President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 158: Miss Huo Jia

Chapter 158 Miss Huo Jia

Cheng Haoyue’s eyes were wet. She was too stupid. She believed that Lu Junxuan had lied to her and said that her father’s death was an accident. At that time, he did not stand up and suspected Lu Hai, he screamed for his father, and certainly did not want to make a living, and did not want to lose. In the end, she trusted his feelings. In the end, she was deceived into the fact that she had just inherited his father’s equity and transferred to his name to become the president of the Lu’s group.

Gong Yeyue got up to her side, Cheng Haoyue was immersed in his father's affairs, and did not find it for a while. When she saw the opposite seat empty, she turned back. The palace night squatted on the table with one hand and leaned over her back. Staring at her.

The teardrop that Cheng Haoyue’s eyes were forbearing, even when he touched his deep and gentle eyes, he fell down without compromising, slipping down her cheek and falling on her chin.

At the end of the palace, a little breath, he couldn't help but wipe the tears of her chin, and gaze at her delicate little face. She reached for the back of her head and put her face into his back. In the arms.

Cheng Haoyue sat, his face stuck on his abdomen, and the next tears were sucked away by his clothes. The palace night stroking her hair, and for a while, she pulled her up. "Don't cry."

Cheng Haoyue nodded, sucked his nose like a child, and took paper to wipe his eyes.

The palace night owl feels the position of the abdomen, and the clothes that her tears moisten are not cool, but rather the heat.

At this time, the waiter just knocked on the door and put the dishes together. Cheng Haoyue looked at the dishes on the table with tears in his eyes. This man actually saved her money.

Gong Gong night is an elegant chopsticks, looking at the opposite woman, comforted, "Do not think about anything, eat with me."

The man’s words are like orders. Cheng Haoyue had to pick up chopsticks to accompany him.

After dinner, I picked up the child together, and Gong Yee sent her back to the company.

Palace house.

The palace father sat in the chair of the Taishi, with a table of snacks in front, as if waiting for the guests.

After a while, the housekeeper rushed over. "Father, the father of Huojia and Miss Huo arrived, and the car just arrived at the door!"

"Then please ask them to come in!" The old man of the palace waved.

"Yes, I will go now." The butler finished, and immediately strode out to go.

I saw a man in his early 70s carrying a tall and charming girl and got out of the car. The girl was beautiful and beautiful, and she was beautiful and beautiful. She gave her a beautiful lady's style. At this moment, she was beautiful. Looking forward, the excitement in her heart was revealed in her eyes, but she did not expect that she could accompany her grandfather to the palace to be a guest.

Is the palace night at home? The girl’s heart immediately rushed to a layer of hunger, and her mind flashed the charming figure of the palace night, and the heart of the lake swayed.

I would like to ask the lady of the domestic giant family, who does not know the palace night? The incumbent heir of the palace, the identity is stable, the absolute future of the palace owner.

The identity is naturally open, but his people are definitely worthy of any woman who dumps him. Although he can't see him personally, his few photographs of the airport are enough to make women scream.

Huo Weiran has seen one of them, a black suit, tall and neat, out of the VIP channel surrounded by a group of bodyguards, between the steps, are the king's style, at that moment, her heart is captured by him. It is.

She has never been so mad at a man, although she also wants to create opportunities to meet him, but the palace night is not sure, and if it is not an important dinner, he will not show up, mysterious, Low-key, elusive.

She received a call from Grandpa yesterday. She said that she was a guest at the palace and let her stay with her. She quickly rushed back from abroad, but she couldn’t understand why Grandpa suddenly let her come to the palace.

Huojia has always been a scholarly family. The family has used a hard relationship in the political and business circles, and she is a jewel of the Huojia father, the most loved granddaughter, the father is a business, the mother is a first-class actor, and she is also Graduated from a prestigious school, he has also established a wedding brand. Although he is young, he is very thoughtful.

"Grandpa..." Huo Haoran reached out and took his grandfather's arm, smiling sweetly.

"Well, I will see the palace father in a while, and I want to perform better."

"Well, I will definitely perform well." Huo Weiran's heart was filled with excitement, she thought, the palace father has no reason to see himself, unless...

Did the palace father look at her?

In a nervous and stirring mood, I walked into the hall of the palace and passed the threshold. I saw the main seat of the main hall sitting on a good-hearted father, the father of the palace.

"The old man of the palace, I have seen it for a long time." Huo’s father held a fist and praised it.

"Huo Laodi, it is true that some days have disappeared, and it is still so refreshing."

"Nothing is stronger than your brother's body."

The two old men were joking and laughing, and at this time, the eyes of the old man of the palace fell on the girl in the dignified dress next to him. "This is your granddaughter, Miss Huo Junran!"

"Yes! This is my granddaughter, I am twenty-four years old this year."

"I remember when her parents got married, I went to the wedding. I didn't expect that, in a blink of an eye, the children are so big, and they are so beautiful, it's beautiful!"

"I have seen Grandpa Palace." Huo Haoran immediately politely said.

"It's a polite, good boy." The old man looked at her and nodded with satisfaction.

Huo Weiran immediately shy smile, a pair of water squatting around, thinking about whether the palace night owl will appear here?

The two fathers started chatting. Huo Weiran sat patiently and listened. The palace father looked at her several times and found no trouble with her. This made him more satisfied with her. Yes, this is Huo, That is, he is the most satisfied one among the many ladies.

Coupled with his friendship with Huo Laozi when he was young, and Huo’s relationship with the political and business circles that are now intertwined in the country, the two can be married to each other. This is indeed a good thing that everyone is happy.

C. An old man sat for two hours of chatting. Although Huo Ranran was anxious to see the palace nightingale, on the surface, he still listened very seriously. She also experienced a lot of things, so in dealing with this, It looks calm and elegant.

"Hey! Why didn't you see your grandson? I haven't seen him for many years!" Master Huo was an active question.

"Nights are busy with the company recently, this time should be in the company!" Grandpa smiled.

Aside from Huo’s heart, he is not here. Is he not here?

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