President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1761: Repressed feelings

Sitting in the back seat of his father, Duan Shuyu occupied the position of the back seat, listening to the parents in front of the chat about some of the other people's recent situation, she did not worry, holding the chin to their own stay.

She looked at the lamppost that was constantly retreating outside the window. She seemed to be hypnotized. In her mind, she heard the low voice of Xi Jingyu, and when she slept early, she could not help but sigh.

Why does he care about her so much?

Think about it, his love should be fraternity! Anyone he has approached, he will care for them, just as he is not too harsh and annoying for those female students who are entangled.

He came here to teach, it should be to experience the life of the grassroots people! He paved the way for the succession of his father in the future.

Duan Shuzhen thought so, and he couldn't help but block it. It seemed that they had become a group of smoke instantly, and they couldn't even hold a trace of substance.

She shouldn't be smug because he is special to her. She should think that he would be so friendly to all his people, just because she is lucky, he borrows books every day, and he has no friends at school. Will be so close to her.

If he meets another girl, he will be so gentle and courteous.

"Shu, do you have time on Wednesday?"

"Mom, what happened?"

"I have a meal on Wednesday, and you come over."

"At night?"

"Well! At night, when you get off work and your dad comes over, don't cook at home."


Duan Shuzhen went where to solve the dinner without problems.

Back home, Duan Shuzhen was so tired that he greeted his parents and went back to the room. Li Yu and her husband stayed in the hall for a while, and went back to the room to take a bath and rest.

Li Yu went to bed in her pajamas and watched her husband leaning against the bed to read a book. She was wearing a skin care product. She thought about it and couldn’t help but sigh. "Hus, you said that we are too useless, no. To create a good condition for her daughter, now she is also facing marriage to marry, what kind of person will be chosen in the future?"

Li Deming heard it and couldn't help but smile. "Where did you get any stimulation today?"

Li Yu shook her head. "Not at all, I feel sorry for this child. We are willing to live this meager day, and we are afraid that she will want to live better in the future."

"Shu Yu has no ambitions, she is not."

Duan Deming knows her daughter.

"You know that I am today... Did I listen to what I said today?"

Li Yu looked at her husband in a small voice, and her eyes were full of envy.

"What did you say?"

Duan Deming asked curiously, looking at the light in his wife's eyes, he was somewhat distressed.

What makes my wife so calm?

Li Yu is really envious this time. As a mother, who does not want her daughter to marry well?

What's more, the identity of her daughter and Dad's daughter in the future is a different day.

Now she knows that family is not unimportant. Family life is also a diving board for the next generation. Only a good family can make children jump higher and the future is better.

"Da Yu said that she received a phone call from the President's wife. She and Xiao Min went to the presidential palace to have a cup of tea and chatted a few words. I think, probably Xiaomin is going to be the president's wife in the future!"

In Li Yu’s eyes, there are a few guilts. If they were not satisfied with the status quo in the past, they might create such opportunities for their daughters.

Duan Deming’s gaze is calm. There is something he has not said to his wife, and he will not say it.

"Xiao Min's ability is outstanding and independent. In the future, he will be a promising person. If she can marry into the presidential palace, it is not a good thing to be paid."

Duan Deming smiled and said a sentence.

Li Yu looked at her husband, not annoyed, just distressed her daughter.

"It's also a daughter. Shu Shu is also our heart. Don't you want her to marry better?"

"Of course I also hope that she will marry well. How can I not hope?

Shu Shu is still young, don't worry about this. ”

Duan Deming really wants to comfort his wife. Your daughter is not bad. She has already met the young master of the presidential palace.

Li Yu sighed again. "I don't know if we have always let our daughter accept the idea that ordinary people are right."

"Don't worry, my daughter is mature, she grows up, she has her own choice."

Duan Deming comforted a sentence.

In the room next to me, the bathing section was sitting in bed in a daze, a long hair draped behind her head, and a small chin on her knees. The whole person seemed to be a sculpture.

The family's self-small education allows her to understand one thing, do what she can, live to be self-aware, and should not give up if she doesn't think about it. If it is not her own, don't overdo it.

She didn't quite understand before. What was she really wants to think about, until she met Xi Jingzhen, these truths suddenly came out, jumped out and told her that this is the person she can't think about.

Duan Shuzhen sighed and his tears suddenly came out of his eyes. His emotions were somewhat fragile. Only tears were disappointing to ease her inner sadness.

At this time, she really wants to be so sensible, quite arrogant, not reasonable, how good it is, ignoring her destiny in desperation, what is the future of it, what kind of injury, and will not give up. ! Duan Shuzhen closed his eyes, biting his fist and crying quietly.

Tomorrow, it’s Tuesday again, time flies very fast, day by day, Duan Shuzhen’s heart is looking forward to it while being afraid.

I look forward to the days when he will appear every week, afraid that he will suddenly leave, and will never appear in front of her. When he leaves, she can see him in the future, probably only across the screen! He may appear in the headlines of the major news, but he will never appear in front of her, live, only smile at her.

In the morning, standing in front of the mirror, Duan Shuzhen took his hand and licked some red eyes. He didn't sleep well last night. He looked at some dark circles.

"It's okay, I can live very well!"

Duan Shuzhen smiled at the mirror.

She took the bag out of the door and Duan Deming bought the breakfast downstairs and waited for her in the car.

Duan Shuzhen sat in the car, took breakfast and soy milk, and while eating, accompanied his father to school.

"Shu, you remember, don't go too close with the teacher."

Duan Deming reminded him that he would not mention this matter again.

But the wife’s words last night made him have to reiterate, and at the same time, he was grateful for the sternness of his own. Otherwise, he would wait for the day to sit at the family dinner.

The young master was facing her with her cousin's fiancé, and she would be more panicked.

"I will, Dad."

Duan Shuyi nodded and answered seriously.

Duan Deming turned his head and looked at his daughter. He was relieved and distressed. The child was obedient when he was a child. Until now, he did not bother him.

Some traffic jams, arrived at the school at 8:30, Duan Shuyi trotting all the way to the library, facing the sun, she is a new life.

She only has a small request, let her go to the school again, and then accompany him. I don't expect to see him, just know that he is here.

This request is not too much! Duan Shuzhen said to his heart.

And she will cherish his time at school, and regard this time as a part of life worth remembering, that is good! Duan Shuzhen walked into the library and made a greeting with Huang Ayi. As usual, she took back the unclassified book of Li Ayi last night and pushed it to the bookshelf.

Duan Shuzhen carefully read the book, lifted her foot and placed it on the top shelf. Some of her feet were slamming, and even the wrist was red. She continued to move forward and picked up a thick book. She Some helpless, but also the topmost bookshelf.

She sighed. She first picked up her feet and pushed open some books. She squeezed out the vacancies, and she continued to squat and squeeze the book hard.

This wrist hurt her so much, she snorted, she wanted to take a hand and find another way, and just then, behind her, a slender arm stretched out, easily pushed her into it. The book was pushed in.

Duan Shuzhen looked at the clean cuffs, the creaseless suit sleeves, and she was excited to turn back. The man behind him was not Xi Jingyi. Who is it?

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