President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1694: Feel his love

And with such a fair and beautiful boss, they naturally respect it. even

Isi was gentle on the shoulders of Xia Wei and cast a touch of praise.

After listening to Ava, I felt the pressure around me. I saw that the employees looked at her with a joke, and she knew how much her sense of superiority was annoying. this

Engraved, Isi angry sweeps to Aaron, the voice is low and majestic, "Aaron, my mother trusts you so much, how do you return my Herfan family? I want to know the truth."

At this moment, Aaron was silent. He just sighed and shook his head. and

At this time, Ava calmed down for a few seconds, turned around, and thought of Aaron helping her, but the assistant around Aaron suddenly made a loud voice. "Not Aaron did, I can testify."

As the assistant followed Aaron, she also had a respect for Aaron. She did not want her favorite boss to suffer. Ai

The baby turned to stare at the assistant. "What are you talking about?"

At this moment, the assistant is not afraid of everything. She stands out. "Ava, when you asked Aaron to plead guilty for you in the office, I just stole it outside the door, so I can testify. You are the one who is framed by Xia Wei. You use Aaron’s likes to you and let him admit it. You are too selfish."

you shut up. "Ava at the moment, of course, still want to stay in the company, she does not want to leave, she looked at Aaron," Aaron, you talk. Ya

At this moment, I was really tired of coping with all this. He looked at Isis. "I am sorry, I am disappointed. I will pack up and leave the company immediately."

When she looked at Aaron and didn't help her, she immediately slammed her foot. "Aaron, don't leave."

But Aaron has left with his assistant. Ai

The baby was flustered. Just though Aaron did not personally admit it, he was already advising Isi. "

Ava, you are too disappointing. From this moment on, you will not be an employee of Shifen International, not even my islander. I will let the Herfan family remove the qualifications of you and your family. "Isis's voice, the sound of the earth, shows the majesty of his Earl of Herván.

Ava’s eyes are widened directly, remove the island of Herfan? It was a great honour to be born there, and now she is no longer qualified to live? "No, Isis, you can't do that." Ava is scared, she feels like she has been exiled. Ai

This time, the behavior of the baby has made Isi really disgusted with her. He said coldly, "This is my order, you better hear it clearly."

His voice, even a trace of feelings. Ai

The baby fell to the ground and all her sense of superiority was ruthlessly deprived by Isi at this moment.

She looked up at Isi, but found that his cold and ruthless eyes, when they fell back on Xia Wei, instantly warmed up, love appeared.

At this moment, she really can't cry too late, she has a very helpless feeling. Yi

Xi took the hand of Xia Wei, and when they went to those employees, the employees were automatically squatting, full of respect and blessing.

Xia Wei and an employee looked at each other. The female employee showed her respectful color to her. Xia Wei’s heart stunned. She didn’t realize that she had just dealt with Ava’s words and let her get it. Everyone here is respected.

"Isi... don't drive me away." Ava fell to the ground and the whole person was frustrated.

At this moment, she drove away her love, and she did not get her love. She was like a poor and hateful person, no one would sympathize with her.

Everything about her is self-confident.

Other employees taunted her and glanced at it. Ava’s assistant didn’t dare, but had to get close to her. “Ava, get up!”

Ava waved her hand to help her, "Get out!"

Ava’s assistant immediately took a look. As she thought, there was no need to wait for her, because she was also fed up with Ava’s call and contempt. She helped the glasses, “Ava, when did you leave the company? I don't think there is any place for you here."

"You... even dare you talk to me like this?" Ava looked at the assistant in anger.

The assistant sneered and said, "How can I talk to you? Miss Ava, you are not the deputy director of Shifen International."

After that, the assistant turned and left.

Ava finally understood what it was like to be looked down upon. Asian

Lun was packing things, and at this time, his landline phone rang, and he reached out and picked it up. "Hey!"

"Aaron, stay here!" The voice of Isai came.

The surprise of Aaron’s eyes still flashed. He didn’t have a face to stay, but let him abandon this job, he was also very reluctant.

"Hello, thank you, thank you for forgiving me." Aaron sighed. "

No, forgive you is not me, it is Xia Wei, you should thank her. "Isey's voice is still a little cold.

"Thank you for Xia Wei." At this moment, Aaron was more self-blaming.

Xia Wei was sitting in Yixi’s car. She didn’t expect so many things to happen in the day. The window was already at sunset. The children were sent back to the aunt’s house by his bodyguard. At this moment, I can relax. .

"Why forgive Aaron?" Isey looked back at her, he was very angry.

Xia Yan smiled. "You said that she is the most trusted person of your mother. I believe that Aaron was also blindfolded by love and used by Ava. His nature should not be bad."

I don't want to let Aaron leave because of this matter, because Shifen International needs him.

"Aaron has performed well in the past ten years. He is very hardworking and loyal to the company. It is indeed a good subordinate." Isi nodded.

Xia Wei was a little tired and screamed. "Tomorrow, I am going to apologize to Mrs. Fulan, whether she will forgive me."

"I will accompany you." Isi groaned. summer

He immediately turned to look at him and refused. "No, you can't accompany me."

"Why?" Isey was determined to go.

"Your identity is not suitable, you are a distinguished count, you should not accompany me to apologize."

"Oh! Then I said, I am going to be the boss of Shifen International tomorrow? Or, as you as a man, you can go with you." Isi smiled charmingly. summer

At a glance, there was a bit of a word in the blink of an eye, but her heart was sweet. Take

What is the identity of her man? "

You really have to go! "Xia Wei did ask a question."

Ok! I will accompany you, I will be by your side no matter what happens in the future. "Isi's voice is affectionate."

Xia Wei’s eyes are stunned. Today, she has suffered the worst emotions and met the happiest emotions. It is worth it.

"Isi...Thank you." Xia Wei couldn't think of anything else. Yi

Xixi looked at her and looked at her sideways. "I hope to hear other words."

Uh? what! " Xia Xi is puzzled."

"For example, Isey, I love you, Isey, I like you." Isey taught her.

Xia Wei’s pretty face is immediately blushing. She is really not good at expressing confession to men. Just like I love you, she is even more shy.

Isey seemed to be waiting, lazily holding the steering wheel, looking at her from time to time, looking forward to her confession.

Xia Wei couldn't help but secretly courage. She bit her red lips and brewed it. Finally, she looked at the man around me and whispered, "Isi, I... I love you."

I have some oysters, but Isey is also satisfied. he

I think, she will slowly become proficient in expressing this sentence to him, and then give her more time to practice! "

I love you too, Xia Wei! "Isi also gave back this sentence to her. Summer

Thinking about his words in front of Ava, he loves her more than she loves him.

"Isi, what do you love me?" Although Xia Wei is stupid, but he wants to ask again. Yi

West's car gracefully parked next to the sea, his eyes staring at her with deep gaze, he almost didn't have to think about this question, he knew how to answer her.

"Xia Xi, I love you, whether it is your strengths, weaknesses, or deficiencies, I love everything about you."

But I... I deserve your love? If you want children, I decided now, you can take them away..." Xia blinked and she understood that even if she returned the children to him, she would be willing because he was a good father. She does not want him to choose her because of the children.

Yixi understood, his handsome face was anxious in an instant, he reached out and held her hand. "Xia Xi, you and the children, I want, I don't love you because of the children, but I am already there. Six years ago, I was attracted by the aroma of your body, and I have been thinking about it until now. I believe that you are the one I have been looking for in my life."

Xia Yan blinked, so to say, it was the grandmother who gave her the fate, let him smell the medicinal fragrance of her body six years ago, and found her again. "

Really not because of the children? "Xia Wei did ask, don't want to wrong him!"

He is so noble and charming, handsome and handsome, he deserves a better woman. Yi

Xi really didn't know how to make her believe, but at this moment, the sunset outside the window was charming, and the woman who looked at it was more attractive.

He leaned over, Xia Wei's heartbeat, the back of the brain has buckled the palm, brought her to the man, and she snorted, watching his **** lips sticking over. Yi

West looked at her and kissed her eyes and squinted. He smiled softly. "Close your eyes and feel my love for you."

Xia Wei was so shy that he quickly closed his eyes, and the man was really gentle.

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