President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1670: Successful marriage proposal

Xia Wei tastes wine, and feels very relaxed, as if the heart has a feeling of floating.

"Xia Yan, can you tell me what happened that night six years ago?" Isi asked. summer

The movement of red wine is not stiff, I don’t know if it’s wine, or what happened that night, let her be red and pretty, but not ashamed.

"That night, I also drank, drunk so much, so I am not very clear." Isi did not want to scare her, the tone was gentle and intoxicating, still with a look. summer

I put down the glass, my eyes were blurred, and I remembered the long hair of the forehead for a few seconds. "

At that time, I was studying a course on perfume development. Your country is a big country in perfume making, and it is also one of the top perfume producers in the world. I want to come and learn. ”

The summer bowl said, while holding the chin, at that time, the dream of young people is still so beautiful.

Isi’s deep eyes stared at her intently. At this moment, every subtle expression on Xia’s face was beautiful and moving in his eyes, as if it were a scroll, stretching in front of him.

Her eyes, in the dim light, reveal a layer of faint scent, and the red lips whispered, causing Isi to feel a thirst. "

and then? Are you here to find what you want to find? Isi asked curiously.

Xia Wei thought for a moment and shook his head. "I didn't ask for money from my family at that time, because my father left when I was ten years old. My life and my mother lived together. I earned some money by doing odd jobs in China. Come over, I didn’t contact my aunt at that time, thinking that I can learn to return to my country by myself."

Isi did not bother her memories, but her eyes gazed at her with a very gentle look.

Xia Wei also has a feeling of being softly wrapped in his gaze, which is very comfortable. "

I worked in a pizza shop here. At that time, there were a few men dressed very well dressed and often came to the store. They also liked to tease me. I didn't pay attention to them at that time. ”

Isey heard this and immediately worried, "Did they harass you or hurt you?"

He smiled and shook his head. "There is no, but it is because of them that the night will happen."

Xi Weiwei was a glimpse, but also relieved. "

Once, it’s too late, I’m going to fight! Our boss received a pizza take-out order, and asked me to send it to me. I was in the store at that time. The boss looked at it as a big order, so I must send it to me. Yi

West's gaze couldn't help but flash a touch of pity. He really wanted to know her at that time, lest she suffer such suffering.

Xia Wei said and said, he took a red wine and took a sip, because the next thing to say is still somewhat shy. she was

After taking a sip of red wine, watching Isi’s gaze, she continued. “I took the pizza and rode the car. It’s a long way away, and it’s also a high-class villa that I’ve never been before. The phone of the person who ordered the meal, he let me in, I am helpless, because the pizza in our store, if not delivered on time, I have to pay for it, I have to send it."

Isi thought that he would appear there that day because the banquet was a college student. When he was young, everyone was very casual, and a random call would come to the party and come over for a whole night.

However, Yixi is also a rare gathering of such a large number of people. In his capacity, he is not suitable for such a place. That night, he was turned over by a group of people. His friends saw him really drunk. Press the exclusive rest in the master bedroom. Yi

West is still very much looking forward to knowing what will happen next. He is low. "Is it difficult for you?"

Xia Wei’s face still flashed a touch of angry color. “When I sent the pizza to them, they said that as long as I drank the glass of wine in their hands, I signed the bill. I was very poor at the time. I promised to drink the glass of wine, and they signed the order."

Is there a problem with that glass of wine? "Ise's handsome face is not tight."

Yes, the glass of wine was prescribed. When I just came out, I was stopped by them. Let me play with them. I felt that I had already drank something and ran up. At that time, I saw the stairs. Seeing that there is a way to run, dizzy, then I will..." Xia Yan looked up, some shy looking at the opposite man, "I ran into the room where you rested, locked the door." ”

Isi flashed a smile at the bottom of my eyes. "I didn't know that someone came in at that time!"

My head is very dizzy, my body is very hot, I didn't turn on the light, but I know there is a bed, I want to lie down and rest in the past, then..." Xia Yan said, and there was a blush on the pretty face. "We will ...together. ”

Isi looked at her lovely expression. His slender hand reached over and held her hand on the table. He lowered his voice and said, "Xia Yan, I will be responsible for you." Summer

He looked at him. At this moment, I heard this sentence. The nightmare of six years ago really had a feeling of being eliminated from the heart. She was very pleased. He would say this.

However, she smiled and gathered her long hair. "Say, it seems that I am the person responsible for it!"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Xia Wei still grinned and giggled, as if he had slept him, and became her achievement.

Isi also screamed and smiled at her. "Okay, then I want you to be responsible."

This time, Xia Wei’s smile was a little bit stunned. She bit her red lips. “How do you want me to be responsible!”

The dark blue eyes of the west are dark and deep in the dim light. "I want you."

This sentence can express his thoughts more than any word. summer

Hey, shy, holding a palm, holding his face, cute like a child.

Also because she drank half a glass of red wine, she was also a little drunk. "

Will your parents accept me? "Xia Yan looked up and she was worried about this."

Isi smiled and looked at her. "Reassured, I don't know how long my parents are getting married. They can't wait to have a daughter-in-law. If you have two grandchildren, I don't know what they will be happy." summer

One by one, looking at the beautiful appearance of Isey at the moment, she was thinking, six years ago, when he was young, he was a handsome boy.

Sure enough, she seems to have earned it!

"Really?" Xia blinked, and some shocked. "

Really, my mother is someone from your country, and my parents don’t have the idea to be such a person. They are very easygoing people. ”

Xia Wei looked at Isi, he can think that his parents must be very warm and very good people, otherwise, how can we educate such a gentle and courteous child. "

Xia Wei, marry me, let us give the child a complete home. Isi took her hand and suddenly got up and picked up a rose on the table, kneeling on one knee and proposing to Xia.

Xia Wei was directly stunned. She licked her red lips and was completely confused. No, she was so excited and overwhelmed that she was asked by this man. Yi

What I thought of, I smiled again. "Wait for me."

Xia Wei watched him get back into his bedroom and entered his cloakroom. Xia Wei took a deep breath and his face was so hot that he could cook the eggs. There was still some panic in his heart.

At this time, she saw that Isi had something hidden behind her, so that he was kneeling again, and the ceremony held one of her hands solemnly. He lifted his head slightly, and his deep eyes were full of deep affection. Xia Wei, marry me."

At this time, his other hand took out, and there was a diamond ring for marriage proposal. The diamond ring that was quietly placed in the cashmere box, under the light, flashed with colorful light, very beautiful, also looked very expensive.

Xia Wei was really panicked and looked at Yixi. She couldn’t think of rejecting him. No, she couldn’t bear to reject him. when

Of course, this man’s eyes simply cannot allow her to refuse! Because it is too deep and charming, like the sea, let her deeply lie in it, can not extricate themselves. she was

The eyes were hot and the tears rushed, and she put the hand with the red lips slowly in front of him, and she nodded. Yi

The light of the surprise of the West rushed in the eyes. He suddenly kissed him with a sincere kiss and fell on the back of her beautiful hand. When Xia Wei was stunned, he took the diamond ring and put it on the ring finger of her left hand.

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