President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1812: Perfect attendance

But the coffee and tea here is used to entertain the top-level country guests.

Duan Shuzhen accompanied him in. On the balcony on the second floor, there is a view of the city and river not far away, very spacious and very private.

Xi Jingyi asked for a pot of tea, two cups of coffee, a piece of fruit and a few dessert snacks. Duan Shuzhen felt the silence here, holding his chin far away, and Xiu Jing’s slender arms lazily supported the side, deep gaze The girl opposite the face.

Duan Shuzheng just looked back and ran into him directly. She slammed a bit, and she couldn’t help but panic. She reached out and touched her face. She said, "Is there something dirty on my face!"

Xi Jingyan smiled a little, "No!"

No, then why is he always staring at her! Duan Shuzhen is puzzled inside.

Xi Jingxi likes her, so there will be one kind of feeling. She always feels that she doesn't see enough.

Duan Shuzhen has a kind of clear spirit, like a touch of cool in this noisy red dust world, so that he and her stay together, some troubles in the heart will disappear silently.

"What kind of party tonight?"

Duan Shuyu asked curiously.

“It’s a charity dinner. There aren’t too many people, some people in the industry, and only politicians.”

Xi Jingyu explained one sentence.

Duan Shuyi nodded, she did not reject entering his world, she even had a little desire, because she wanted to know him more deeply.

In the general office of the Duan Group, Duan Siwei sat at his desk to process documents. His company was involved in the business community, but also cooperated with some institutions in the country.

His assistant knocked on the door to send the documents. When he left, he did not forget to remind him. "President! Your banquet tonight is held at 7:00, you don't forget to be late."

Duan Sizhen is signing, and he has not raised his head, "Hmm!"

“Do you need a female companion?”

The assistant asked again.


Duan Sizhen refused very simply.

The assistant couldn't help but think about it. It was also a question. When these presidents went to attend the banquet, they didn't have the habit of attending with their female companions.

Xi Jingyu took Duan Shuzhen to drink coffee until 4:30, and went to a nearby high-end dress shop specially designed for the royal family. Tonight's banquet, Duan Shuzheng needed an evening gown to attend.

Duan Shuzhen was led by Xi Jingyu, inside the window cabinet, exquisite models, one piece of evening dress, she was amazed, every evening dress here is handmade.

"Seat young master."

The manager here did not dare to greet me.

Xi Jingying’s gaze looked toward Duan Shuzhen, and the store said, “Let the lady look for an evening dress that suits her.”

The female store manager in her early fifties, with a sharp eye and a respectful look at Duan Shuzhen, gave her a look at the style of evening dress that Shu Shu is suitable for.

"Xi Shaoye, you sit first, I took the lady to the background to try on the dress."

After that, the store manager signaled the clerk around him and quickly greeted Xi Jingyu.

Xi Jingyu, Duan Shu, said, "What kind of color do you like, just talk to your boss."


Duan Shuyu laughed and said, followed the boss's mother in the direction of the dressing room inside.

The boss wife, Duan Shuzhen, also greeted the treatment of distinguished guests.

"Miss, do you have any special colors and styles?"

Duan Shuzhen shook his head. "The boss, you recommend me a few! You should know better than me, which evening dress I am suitable for."

The proprietress smiled, and Duan Shuzhen said that he had handed over the selected task to her.

"Okay! Then you sit down, I will pick you up and try again."

The proprietress also made a tea reception, and she took the two waiters to pick the style.

Ten minutes later, the waiter pushed over a evening dress with at least a dozen pieces of evening dresses of various colors and styles.

Duan Shuzhen got up and the boss asked her to pick out the favorite one. Even if she had a very beautiful and fashionable evening dress, Duan Shuzhen chose a white classic, which was about the atmosphere and would not be too bare.

"Just this one!"

Duan Shuzhen headed towards the boss.

The proprietress immediately saw that Duan Shuzhen was a conservative girl, and her evening dress was decent and generous.

"Okay, you try on it. I believe that you must be very beautiful with Miss. You must be very beautiful."

Duan Shuzhen was a modest smile, she picked up the evening dress and walked into the fitting room.

After the test, the boss mother really feels bright, so good evening dress, but also meet the appropriate hostess, in order to play its greatest charm.

Duan Shuzhen has a pure and clean temperament, with a classic and traditional beauty, natural beauty, this evening dress seems to meet its most suitable hostess.

The proprietress arranged for Duan Shuzhen, she could not help but praise, "Miss, you really want to wear this evening dress, very beautiful, very angry."

Duan Shuzhen did not even manage the hair, so she was wearing a long hair with a long waist and a thin, white arm. The exposed skin was like a white snow.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised by her own appearance for the first time.

Is it her in the mirror?

"Miss, let our makeup artist draw a light makeup for you, and give you a haircut!"

Although the proprietress felt that such a comfortable period was already breathtaking, the party she was going tonight must be a very formal occasion.

Like her, she still lost a sense of solemnity.

Duan Shuyi nodded, and she walked between, feeling silky and soft fabrics in a light and flexible, very comfortable.

She sat down and watched the makeup artist looking at her. She couldn't help but look up at her chin, let her look more clearly, how to start painting her makeup.

The painter looked at this delicate and white face, and there was some feeling that it was impossible to start. It seemed that she was afraid of her own heavy hand and destroyed the natural beauty of this face.

The makeup artist began to use some light and thin foundations carefully to start making makeup for her.

Duan Shuzheng was very close to the eyes, feeling the movement of the makeup artist on the face and the eyebrows. When she opened her eyes again, her in the mirror seemed to be more radiant.

Her original big eyes, at this moment, lightly aiming at a trace of eyeshadow, her eyes are more profound and deep.

After finishing a light makeup, Duan Shuzhen's long hair began to be braided. In order to match her evening gown tonight, the waiter decided to make a very elegant princess hair for her, and the two hair braids were buckled with pearl hairpins. The rest of the thick black long hair is scattered, and the smooth wavy micro-rolls, with shiny diamond studs, are simple and extravagant.

Duan Shuzhen looked at the beautiful self in the mirror, she blinked and marveled at the bottom of her heart.

If you don't dress up, you don't know that you can be so beautiful! "Okay, miss, you can go and let the young master enjoy it!"

The proprietress said to her.

Duan Shuzhen took some steps with great care. On her feet, she had already put on a pair of fine rooted golden high-heeled shoes. Her whole person looked elegant.

Xi Jingxi was drinking tea in the hall, waiting for her. He saw the waiter open the curtain in the direction of the fitting room. His eyes immediately lifted up to the side.

I saw that behind the curtain opened by the waiter, I slowly walked out with a slender figure, like a fairy, with a dazzling light, stepping into his sight.

As if her whole person was under the light, there was a white light shining. However, Xi Jingyi was still gazing at the moment, and his atrium was shaking, and he was also surprised and infatuated.

When he fell in love with her, she was the most ordinary appearance, and now he knows that her beauty is more than that, she can be more beautiful.

Xi Jingzhen took the teacup and held it in the air. He looked so mad. He forgot to have a cup in his hand. When he returned, he put the cup down and stood up and walked toward Duan.

Duan Shuyi stepped forward to him step by step, the first time in front of him, so dressed up, she was a little shy, she was embarrassed to see him.

Xi Jingyan said with a low degree, "It's beautiful."

After that, he added another sentence, "The dress is beautiful, people are more beautiful.

"In the face of so many waiters, he was so praised, Duan Shuzhen was so shy and smug on the face, more and more beautiful.

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