President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1821: Being jealous

Cheng will get the job in the future. She has always printed the dawn of anxiety, as if she has a touch of clear spring, bright and clear.

Duan Sijun’s assistant came in and told him that there would be a meeting to be held and let him go.

Duan Sizhen handed Cheng Cheng to his assistant to go to the row, and he got up and went out for a meeting.

Duan Sijun’s female assistant Li Le led Cheng to the assistant office where she was asked to take maternity leave.

"We have a colleague who took maternity leave, now you come to replace her work!"

Cheng nodded in the future, she was very happy to get the job, even if the assistant came back to work in the future, she needs to leave, it is also the best transition for her life.

"There is a handover process in the computer. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, I will tell you."

Li Le also told her about the business, because she could come in to work here, and it was also the assistant of Duan Siwei.

She thought that Cheng Cheng is definitely a bit of a skill.

However, there is no experience in the future of Cheng’s assistant. She nodded. “Thank you!”

Li Le left, Cheng will sit down, open the computer, and click on the file on the desktop to pick up the process title.

Cheng will open the future and look at the documents exchanged between China and English. She is a bit embarrassed. Many of them are company phrases, which makes her even more unaware of what it means. Even if she understands the meaning of the words, it can be included behind these words. It is a multi-layered meaning.

Cheng future bit his lip and groaned, only to find that the job is not as easy as imagined, she can only bite the scalp, first look at all the process of this handover.

Duan Sizhen is a very low-key person. Like him, he usually has a personal life assistant, but he has never had an assistant in this position.

His assistants are all practical and work-level assistants for him.

At noon, Duan Siwei came out of the conference room. Behind him, following his two recording meetings, Duan Sikai’s eyes inadvertently swept the girl in the side window.

I saw her staring at the computer in a concentrated manner, and did not know that he passed by the window.

Duan Sizhen looked at her pair of frowns and had to screw it together. She knew how the work in his company was complicated for her new job.

Duan Sizhen took a hand and let the men behind him leave, and he knocked on the future door and pushed the door in.

Cheng looks back at him and comes in. He immediately stands up and calls him like Li Le. "President."

Duan Sizhen looked at her with deep gaze, and it seemed that there was still no trace of the face, and the eyes were shrouded in ignorance.

“Is this job difficult?”

Duan Siwei looked down and asked.

Cheng future is busy shaking his head, for fear that he will immediately fire her, she said with a firm face, "I will work hard to apply!"

Duan Sizhen looked at her eager to prove herself. He meditated. "You will get the workflow on the ipad and have lunch with me. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

Cheng Cheng couldn’t help but scream at the same time, but at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised. “Is it really?

May I? ”

Duan Siyi nodded. "After ten minutes, I will wait for me at the elevator door."

Of course, Cheng Cheng hopes that someone can point her. She has just passed through Li Le’s office and found that she is busy with other things. She didn’t bother to bother her.

Now, the priest will teach her actively, can she be unhappy?

She immediately complicated the handover process to the working ipad, and took the sergeant in the direction of the elevator.

Cheng future is waiting, and he saw Li Le and the other two female assistants coming over. Li Le said to her, "Would you like to go to the cafeteria with us in the future?"

"Sorry, I..." Cheng will bite his lip in the future and don't know how to tell.

Behind him, a low male voice came, "She accompanied me out."

Duan Sizhen’s figure came to her, and she solved this game for her. Li Le and the other two assistants immediately admired Cheng Cheng’s future, and even had a taboo in the eyes.

Opened the elevator door, Duan Siwei stepped in, Cheng Cheng's footsteps stiffened for a few seconds, because she was sensitive to the detection of Li Le and the other two assistants surprised to look at her gaze.

"Come in."

Duan Si took a look.

Cheng Cheng stepped forward, the elevator door closed, she could still feel the outside of the elevator door, Li Le and the other two assistants stared at her eyes with complex light.

As soon as the elevator door closed, an assistant provoked it. "Lee sister, your limelight was taken away! She just came, she can accompany the president, this good thing, it should be yours!"

It is said that the office is a fierce palace fighting drama. This is really true. Li Le’s mood was immediately unbalanced by this sentence.

"Who knows how she came in! I can't compare with her."

Li Le’s tone is sour.

"So young, at first glance, that is the kind of experience that has no experience. Why do you really come in with any means?"

"What do you mean by what?

Is it difficult to use the hidden rules to come in? ”

Li Le hasn't said anything yet, and the other has answered the question. "That's true. This process is good in the future. The appearance of the face is top-notch. Our president is a normal man?!"

Li Le has been with Duan Siwei for five years. She is also unmarried. Even if she does not dare to have some thoughts, it does not mean that she does not. She also has a crush on Duan Siwei! It’s just an identity issue that makes her dare not show it.

"You can't afford her too much, she is not qualified to let the president secret rules!"

Li Le sighed, three people walked into the elevator.

These two female assistants are also full of thoughts. They are staring at Li Le’s position for a long time. If Li Le leaves, the two of them will be able to climb one. Now, they jointly provoke Li Le to deal with the priest. Happy future, so cheap is theirs.

"Lee sister, I am not worth it for you, she is a new person, I don't know anything, maybe you have to teach her to do things!"

"Hey! I don't want to teach, rely on her own skills!"

Li Le has inexplicably hated the future.

Cheng future follows Duan Siyi all the way down the underground garage, and Duan Sikai drives to a private kitchen he often goes to, which is his usual lunch place.

Cheng future walked in with him and sat in a private box. Cheng Cheng is now full of company statements that she can't understand, thinking about how to ask him for a while.

Duan Siwei ordered the dishes, and the opposite side of the journey to the future, "Sit over."

Cheng future sat next to him, Duan Siwei took her ipad, opened the handover process, and asked her, "Which do not understand?"

Cheng future stunned. "I don't know much about it! I haven't touched this one before."

"I will tell you again, you should remember the points carefully."

"Can you wait for me?

I took some paper and a pen. ”

Cheng will be busy in the future.

Duan Siyi nodded, Cheng future ran out and asked the waiter to ask for a pen and a notebook to sit next to Duan Siwei.

Duan Sizhen looked at her like a student listening to the teacher's lecture. He slightly resisted a smile and began to open the process. From the beginning, Cheng future was bold and asked all the questions he didn't understand. On the record book, her mind is still flexible and easy to use.

When she was serious about making a transcript, Duan Sizhen’s eyes fell on her clean side face, still with a serious studentish appearance, so that his eyes could not help but smile.

He hasn't touched such a simple girl for a long time. He is surrounded by business elites. Even his other female assistants are experienced and many things.

But now, he seems to have a feeling that he is a teacher teaching students.

After Cheng Cheng remembered, she looked up, a pair of clear watery eyes, slammed into the deep gaze of the side, and the priests had calmed down the atrium, as if they had been hit by a force, and the mind could not help but sway.

"Remember it?"

Duan Sizhen asked the girl who stopped the pen and wanted to break his embarrassment.

"Well! Remember!"

Cheng future blinked and waited for him to talk.

Duan Sizhen reached out to her, "Show me the notes."

Cheng will be blushing to show him the record in the future. Duan Siyi took a look and looked at the font beautifully and the record was quite complete.

He continued to talk down, and this time, the food has come up, Cheng Cheng sees that he has no intention to stop, she had to continue to record.

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