President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1733: The new boss of Shifen International

After the year, the whole island still has a lively festive atmosphere. Ye Xiaoshi and Langka have been loved and supported on this island. Now, they are also respected by the island name, and there are young counts. And his wife.

The whole island was prepared for the March wedding, and they all used the most beautiful flowers on the island to weave beautiful flowers, making the wedding romantic and fragrant.

In the sixth day of the year, Xia Wei and Isi had to bid farewell to the children for a while, because they had to go back to do their work, Xia Wei also went to take care of Shifen International as the heir to Ye Xiaoshi, she Can not let the mother-in-law disappointed.

Isey also contacted his brother Auston, who would come back on the eve of the wedding, and he was very excited to hear that he had two nephews and couldn’t wait to come back to meet them.

Isi’s plane went straight to an airport in the city center and sat on the plane. Xia Wei slept against Isi for a while and had a dream. In her dream, she and Isi held hands and were respecting the guests’ wine. They were so happy.

In the city center, Isi returned from vacation, and his business was also piled up. He let people return to the castle to rest in the summer, and he might have to stay in the office until the evening.

Xia Wei is not idle. She asked Aaron to give her a list of all the clients in the company. She wants to know these unidentified guests one by one, and this involves too many people on the upper level. Also deal with these aristocrats.

Isey came back a little late, although Xia Wei still wants to sleep, but he has been waiting for him in the bedroom. At about 11 o'clock, he heard a steady footstep outside the door, and Xia Yu was immediately surprised to get out of bed.

Isi’s figure came in, with a trace of fatigue, Xia Wei greeted him with a distressed heart. Isi buckled her head and put a kiss on her red lips. Some blamed, “How are you waiting for me?”

"You are not here, I can't sleep."

Xia Xiao smiled.

Isi watched her wearing a thin pajamas. He reached out and hugged her. Xia Wei immediately giggled. "What are you doing! You are not tired!"

"Hold my wife, how can I be tired?"

Isi took her to the bed and gently lowered it. She took the quilt for her and covered it for her.

"Wait for me, I will come and sleep with you after a shower."

Isi leaned down and gave her a forehead.

Xia Wei feels the favor of this man. In fact, she did not know before. What a man would like to love a woman. Now, she knows, he will always want to kiss her, the kind of involuntary Love is revealed in his words and deeds.

Xia Wei’s moment was surrounded by the petting atmosphere created by Isi, which made her full of sweet joy, such a life, really happy.

Half an hour later, Isi came in a black nightgown. He was trampled to bed, and Xia Wei snuggled into his arms, resting in his arms. Isi stroked her hair and looked at her brow. There are also embarrassments, even if he has an idea, he has to press it.


Isey gentle road.

Xia Yan said a word, close your eyes and sleep peacefully.

In the early morning, two people went out. Isai’s car first sent Xia Wei to the company. He went to his office again.

Xia Wei walked into the office of Isey, and Aaron immediately opened a meeting in the morning. The entire perfumer of Shifen International will be present, and nearly 20 first-class perfumers will be on the new appointment. The boss of the company did not dare to have the slightest scorn.

After a period of growth, Xia Wei has also changed. Sitting in front of more than 20 well-known perfumers, she speaks freely and preaches the idea of ​​Ye Xiaoshi’s founding of the company, so that every perfumer is Struggle for it.

Ava is also sitting in it. Her eyes are on the head of the summer, she has no jealousy in her eyes, only envy, because Xia Wei, whether it is the countess or the company owner, she has done a good job.

This group of perfumers is also cultivated by Ye Xiaoshi. In Xia Wei, they feel the gentleness and atmosphere of Ye Xiaoshi, as if Xia Wei will become the future Ye Xiaoshi.

After the meeting, Aaron took an invitation card to Xia Wei's office.

"Madam, this is the invitation card I received two days ago. On such an occasion, it would be more appropriate for you to go."

Aaron handed it to her.

Xia Wei took a look and was an invitation card for a high-end fashion banquet. Xia Wei Chao Aaron said, "You go for me! I am not very comfortable with this occasion."

Xia Wei also knows that she is sitting in this position, not stealing the limelight. Like this banquet, Aaron can replace the company.

Aaron gave a slight glimpse. In fact, if Xia Wei did not return, he decided to go with Ava. However, he also knows such an important thing. If Xia Xi is there, he can't make a claim.

“Okay! I will try to promote the company’s philosophy and let more guests agree with our products.”

"Well, you have worked hard."

Xia Wei smiled slightly.

After Aaron left, Xia Wei looked at the company's mail, and some perfumers would give her a new plan, and Xia Wei did not interfere with their play.

As a perfumer, she understands that perfume is the masterpiece of every perfumer, and free play is the best.

The Asian Group, Yaheng was on a business trip, the branch needed him to go over the past, and the entire Asian group was handed over to Xu Xiaoyu. Now, the place where she works is not her office, but the office of Yaheng.

Probably no one had thought that a middle-level designer, after jumping, became the boss of the Asian Group, and now, she replaced Yaheng as the owner of the company.

In the two-day newspaper, Xu Xiaoyu saw Jane’s trial. She stood in front of a camera with her head and held her crime card. Her eyes were dull and her face was awkward.

Because she arbitrarily impersonated the lawmakers and Yaheng, she made a very bad crime and sentenced it to twelve years. Now she has been rehabilitated in prison.

Xu Xiaolu did not want to sympathize with her. I hope that after she has experienced this lesson, she will come back in the future and understand the value of life, not waste it.

Xu Xiaoyu is not idle now. She is designing her own wedding dress and evening dress. She designed a white wedding dress and a Chinese red toast.

Xia Wei’s wedding is only a month away, she also needs to prepare a wedding dress! However, her wedding dress is produced by the royal design, and she and Isey will use the best.

In the afternoon, Xia Wei is seriously watching the performance report. She did not expect the profit of the perfume company to be very substantial. It is not because of the price, but the high-ranking people in the world. The company’s perfume sells every year. Very good.

At this time, the phone on her desk rang, and Xia Wei took a look and sweetly picked it up, "Hey!"

"I am on the way to pick you up, to accompany me to a party tonight."

Isey’s voice came from a clear voice.

Xia Weiyi, "What a party!"

"The banquet of the presidential palace, the domestic powers will be present."

"Ah! Mr. President's party?"

Xia Wei was really surprised. How dare she ever want to touch such a top person?

But she also forgot that her husband is the second only to the president! "Don't worry, your identity is enough to attend such a party, you are my wife."

Isi comforted her at the end of the phone.

Xia Wei’s heartstring is still tense and nervous. “But I don’t have a decent evening dress.”

"Don't worry, everything is arranged for you. After ten minutes, you can go to the company door."

Isey laughed.

"Good! I will be down right away."

Xia Wei returned, she packed her desk.

When she first arrived at the door, she saw that Isi’s long car was coming over and the car stopped. Isi waited for the bodyguard to open the door. He had already opened the door and took a step toward Xia, a handsome three-dimensional face and slender legs. The style of the gestures is very exciting.

Xia Wei’s eyes reveal the color of infatuation. This man is like a god, a gentleman is handsome, she has never believed that there is a perfect person in the world, and Isi is the perfect person in her heart.

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