President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1692: Selfish Ava

Xia Wei is sitting in the car. She feels that this matter should not end with her departure. She is doing something wrong. She is willing to accept the consequences. However, Ava’s practice of satisfying the interests of the company and disregarding the interests of the company is also To pay her price. "

Isis, I want to go back to the company to handle one thing. "Xia Yu Qiu Dao.

"What?" Isi cares.

"In the perfume that I just started to make, I also added the rosemary that Mrs. Fran’s most hate is, but it is only a small amount, as a supplement to the later adjustment, but I received a copy half a month ago. Mail, the email said, Mrs. Fran's favorite aroma is rosemary, so I changed the formula and set the rosemary as the main theme. Originally, rosemary is not the most of Mrs. Love, but she hates it the most."

Isey’s face slammed a bit, "Who sent you an email?"

"Who sent it to me, I don't know, but Aaron's mailbox sent it out, but I don't think it will be him." Xia Yu said affirmatively. Yi

West twisted his eyebrows. "Aaron has been in the company for ten years. It is one of my mother's most trusted people. He has a 5 percent stake in the company. He should not ignore the company's interests."

I suspect that someone secretly used his email address to send me a message, because only Aaron’s information, I will follow it. " Xia Wei is also determined not to Aaron, but one person can't escape the suspicion, that is Ava.

Isi’s face flashed a sigh of anger. “I’m going to have a look, who in the company dares to harm you, I have to find out this thing, and you are innocent.” Summer

There was a grateful gratitude inside, and she nodded. "Well."

In the company, Aaron arrived at Ava's office after receiving a call from Xia Wei. Aiwa went out to have a coffee party with friends at this time. Aaron got through her phone and let her go back to the company immediately.

When Ava heard his tone was wrong, he quickly rushed to the company from the coffee shop in the city center. This was just returned to the door of Aaron's office and was stopped by Aaron's assistant. "

Ava, Aaron is waiting for you in the office. Ai

The baby immediately panicked, and Aaron was on the phone, and she had never been so angry with her.

Did he know this thing, Mrs. Fran? Ai

The baby knocked on Aaron Gate and pushed the door in. I saw Aaron sitting in his position, his face was gloomy, and the eyes that were usually opposite to her tender feelings became angry. "

Aaron, what happened to you? "Ava asked a little scared."

Did you use my computer and send an email to Xia Wei? ""

what? What are you talking about! I didn't do this! "Ava immediately denied that her mail on both sides was deleted and no one could catch her."

Where did you hear that Mrs. Fran’s most hated is rosemary, why is this information, you don’t let Xia Wei avoid it, but also mislead her, let her develop this perfume with rosemary as the main material? Ava, how can you do this? "Aaron’s eyes showed disappointment to her.

Ava couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and bitterly retorted her lips. "I didn't do this, Aaron, you can't marry me."

"Before you came back, I investigated all the monitoring. On the evening of the 25th of last month, we used up the meal. You said that you are tired and want to go home to rest, but you came to the company and sneaked into me. In the office, even if you can't find the email, what you have done, you know very well." After receiving the call from Xia, Aaron understood everything.

Xia Wei’s failure was caused by Ava.

Ava didn't think Aaron had found so much. She immediately stepped forward. A pair of eyes were full of pleading. "Aaron, sorry, don't do this. I don't want to make it like this. I just hate Xia." I hope she will leave here, I promise, I will never do this in the future, I swear to you."

The baby thought that this matter, only Aaron found out, as long as he begged Aaron not to say, this matter will continue to be a secret.

At this moment, Aaron was also disappointed with Ava. In the past, Ava was like a noble goddess in his heart. He had rich perfume techniques, even if he was proud, but he would not fight against anyone, making such a vicious The things, but now Ava's image, in his heart, is also plummeting.

No man likes a woman who is a snake, even if she is perfect, her soul is so ugly. "

You ask me to useless. This thing was discovered by Xia Wei, she should have noticed it. Ai

The face of the baby changed and became a little white. "She knows that I sent the mail? He knows what I did? No, Aaron, you must protect me, I don't want to leave the company, here is my favorite. local."

When Ava was harmed by Xia, she never thought about the consequences. But at this moment, she discovered that the consequences were so serious.

Aaron looked at her flustered look. He seemed to be making a decision. He did love Ava. Even though her favorite is Issy, Aaron’s love is silent, and he even hopes that Ava will marry one day. Give Isi, be the countess. "

Aaron, save me, I really don't want to leave here, I love everything here, I love the work here. "Ava is full of tears, and she is still consuming Aaron’s love for her at the moment.

I sighed and stood up. "You won't leave, Ava, swear to me, you won't do this again."

I swear I won't hurt anyone anymore. Ava immediately swears because she knows that Aaron will save her, and no matter what price he pays, he will save her.

Aaron handed her a piece of paper, and said to her, wipe the tears! The mail thing, I will admit that it is what I did, it has nothing to do with you. ""

Aaron..." Ava’s heart was still touched. Her eyes have always been Yixi. She never put this man who secretly loves her in her eyes. At this moment, she feels that Aaron’s figure seems to suddenly change. Got tall and swelled. She

She even realized her selfishness, but she did not refuse Aaron to pay for her, because her dream is still Isis. ”

Aaron, thank you, I will repay you in the future. Said Ava.

At this moment, Aaron’s assistant knocked on the door. “Aaron, I just saw Lord Count’s car parked in the parking lot. He came back with Xia Wei.”

Ava scared her face immediately and looked at Aaron. She was afraid that Aaron would not protect her.

Love sometimes makes one person ignorant, and at the same time, once awake, this love disappears. this

Engraved, Aaron looked at Ava, he was soberly aware that he would not love this woman anymore, this is the last thing he can do for her.

Aaron stepped out of the door and behind him, Ava blinked and forced her tears back. Now, with Aaron being sinned, she will protect her perfect image in front of Isey. Yi

After getting off the bus, Xi took the hand of Xia Wei directly in the corridor of the company. At this moment, the reputation of Xia Yubo in the company was already unbearable. Everyone knew her joke. can

It was at this moment, watching her return to the company, but no employee dared to talk about her behind, because it was Yixi who took her.

Isi’s eyes fell softly on her from time to time, as if Xia Wei was his most cherished person.

At this moment, all the female employees' eyes are jealous of Xia Wei, but they don't know a person who made this mistake, and can Isi like it?

Isi took the summer Xiagang stepping down the elevator and saw Aaron greeted with an assistant.

Isi took Xia Xi to him in front of him and asked him directly. "Where is Ava?"

Ava had just left the office door at the moment, and she couldn’t help but hear the question from Isi in the corridor. She immediately frightened and hid back, secretly approaching the door and trying to overhear the words. "

Master, are you looking for Ava? Aaron asked calmly.

I want to see her. "Isi's voice, with his usual anger, his beauty is not warm, but become cold and majestic.

Aaron’s eyes looked at Xia Wei, who was led by him. He suddenly apologized to the summer bowl. “Xia Hao, sorry, all this is my fault. I made your work fail this time. I let You are angry with Mrs. Fran, I apologize to you." Summer

Kneeling, she looked at Aaron and replied directly. "I know that this is not what you did, or let the person who should bear the responsibility to explain everything!"

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