President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1833: Police looking for someone

Cheng future is still thinking about how to go to the company first. At about 8 o'clock, he saw the figure of Duan Sijun coming down from the upstairs. He wore a white silk shirt with a dark gray suit on his arm. Hairy, deep-faced face with a mature atmosphere.

Cheng future's gaze was slightly stunned. Looking at the man who had stepped down, there was a feeling of inability to move from time to time. She screamed that the president would be handsome! Duan Siyi saw her sitting on the sofa, but he was not surprised, heading towards her, "Let's go out for breakfast."

Cheng nodded in the future, "Okay!"

When two people set off to a nearby breakfast restaurant, Cheng Cheng couldn't help but think about it. Isn't she going to disturb his family when she lives in his home?

"President, I live in your home, will it cause trouble for you, if I disturb you, I can find another place to live."

Cheng Cheng’s direct questioning.

Duan Siyi looked up at her and looked at him with a slight gaze. "I will let you live in. I naturally hope that the family is lively. You don't have to feel bothering me, feel free."

Cheng Cheng listened to her, and her heart was better. She smiled with a curved lip. "Then I will be welcome. I may have to live here for a while."

"How long you want to live."

Duan Sizhen casually took a sentence and held up the coffee to drink.

The opposite girl immediately screamed and laughed. "That can't be done. If you want to take your girlfriend home, I will definitely avoid it."

Duan Sizhen had a hand to drink coffee, and his ink was lifted up, looking at the girl smiling across the street, low, "I don't have a girlfriend at the moment."

Cheng future smiles and feels awkward. Some people look at him with apologetics. "I'm sorry! But the president is so handsome, there must be many girls who like it, so don't worry, you must find your girlfriend soon."

Duan Siyi hooked his mouth and smirked and did not answer.

Cheng future can't help but sip the milk on the side, or dare not speak too loudly in front of Duan Sizhen.

After breakfast, Duan Siwei’s car drove to the direction of the nearby company. When the future accompanied the Duan Siwei to take the company’s elevator, the two female assistants who passed by immediately greeted each other.

"President, good morning."

Duan Siyi slightly daggers, glanced at the girl who was behind him, and he stepped toward the direction of his office.

Cheng future felt that the two assistants looked at her differently. She was somewhat unclear, so she had to go back to her office to pick it up.

Before the official working hours, she took a rag to the direction of the bathroom. She put the rag down and entered a cubicle. She probably drank too much water.

Cheng Cheng is in the middle of the grid, and heard the voice of two female assistants talking outside the door.

"You are sure that you have not read it wrong!"

One of the voices was very surprised to ask.

"How can I make a mistake! She was wearing this suit yesterday, a white half-sleeved chiffon shirt with a little black skirt. You said that it is summer now, who is still wearing a suit for two days?"

"She just came out with the president. It must have been overnight in the president's house last night. It was too late to change clothes before I returned to the company."

"Oh my God! So she really climbed the president's bed?"

"It was only speculation before. Now, the evidence is in front of us. Can we not believe it?"

She must have slept in the president's house last night! ”

"It’s awkward! We have been here for a few years, and we haven’t said a few more words with the president. How can she climb the president’s bed!”

"In the plaid, Cheng Cheng has already been shocked and stunned. She looked down at her own white chiffon half-sleeve shirt, and her face was red.

The two assistants who made up the makeup said, while pushing the door to leave, and in the cubicle, Cheng will bite his lip tightly in the future, and his mind is blank.

Finally, she knew why the two assistants looked at her with a strange look in the morning. It turned out that she wore yesterday’s clothes and made them mistakenly think she was spending the night at Duan Siwei’s home.

The future of Cheng Guang’s dawn slammed round, and so on, she spent the night at Duan Siwei’s home last night! It’s just that they are clear and white, and others don’t know it.

Cheng future came out of the bathroom, and happened to meet two female assistants who went to the bathroom. Their eyes were the same as those in the morning. Cheng’s pretty face was hot and red, and they hurried back to her office.

In the future, Cheng Cheng’s heart is full of chaos. She feels that her reputation in the company has been washed out.

Like the female staff members who met in the cafeteria last time, although she did not know them, but from their mouths, they have already rumored her relationship with Duan Siwei.

She also said that she is a top-ranking ruler, and even if Cheng Cheng can bear it again, she is also extremely depressed about this kind of thing.

Even if someone misunderstood her character, but the president’s reputation was also boring! I don’t know how to be good in the future.

Cheng Zhai’s person reported the case last night, and today Cheng Suhua came to the police station, waiting for the police to find out the future.

The police set up a tracing task force last night because Cheng Suhua reported the case on the grounds of losing the link. In addition, he and the police also had some friendships. The police had to pay attention to such things.

The police also quickly confirmed the investigation of the future of Cheng Cheng from home yesterday morning according to the tracking method. The police finally found out that Cheng will enter the Tianlian Group after coming out of the house.

Cheng Suhua looked at the video of the prostitute, he could not help but think of his father, Cheng did not say that she found a job at work, is she in the Tianlian Communications Group?

"Comrade police, can you help me determine if my niece really has to work here, and now her mobile phone has been shut down, she can't find her, we are very anxious."

"That's it! I will send two of my men to accompany you to a trip to Tianlian News."

"OK, ok!"

Cheng Suhua is also afraid to provoke the Tianlian Communication Group. Therefore, it is much more convenient for the police to lead him to find someone.

After Cheng finishing the information sent in the morning, she took the urgent item and went to the office of Duan Siwei. She knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The voice of Duan Siwei came.

Cheng will open the door in the future and send the urgent items in his hand to his desk. "President, this is a document that needs to be signed before 2pm."

Duan Siyi looked up from the computer screen and glanced at her. If he didn't get the assistant to send the documents, if he was busy with something, he would hardly look up.

However, Cheng Cheng looks different. He nodded. "Come after lunch."

Cheng future thinks about the rumors in the company now. I don't know if he has heard it. She thought about whether she would like to mention one or another. She felt so embarrassed. She simply silenced, nodded and turned away.

The police took Cheng Suhua to the front desk. After the front desk confirmed it, the front desk lady told the police clearly.

"The lady you are looking for is the new recruit of our president, Miss Cheng Future."

On the side of Cheng Suhua, he was surprised and asked at the front desk. "You said that my niece is now the assistant of your president?"

"Yes, sir, do you need me to make an appointment?"

"For an appointment, we have to make sure to find this lady."

The police also want to close the case.

The phone at the front desk broke into Li Le’s office. She mentioned that police officers came to look for the future. Li Leyi listened and naturally welcomed the police.

Hanging up the phone, Li Le couldn’t help but sit around his arm and guess, police officers looking for the future?

Did she commit any law?

It is best for the police to take her away and let her leave from the president, and no longer appear in the company.

Li Le got up a little smugly, and went to the future office of Cheng Cheng. Cheng future is burying himself in a pile of data, and a few sharp female voices are ringing.

"Cheng future, what are you doing?"

In the future, Cheng will not be close to the long hair of the forehead, a show of white in the face, there is a feeling of amazing years.

The smugness in Li Le’s eyes was so stunned by the face of Cheng’s future.

"Lee sister, what are you talking about?"

Cheng future surprised and asked.

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