript is yours? "Xu

Xiao Yan blinked, reached out and picked up the manuscript he handed, and looked down, not surprisingly.

"This is mine, it is not right. Someone copied me, but changed a few details. My manuscript is in my office."

Are you sure this is yours? "Yan Heng groaned and asked for a sentence."

"Of course I am sure that this is one of the manuscripts I have returned from Catherine, but why is it with you! Whose man is this?" Xu Xiaoyu looked at him curiously. Asian

Constant lips and a cold mouth, "Ceilin's."

what? "Xu Xiaoying really has to be mad at this. Celine has returned her manuscript and she has found nothing, but she copied her submission to Yaheng."

How can she do this? "Xu Xiaoying clenched her fist and showed her anger."

You take two drafts and go down with me. Yaheng said to her.

"Good!" Xu Xiaoying has a person who is the master of her. She is naturally more happy, and she also wants to ask Celine why she should do this. this

In the office, Celine was anxiously moving around in the office because she heard the staff in the office saying that Xu Xiaoying did not leave and was recruited into Yaheng’s office to become his men.

Celine also thought about letting Xu Xiaolu take over her manuscript, and she already got the news. The manuscript was left by Yaheng. In the monthly submission, Yaheng only liked it. Will be collected, she thought about waiting for the good news of Yaheng, promoted her.

However, Xu Xiaoyu, the ghost of this person, actually returned to the Asian Group? In the elevator list in the big office, the elevator door slammed open, and Yaheng was wearing a dark gray suit. He cut the degree and wrapped his body. His face was covered with a layer of ice, which made the company The staff looked at him and wanted to retire.

I was afraid that I accidentally provoked this cold-faced king.

At this time, Celine's assistant immediately saw it, and quickly pulled an internal call to Catherine.

"Hey! Celine, Yaheng and Xu Xiaoyu came over."

Celine, who was on the phone, was so scared that she would fly out of the body. However, when she became the director of the year, she was forced to calm down. She took a deep breath and put a look at the side of the mirror.

She hopes that Yaheng will not come to her for the manuscript. on

At this time, Celine's assistant knocked on the door of Celine very excitedly and ushered in the man outside the door. "

The boss invited. Ya

Heng single-handedly entered the trouser pocket and walked in, and behind him, Xu Xiaoyan took two manuscripts and walked over to Catherine and handed it to her. "Ceilin, look at what this is."

Celine’s heart began to panic, but the surface pretended to be calm. “What is this?”

"There are two manuscripts here, one is yours and the other is mine, but the similarity of these two manuscripts is 90%. I firmly believe that when I created, I did not copy anyone's work, then I ask you What about it?"

A Heng, who was on the side, sat down on the sofa next to him. His eyes only looked at Catherine and Xu Xiaoyu in a complicated way. He did not intend to open his mouth.

He wants to see how Xu Xiaoyu has won for her own rights and won this victory.

However, the existence of Yaheng, even if he does not speak, is a look that can make Celine scared.

"I don't know what you are talking about? My manuscript is also convinced that I created it myself. Xu Xiaoyu, are you reporting the last time you criticized you for being late?" Catherine wanted to use the same means as Khiva. This is Xu Xiaoying’s unfair heart and revenge on her.

After Xu Xiaoyu saw the face of Kexia today, and then watched Celine, she was already much calmer. "

Ok, even if I want to report you, how can I report you? Can I still copy your manuscript? I don't even have the chance to get your manuscript! However, you can openly admire all my works, so that there are two similar manuscripts, and your plagiarism is even more suspect. "Xu Xiaoying's eyes are sharply staring at Celine, full of questions.

Celine didn't think that the girl who didn't even dare to say a word evenly, suddenly turned out to be so sharp, and her eyes were still not afraid. Is she holding a brave back under her back?

"Boss, can you say something fair to me? I really haven't copied it!" Saline looked at Yaheng, she didn't want Xu Xiaoyu to say, she just wanted to know Yaheng's opinion.

Yaheng is the key figure. "

This is your business. I can watch it lively, and you will solve it yourself. "Yan Heng is holding his arms and not leaving. He is watching here."

Xu Xiaoying’s heart showed him a grateful feeling. She was very angry. Therefore, when he was there, she was more vocal.

"Xu Xiaowei, you are like this, I will sue you for violating my reputation." Celine could not help but scare. Xu

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrow and smiled. "Then you sue! Just right, I can also sue you for copying my work, so that the whole design circle knows about this thing."

Lin was shocked. In this case, she couldn't mix it. She sneered and picked up two manuscripts and glanced at it. "This is just a similarity. You didn't see my work more high-end grades? You are What design? It’s like the most common dress on the street, nothing to copy.”

Xiao Yan looked at the two works, and indeed some elements added by Sai Lin, the details of the sleeve design were in place, more fashionable. can

Yes, it still hits 90% of the place with Xu Xiaoyu.

"If you apologize, I can not pursue this matter." Xu Xiaoyu needs Sai Lin to apologize to her. Match

Lin Yiyi, she can't see through Yah-Hin at this moment, but now, two works are in front of her, how she fights, and everyone with a clear eye can see that there is a plagiarism.

Plus her inner heart is also somewhat guilty, she is hesitant to ask if she wants to apologize, let this thing be done, and let Yaheng forgive her.

At this moment, Yaheng stood up. He reached out and picked up the video of Celine, and then he reached out and tore up the draft. Match

Lynn scared to breathe, "Boss!"

Get out of my company. "Yaheng's voice is cold and frosty.

"I... I didn't copy it! Boss, you believe me." Celine wanted to make the final struggle. Asian

Heng picked up the work of Xu Xiaoyu. After reading it, he rolled up and headed to Catherine. "You think her design is worthless. I think it is very good."

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