President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1698: See the clouds

"What? Mr. Count? You are not mistaken!" The female assistant at the end was also surprised.

"Absolutely, he is the honorable Count of Hervan, our country, I know him." The front desk lady decided.

"Okay! I will inform my wife."

After that, the assistant quickly got up from the position, knocked on the door of Mrs. Fran, and then pushed the door in. Inside, Mrs. Fulan was talking with the two men, watching the assistant who rushed in, and his face sank. "You just got Come? Don't know the rules?"

"Mrs, I am sorry, there is only one important guest waiting to see you in the hall. I am afraid I will not be offended."

"What guest? Have you made an appointment?" Mrs. Fran is still not happy. "

The one who came to see you at the front desk was a countess, the Earl of Herfan. "The assistant is very respectful."

Fran’s face changed and he stood up in shock. “What? Earl of Herfan?”

For a member of the upper class, how can you not know about the big guys in politics? Although Mrs. Fran did not know why the count came to see her, she knew that she could not be slow. "

You hurry and ask the guest to come up. Fran’s assistant ordered a sentence.

The assistant hurriedly pushed the door out and ran to the direction of the elevator. and

The assistant was the one that Ava bought. At this moment, she finished the whole clothes and hair in the elevator. When she heard that she wanted to be the Lord of the country, how could she not think about it?

She also hopes that she can get a good image in front of the count, and maybe she still has a chance to know him. This

As soon as the assistant came out of the elevator door, he looked around in the hall and his eyes fell on Isi's body. He just sat there, and the aristocratic atmosphere that was scattered around him seemed like a dazzling light, which was negligible. Of course

However, when the assistant's gaze saw the woman next to Isis, her face changed directly, and it was extremely shocking.

How is the Lord of the Earl, sitting next to the perfumer yesterday?

The front desk immediately greeted me and headed for Isi and Xia Wei. "This is our wife's personal assistant. She is led by two."

Xi and Xia Dao stood up, the assistant did not dare to make a gesture of please, "Lord Earl, please, here, our lady is waiting for you."

After that, the assistant also noticed that Xia Wei was coming with Yixi. She couldn’t help but tempted a smile. "Miss Xia Wei, are you together?"

Nodded, "Yes, we are together."

The female assistant was shocked. Xia Wei was actually accompanied by the Earl of the Lord to come to the company? What is her identity? Why did Ava count her?

The assistant’s heart was a little uneasy, and she must have a copy of this matter.

Just stepping down the elevator, Mrs. Fran personally greeted Isey at the elevator door and the elevator door opened. From

The young count who stepped out of the elevator made Mrs. Fran feel respectful and honored. However, soon, Mrs. Fran also noticed the existence of Xi Xi of Yixi. she was

The face was slightly erroneous for a few seconds, but she was still passionately shaking hands with Isey.

"I am very honored to have you come."

"Madam, I am bothered. I am here to accompany my fiancée to apologize to you." Isi also directly explained the intention. not

The three words of the wife, both Mrs. Fran and her assistant were shocked. Their eyes looked at Xia Wei consistently. I could not believe that the young perfumer turned out to be the fiancée of Isi, the future countess. summer

Her heartstrings were also tense. She did not expect Yixi to give her a long face and gave her fiancé status directly. However, her heart was still sweet. "

Madam, I sincerely apologize to you. It is my fault for this perfume mistake. I am willing to do everything to compensate you for your loss. "Xia Yu’s sincere sincerity, Madame Fulan.

If Xia Wei came alone, Mrs. Fran would never see her again, let alone give her a chance to apologize? can

At this moment, Xia Wei’s identity was suddenly extremely noble, and even Mrs. Fran had to give her face.

"Miss Xia is very polite, yesterday's thing, I was too impulsive, did not scare you!" Mrs. Fulan also had some regrets, the young girl who did not expect to perfume her, turned out to be Isis's fiancee. "

Madam, this thing has another hidden point, we hope to talk to you. "Isi wants to wash away Xia's mistakes this time. Although the mistake is caused, the loss will be lost, and he is willing to pay, but he wants to clean up Xia Wei's reputation."

"Okay, please, please." Mrs. Fran immediately greeted them into her office. Yi

After Xi and Xia Xi sat down, Fran asked the assistant to send a coffee reception. She looked at Xia Wei and instead apologized again.

"Miss Xia, I was so sorry last night that I was rude. It is also my personal reason. I have a great hatred for Rosemary. Therefore, please understand." Mrs. Fran also hopes that Xia Wei will not take revenge. summer

He shook his head and smiled. "It’s me who apologizes, madam, I am sorry."

Yixi is out of the air. "Shifen International is the perfume company run by my mother. I am also the boss of the company. We are willing to pay compensation for the loss caused by our company to my wife."

Mrs. Lan’s glimpse, Shifen International has always been famous, and in the upper class is also a luxury brand in the perfume industry, but the identity of the founder is very mysterious. At this moment, she knows that Shifen International is the former countess’s company. "

No, I have no loss, no compensation. "Fran made a wave."

"This summer's original recipe is not based on rosemary. However, because some people in our company are trapped in her, she misunderstood that her wife loves rosemary and will increase the weight. The bottle of perfume will bring you pain." Isi explained calmly.

Mrs. Fran’s glance, “What? Who gave you this wrong message?”

"It is another perfumer of our company, that is, the lady I have seen you yesterday, and now she has left." Isi started. Fu

Mrs. Lan’s eyes flashed complicated and puzzled, she muttered. “How does she know that I hate rosemary?”

Isi groaned. "We don't know this. Maybe where is the lady revealing this information!"

"No, I hate rosemary because my ex-husband's lover loves this aroma, so it becomes one of my most disgusting aromas. No one knows except for my close people. "Mrs. Fran is a very keen person. She immediately looks up and looks out the door, as if she knows who it is." "

Mrs. Xia has always been very respectful to you. During her perfume development, she has been reading your autobiography to understand you more. She sincerely hopes to develop a perfume that will satisfy you. "Isi language has a distressed color to Xia.

When Mrs. Lan looked at the summer bowl, she suddenly fell in love. It seems that because of her reasons, she suffered her anger. "

Madam, I really admire you. In your autobiography, I saw your success and your hard work step by step. You are a strong and great person. "Xia Yu also has the opportunity to express her respectful words to her.

Mrs. Lan immediately laughed, and she also liked Xia Yu in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I hate Rosemary. This thing makes people use it, which leads me to make you a big temper. I know your company's Ava. How did you get to know this?"

"Madam, you know?" Xia was surprised.

At this time, Mrs. Fran went to the elevator and dialed a string of inside lines. She said to the other side, "Come in."

Her personal assistant pushed her door in. She thought that she had something to ask for her service.

"Madam, what do you have to order?"

Rachel, you are fired. "Mrs. Fran's eyes are cold and angry.

The assistant immediately groaned and shocked. "Madam, what am I doing wrong?"

You betrayed my personal information, causing me and Miss Xia to be hurt at the same time, and you are not worthy of being my assistant. ""

I... I don't have it. Rachel is still thinking about saving his own career.

Mrs. Lan sneered sneerly. "You have had a high-grade perfume that I have not heard before half a month ago. It is not necessarily bought with money. I believe that Miss Ava gave it to you." You underestimated my sensitivity to perfume."

The Rachel immediately had nothing to say, his face was red, and in front of Mrs. Fran, she panicked. "

Sorry, madam, I am wrong. "summer

He and Isi looked at each other, it seems that Mrs. Fran will not care about this matter anymore. summer

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

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