President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1724: Isey's wrist

However, what he did not know was that his phone had been monitored, and even this plan became a big trap for the squirrel. Yi

Xi Shen was cold and his face, under the shadow, his dark blue eyes were extraordinarily cold and dark and angered. Yi

The west team departed from the city in an orderly manner, passing through the sealed roads and heading straight for a road outside the city center. he

The team was very conspicuous and was escorted by four black armored vehicles. The front road was opened by eight police officers, and a black long Rolls Royce was driving smoothly.

The strict glass window rejected all visits from the outside world.

Leber also rushed to his car, this good show, he can not miss, he must first determine whether Isis died.

Isey’s cell phone rang, and he reached out and picked it up. “Your, the plan is in the process of implementation. After an hour, the gangsters will all be arrested.”

"Good! Do what you should do." Isi lowered his command. This

The second Leber and the wealthy businessman behind him used the team they attacked to assassinate him. This time, they could just be wiped out. along

On the road to a tight forest in the town, a group of people have been ambushed. They are well equipped and have very advanced weapons, waiting for a team that is slowly coming here. Of course

However, this group of people did not know that in the area outside their kilometer, they had already surrounded a circle of troops, and they waited quietly for orders. positive

The gangsters who watched along the road were also excited because they are about to do a big thing today. Perhaps their nature is a killing person. Because of several cases of members, they are easily escaped and have a sense of accomplishment.

This time, what they want to kill is actually the Earl of Herfan, a big man who is second only to the President. How can their hearts not be excited? If it succeeds, it is a big event that they can be proud of. car

The team was getting closer and closer to them. When they were only one kilometer, they immediately prepared the equipment and held the ready-to-shoot shooting rocket launcher. Daddy, in the forest not far behind them, suddenly the wind was loud, it was not a sudden natural strong wind, but a circle of military helicopters suddenly soared, 12 military helicopters leapt to their sky, dropped the smoke Bullets, aiming at the place where they ambushed.

The smoke in the forest is so great that the Chadians have no way to breathe, let alone to see the target. In a strong cough, the group of criminals took a few shots and did not prepare to make a great effort. All the agents who are on the verge of all sides are on the ground. One

All the gangsters who had ambushed more than 20 people were all captured, and none of them were missed.

Just behind the team, Leber’s vehicle was behind him. His driver drove an inconspicuous car. At this moment, he looked at the team in front and stopped. He immediately alerted him. However, he I don't know if the arrest of him has already been ambushed.

Only heard a siren, four police cars surrounded his car. Le

Bo did not respond, and the policeman went to the window. He immediately finished the suit and put his colleague's shelf out. He immediately fell cold and fell off the window.

"Do you know who your car is?"

See the police immediately gave him a ceremony, "Liber, please get off."

Bo had not had time to introduce himself. He even heard his name from the police. He immediately changed his face. "What are you doing?"

"Liber, we received orders from our superiors to arrest you. As for the crime, the people above did not say it."

"You... bold, you know my identity, you dare to do this, my lawyer will look for you." After that, Leber was about to close the window and let the driver leave.

However, his car was stopped by the police car, and his driver was pulled down the car, and a police officer was replaced. After opening the door, he was also seated by two civilian police officers, so he was arrested. He returned to the city. Yi

West received a call to plan the victory, he had already arranged all this, just waiting for the truth of this matter. in

In a military law hall, Mr. President received a phone call and the members of the House of Representatives had already heard the hearing. Isi’s figure also came in, young and steady, slender and straight, and he sat in the position next to the president. and

Leber was taken in, and his wealthy businessman Zach had already been brought in. Then, his gang of more than 20 people were all brought in with their hands and feet.

A horror case that wants to break the peace of this country is coming to an end. Le

Bo couldn’t believe it in the direction of Isis. How could they be so carefully planned? Yi

Isn't West also suspecting that this is a foreign attack? However, standing here, they only know that this is the trap that Isi set, they are fooled.

"His President, I have captured the mastermind of a number of cases in which members of the parliament have been attacked. Next, we listen to what they say." Isi was quietly opening his mouth. "

Lord Count, your deaf ability is quite big, we have done nothing, I want to see a lawyer. Leber shouted.

"Standing here, you have lost all the rights. What you can accept is the consequences and punishment for this matter." Isi groaned, cold and majestic. very

Quickly, all the evidence about the incident was put on the table, and there was a phone call from Leber and Zach. On the phone, how did they plan the assassination of Isis, and the previous attacks on parliamentarians? Such evidence is ironclad. The President is also very angry and angry. It turns out that there are people who hurt his country under his eyes. He naturally will not let go.

At this time, Leber and Zach can only recognize the planting. At the same time, they also give a warning to all those who want to steal the rights of Isis. One

Among the days, the case that was detected broke out at six o'clock in the evening and gave the country peace and peace.

Isi took his suit and took the lobby. At this time, the president came over and reached out and patted him. "Isi, I admire you and I am very grateful to you."

This is my responsibility and obligation. Isi smiled and looked at the figure of the president. He cried, "Hello, I have a request." ”

"Oh! Tell me!"

I hope to take a half-month off. "Isi laughed. Total

The lord immediately laughed and nodded. "Okay! I heard that you found someone you love, and when you drink again, don't forget to invite me to participate."

I will never forget yours. Isi nodded and smiled. The president, the president, is also his elder and the leader of growth.

Isi’s assistant Mike immediately came over. “Hello, are you going home?”

Isi nodded. "Go home, someone is waiting for me."

Thinking of the woman who was at home and waiting for him, he would like to converge on all the thoughts and only return to her side. summer

搬 I moved back some information from Aaron today because she didn’t know enough about everything about Shifen International. She hopes to better understand the meaning of this company and lead the company to a more future in the future. glorious future. summer

He is seriously sitting in an elegant study belonging to her, flipping some of the guest programs in his hand.倏

She heard the sound of footsteps outside the door. She thought it was the maid who sent the tea.

However, when the light came in and took a long and straight figure, she immediately put down the work in her hand and greeted the past like a child. Yi

Xi Jian’s arm slammed her and pressed her in her arms. Xia glared at his neck and asked, “Come back, is it busy?”

Although she is somewhat worried about his work every day, she will not always ask him, she believes that he has the ability to handle everything.

"Well! I have done it well." Isi smiled and kissed her. "I also got a half-month holiday. I can accompany you anywhere in this half-month."

He smiled and bent her lips. She was happy that the work in his hand was finished, which meant that the crisis of the attack was also lifted.

"Well! Good! Then we plan to do it!" Xia Wei is also looking forward to it.

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