President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1690: Xia Wei’s departure

Xia Xi’s lower body, reaching out and trying to get rid of the debris, she did not know why she was going to squat, knowing that it was useless, but she wanted to touch her efforts these days. and

At this moment, her finger abdomen painful, she raised her finger, was cut, deep mouth is a little deep, blood dripping, but Xia Wei does not feel pain.

"Sister, your hand is bleeding." Su Shi saw it, shouted in fear, reached for the paper, and some of them panicked for her.

Xia Wei just looked at the fragments of the ground, and she sighed and said to Su Shi, "Let's go back!"

At this time, Ava couldn't help but say, "Would you like to let go of such a big scorpion? You should apologize to Mrs. Fran."

Xia Yan looked up at her. "What should I do?"

At this moment, Ava looked at her with some condescending. "Forget it, you will apologize, and you will not be able to return to the good feelings of Mrs. Fulan. You should not appear in front of her, and make her angry."

The sly face is also full of failure, there is a feeling that it is suddenly denied, and all emotions have fallen to the bottom. Now

This is the case with Xia Wei in the future. Maybe it will be too big to be disappointed. Ai

The baby said behind her, "Xia Xi, you are not suitable to stay in the company, you are interested, or just leave!"

Miss Ava, how can you do this at this time? Su Shi couldn’t help but sigh for Xia Wei.

The baby groaned and said coldly, "How? I made a mistake? Losing our big guest, she still doesn't know how much to drive away! Our original guests are all top-level people, not by Selling and making money."

This sentence of the baby is said to Xia Wei, she is going to add another foot, stepping on the dignity of Xia Wei, stepping on her, can no longer lift her head to be a man, best, roll away from her s country. summer

Holding her lip tightly, at the moment, what appeared in her mind was the face that Isi had absolutely trusted for her. His eyes, at this moment, she had a sense of frustration in his face.

At the moment, Xia Wei, who had just been hit, had negative thoughts in her heart, and with Ava’s words, she really had self-doubt. This

She was the perfume industry, the most failed one. She was crushed by her guests in public, and she was so painful and angry. "

Xia Wei, leaving Shifen International, I believe that this thing will be well known soon. At that time, you have ruined the reputation of our company. Are you sure you can bear the consequences? "Ava's voice is behind her, and it sounds cold."

At this moment, Xia Zhen really had no face to stay any longer. She turned back to Ava. "Well, you told me aaron for me. I automatically left. This is my personal event today, and it has nothing to do with the company."

Sister, don't go. Su Shi couldn't help but pull her hand.

Xia Yu Chao Su smiled at the lips, "Su Hao, thank you for accompanying these days, you and Su Shi go back! I am alone."

At the end, Xia Wei strode away. Ai

The baby also stopped Su Shi, "Su Shi, are you leaving the company?"

Su Shi certainly wants to stay, she had to shake her head, "I want to stay."

Ava hung her arms and warned Su Shi. "You don't tell me this time, let me know."

Su Shi nodded, she just felt bad summer. Ai

The baby returned to the company with Su Shi, and Xia Wei’s car drove aimlessly in one direction. When she was out for a while, she tiredly parked her car, and she hung her arms around the steering wheel. In her mind, it was all the disappointing eyes of Mrs. Fran, which made her eyes wet and instantly, and produced deep self-doubt.

Ava also returned to the office with Su Shi. She reported this to Aaron in the first time. After listening to Aaron, she was also unbelievable. Xia Wei’s first order would end like this. . "

What about summer? how is she? Aaron is still concerned about Xia Wei’s emotions.

The baby immediately yelled at Aaron. "What do you care about for a loser? Now you shouldn't care about how to save Mrs. Fran's big guest?"

This thing has to let you know. "Aaron said that he wanted to get a mobile phone."

At this time, Ava came over and held his hand. "Ezei must know that Xia Wei must not stay in the company. Aaron, I want you to send an email immediately to announce the dismissal of Xia Wei. ""

"Ava, what is going on in this matter?" Aaron felt that things were not that simple. Ai

The baby seems to be too purposeful. "

Do as I can! Aaron, let Xia Xi leave the company, I will have a happier life. "After finishing, Ava kissed him on the side of his face. "It was for me, let Xia Hao leave." ”

Aaron sighed. He sat down, turned on the computer, and began to write an email announcing that Xia Wei had left Shifen International.

Su Shi did not mention this matter, but Ava turned to tell her assistant, her two assistants cooperated very well, and almost everything that Xia Yu suffered in Mrs. Everyone knows. Standing

That is to say, in the company, when we talked about Xia Wei, there was only ridicule and irony in the eyes.

Ava holding a cup of coffee in her hand and passing through the hallway can hear the voice of the Quartet. She is satisfied with the corners of her mouth. Finally, Xia Wei leaves Shifen International and will never be hired again. on

It is useless to count Yixi for her pleading because her reputation in the company has been corrupted.

Where is Xia Wei at the moment?

She was driving the car without a trace, and she didn't know where to go. She just wanted to escape and flee to a place to quiet.

The place where her fingers were scratched was only stuck with paper, and the paper towels were mixed with blood, and the wound was somewhat deep. can

She doesn't care about this wound at all, which is probably the worst time in her career. Ai

The baby obviously felt that this was not enough. She felt that she still needed to do something more. She opened the phone of Mrs. Fulan’s assistant. "

Hey! You are satisfied with this effect! I am miserable and need to wait for an angry boss. "The assistant still complained."

Rest assured, I will not treat you badly, I will have a new bottle coming out next month, I will send you a bottle for free, but you have to do something for me. ""

what? ""

You can pretend that this designer is in the face of Mrs. Fran, and it is best to let Mrs. Fran hear her name and hate it. ”

"You can rest assured that you don't have to say that my wife's mood is so bad at this moment, you should not underestimate her hatred of rosemary."

Ava heard this sentence, and the corner of her mouth was hooked. "Then I will be relieved." Su

Sitting in the office, she was also worried about the summer when she was depressed. However, Ava ordered her not to tell Isi. In fact, her little assistant could not contact Isi. Asian

Because of this matter, Lun also needs to consider how to represent the company to apologize to Mrs. Fulan and to save the lady as much as possible.

Mrs. Fran’s influence in the upper class is very large, and the perfume is mostly used for women. Therefore, once this group is shaken, the company’s reputation may have plummeted. Asian

Lun did not expect that Xia Wei’s order would make such a big mistake. However, Mrs. Fran never mentioned that she hated Rosemary. This can only be said to be their negligence. Guest preferences. positive

In Isi, in the office of the parliament hall, he was sitting in a formal dress, with coffee next to him. He was checking the mail, and he was stunned by a mail that was not in politics. that

It was an email sent by Aaron. It happened that he and Aaron would use this mailbox to contact him. I saw Aaron’s email headline, the handwriting of the staff.

Isi couldn't help but reach in and saw Aaron in the mail about the incident of Xia Wei's departure. Yi

West's handsome face slammed, while the heartstrings were tight, and quickly picked up the phone and unplugged Aaron's number.

That end Aaron also immediately picked up, "Hey! Your Excellency."

"What happened to Xia Wei’s departure?" Yixi’s voice was hard to hide.

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