President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1729: Jane’s end

Yaheng reached out and immediately took the girl holding her own into his arms. His eyes stared at her in amazement. The amber light flashed a bit of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Xu Xiaoyan reached out and held his handsome face, and his eyes seemed to comfort him. "Yan Heng, no matter what you do, I will love you as always."

Yaheng reached out and held her hand, holding it tightly in his hand, and raised a deep doubt in his heart. "Small, you said, what is it that makes you so scared?"

What did you say about bribery? ”

Xu Xiaoyu said, "It’s the video that Jane let me see today, and the video is you."

"I am bribing a senior official in the video?"

Yaheng tightened his sword and looked low.

Xu Xiaoyu nodded and asked him, "Is there such a thing?"

Yaheng thought about it and bribed this kind of thing. He also completely disdain to do it. Besides, there is a relationship between Isai, who needs to bribe?

What's more, his Yaheng never pleads with others to whisper.

"When is Jane showing it to you?

Are you sure that I am in the video? ”

Yaheng’s expression was a little angry.

Xu Xiaowei was slightly wrong. "She showed me this afternoon. It was indeed you and another man in the video. You took out a box with a million dollars."

Xu Xiaoyu looked at Yaheng’s reaction and she is not sure if this is true.

"Hey! I don't think she really knows how to live and die. Even this video dares to fake."

Yaheng bit his teeth and his eyes shot a wrath.

Xu Xiaoyu looked at him with surprise and asked, "Yaheng, isn't you in the video?"

Yaheng looked at her firmly. "I never do this kind of thing, and I don't even do it."

Xu Xiaoying was pleasantly surprised and relaxed. At the same time, she was angry at Jane’s creation of a video to intimidate her. “That’s too much. She’s actually faked you to make a video of you bribing others, so hateful.”

Yaheng’s eyes are also gratified. All her actions just now show her tolerance and deep love for him. Even if he really made such a mistake, she will never give up.

Yaheng stood up and took her in her arms. "Is it scaring you?"

Xu Xiaoying was really scared because she loved him so much, so she had to care about his affairs.

"It's okay, as long as you're fine, I'm at ease."

Xu Xiaoyu looked up, and because of this shock, there were some watery things in his eyes.

Yaheng bowed his head and kissed her in the corner of her eyebrows. "Reassure, she won't bother us anymore."


Xu Xiao blinked, Jane is like a sinister, always by their side, she also wants to let her go.

"Are you sure she has this video?"

"I'm sure that in her ipad, the password is 123456 in her bag."

Xu Xiaolu knows that she has not left Yaheng yet, Jane will not delete the video.

"She used this video to tell me that I will leave you. As long as I have not left you in a day, she will not delete it."

Xu Xiaoyan added a sentence.

Yaheng’s eyes flashed a sigh of anger, and Jane’s behavior was about to touch his limits.

"This woman doesn't know how to be good."

Yaheng said coldly, "I must ask her to pay the price."

"Yaheng, what do I need to do?"

Xu Xiaoyu asked.

"No, you are waiting at home, I am going out."

"where are you going?"

Xu Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

Where can Yaheng go?

Of course, he wants Jane to pay for her behavior.

Yaheng lowered his comfort and said, "Don't worry, I will come back before ten o'clock."

Xu Xiaolu knew that he was going to find Jane. She nodded. "Good! I am waiting for you to come back."

Yaheng picked up the phone and the car key and went out. Xu Xiaoyu also breathed a sigh of relief. She picked up the phone and dialed Xia Wei’s phone. Maybe she can’t go back with them tomorrow. She has to wait for Yaheng.

Jane lives in a villa of her ex-husband who died. Although it is spacious, it is also very deserted. Under such loneliness, her mind has been somewhat distorted. Maybe she feels unfair and regrets. In short, She lives in a dream of having everything better every day.

Even if she has her current life, she is not satisfied. In such a cold night, she only wants one person, Yaheng, that is the konjac she can't put down.

She always remembers the goodness of the past, always thinking that she and Yaheng have a chance.

Just as she was sitting on the sofa with red wine, she heard a car outside the door, and then the doorbell outside her yard rang.

Jane immediately got up in amazement. She went to the video phone and saw what appeared in the video. It was a man she dreamed of and wanted, Yaheng.


Jane was surprised, she excitedly pressed the open button, and she ran out of the door to welcome Yaheng.

I saw that on the road in the garden, Yaheng’s tall and tall figure was under the light, and there was a cold that was difficult to blow away even in the night wind. However, Jane was too excited, she ignored it, and she was full of brains. Yaheng took the initiative to find her, did he suddenly miss her?


Jane’s step was toward him. However, when she was only a few steps away from Yaheng, Yaheng’s long arm extended and the big palm slammed her neck.

The eyes are shining in the light, cold anger.

"Asia... Yaheng!"

Jane’s breathing was immediately difficult, and she could not believe that Yaheng was coming to kill her.

No, Yaheng won't be because she is smudging her own hands. He pushed her to the side with some mercy. He turned toward the gate. "Come in!"

Suddenly, in the dark light outside the door, suddenly a loud alarm, four or five police officers quickly came in.

Jane fell to the ground and looked at Yaheng with a police officer. She was very angry. "Yaheng, what are you doing?"

Yaheng’s gaze is as if he is staring at what he hates most. “You will pay a heavy price for everything you do.”

"I... Xu Xiaoying is a monk."

Jane is a low curse.

"To shut up!"

Ya Heng angered a word.

Jane was so scared that she immediately shrank and wrapped her arms, not dare to speak again.

The policeman rushed into her house and immediately found the ipad from her bag. I found the video inside. Yaheng’s face was dark and ugly. It’s no wonder that Xu Xiaoying would be scared because Jane did find a sum. His pretty man faked him.

"Miss Jane, you were arrested."

The police immediately handed out her handcuffs to her.

Yaheng was not afraid of the evidence in this video. He handed it to the police. "Please find out the man in the video and prove that I am innocent."

"Don't worry! Mr. Yaheng, the members of this video are obviously fake."

The captain of the police saw it with great eyesight.

Jane immediately screamed. "The man in this video is Yaheng. It is him. He bribes others. You should catch him."

Yaheng turned and stared at her coldly. "I thought you got all this. It should be cherished. I didn't expect you to be greedy."

Jane’s face changed instantly, and some shyly lowered her head. Yaheng is still noble and extraordinary, and she, what kind of female madman has lived?

After Yaheng handed it all over to the police, he glanced at the watch and immediately drove toward the home.

He can't let the girl at home wait for him for too long.

Jane once again excavated the grave and turned her own good youth into worthless. Her incident was very serious. It is a big crime to find someone to be a fake member. What's more, Yaheng’s prosecution is also very unrelenting. Jane’s sentence can’t escape for at least a decade.

Xu Xiaoyu had been waiting for Yaheng to come back at home and heard the sound of pushing the door. She immediately turned from the floor-to-ceiling window and watched Yaheng step in. She immediately rushed over, and Yaheng also picked her up and let her sit next to her. On the back of the sofa.

"How is Jane?"

Xu Xiaoyan asked the eyebrows.

"The evidence has been found, my lawyer is working overnight, and Jane will pay a heavy price for her actions."

Yaheng reached out and stroked her back of the head, gently comforting, "Do not worry! You will not see her again within ten years."

Xu Xiaoyan was gently attached to his arms. She was really different, because everyone should be responsible for their own actions. When she planned these vicious incidents, she should think of the consequences.

"I told my cousin that I will not return to China with them tomorrow, I will wait for you."

"Good! We will be able to leave the next afternoon as soon as possible."

Yaheng also wants to accompany her back to China.

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