President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1860: See parents

However, Duan Shu's body is hot, God! This is in his room! Think about it, it seems like it burned up, there is a sense of shame.

A kiss, Duan Shuzhen, some legs softly snuggled in his arms, in a spacious room, as if even oxygen is not enough.

Xi Jingyan could not help but bow down and asked, "What happened?"

Duan Shuzhen snorted in his arms, knowing why! Isn't it because he kissed him?

Xi Jingyi couldn't help but smile. "You take a break here. I am looking for a photo of my childhood."

Duan Shuzhen immediately raised his head and asked, "Can I go to your bed and play two rolls?"

Xi Jingyi stunned, and as he groaned in his chest, "You want to go!"

Duan Shuzhen immediately smiled out of his arms and lie down on his big bed. The soft gray quilt was laid down by her into a human figure, a very comfortable touch, which made Duan Shuyi roll a few times, then hold The quilt, she squatted and felt his breath, and some wanted to sleep.

Hearing the footsteps from the study, Duan Shuzhen immediately sat up and looked back at the quilt after her rolling, and lost the neatness, as if it was messy.

She couldn't help but satisfy a point in her heart. She smiled at her lips.

Xi Jingxi watched her standing there smirking, he called her, "Come here."

Duan Shuzhen walked to his sofa, and Xi Jingyi took a photo album to her. "This is for me, let's see it!"

Duan Shuzheng reached out with a look of interest, and when he opened his first look, it was not the way he wore a diaper when he was a child. It was already seven or eight years old, and she could not help but be a little disappointed.

I saw him at the age of seven or eight, sitting in the garden, holding a glass of water in his arms, smiling at the camera, a young age, has begun to look handsome.

"You were so beautiful when you were young."

Duan Shuzhen really praised it.

"is it?

That proves that our children will look good in the future. ”

Duan Shuyi bent his mouth and smiled, nodding gently. "I hope the child is like you."

Xi Jingying is close to some of her little faces. "It must be like you."

When I came out from Xi Jing's room, I heard a melodious piano sound. Duan Shuzhen couldn't help but sigh, asking him, "Is your sister playing the piano?"

"Well! Every time she will practice the piano, she will be more and more sophisticated."

"I think this piano sound is already a master level, and it's awesome."

Duan Shuzhen praised.

Xi Jingxi is also very pleased with her sister's outstanding ability.

Time, unconsciously half past five, the kitchen, also began to prepare for the dinner tonight.

When Xi Jingyi glanced at the time of the watch, he smiled. "My parents should be on the road."

Duan Shuzhen, who just didn’t relax easily, immediately listened to this sentence, and immediately she was so nervous that she couldn’t stop her nervousness.

This can't be said that she is courageous, but as a normal person, seeing such a big man, it is strange to be nervous! When Xi Jingyi saw her face because of nervousness, she was slightly red. He reached out and said, "Reassured, my parents are very easy-going people, and they like you very much."

Duan Shuzhen took a deep breath and said, "Well! I will try not to be nervous."

In the yard outside the house, a black car slowly came in, and the two bodyguards immediately and immediately got off the bus and opened the door for the back seat.

I saw a couple coming down, the man was wearing a dark gray suit, and the pen was very arrogant. The sword-like ink eyebrows flew into the shackles. If the pool was dark, it would still be handsome, mature, wise, and steady. Not angry and self-defeating.

And the woman alongside, a very elegant dress, long hair behind the head, beautiful and dignified, very style, her eyes are gentle and revealing an imposing manner, people dare not underestimate.

The couple, standing together, are silent, giving birth to a sense of awe.

Chu Yuechao glanced at her husband and smiled. "The children of Duanjia should come!"

"Well, go in and see!"

Xi Fenghan took the hand of his wife and stepped forward to the direction of the brightly lit hall.

Xi Xi also came down, accompanied by Duan Shuzhen on the sofa to chat, Xi Yan at this age, the most loved is the sweet love story, she is listening to Duan Shuzhen talking about the first encounter with Xi Jingzhen! Xi Yan listened to her eyes, and there was a sigh in her eyes. She now has a hint of curiosity, but she is more about reading the picturesque love stories, which makes her younger, this kind of love. Also, some expectations of the heart.

"Well, what do you do with your child?"

Xi Jingyi was on the side to stop the younger sister from breaking the casserole and asking for the spirit.

"Then I will ask the last sentence, Xunzi, is it your first confession, or my brother first confession!"

Xi Yan asked innocently and lovely.

Duan Shuyi smiled and looked at Xi Jingyu. Xi Jingjing answered this question. "Of course, your brother, I will confess first."

"Wow! Big brother, how are you romantic!"

Xi Yan looked at Mimi and looked over.

Just then, a couple came in from the door, and Duan Shuzhen’s eyes just passed.

At this point, her heartstrings are tight, but at the same time, there is another kind of awe that comes from the heart.

Xi Jingxi took her hand and stood up with her and greeted the parents who came.

"Dad, Mom."

Xi Jingzhen summoned a sentence, then introduced them to them with a smile. "This is my girlfriend Duan Shuzhen."

Chu Yue licked his lips and smiled. He came forward and stretched his hand and grabbed the hand of Duan Shuyu. He smiled and looked at it. "Shu Yu, I have been listening to Jing Hao and mentioned you. I originally wanted to invite you to a guest at home. I heard that you went on a business trip. Foreign countries have been pushed to today."

"Hello, hello."

Duan Shuzhen excitedly called a sentence.

Chu Yue couldn't help but smile. "In this family, there is no president, no wife, only aunt and aunt, you call us like this!"

"uncle and auntie."

Duan Shuzhen greeted Xi Feng, who was behind him, and his eyes fell on the charming and charming lady.

"Mom, is the future nephew so beautiful!"

Xi Yan came over and took the mother, and he was very fond of Duan Shuzhen.

Chu Yue nodded, "Yes! Your brother is blessed."

Hearing this sentence, Duan Shuzhen couldn't help but fly a piece of Xiahong. At the same time, she was moved inside. Here, she did not feel the low status of her identity. Here, she felt the kindness of her family.

"Shu, play well in the house tonight, let Jingjing stay with you."

Xi Feng's cold voice said mellowly.

"Dad, go to work! I will stay with you."

Xi Jingxi knows that his father still has state affairs to deal with.

"Okay, uncle."

Duan Shuxiao smiled a bit.

"See you for dinner later."

After Xi Fenghan finished, the smiling dagger walked toward the direction of the study.

Chu Yue also said to his son, "With Shu Shu, I went to the kitchen to see."

"Mom, I will go with you. I want to eat delicious tonight."

Xi Wei lived in the direction of Chu Yue to the kitchen.

"Good! What do you want to eat, just talk to Liu Wei."

Chu Yue petted the little head of her daughter.

Duan Shuzhen felt the warmth of the family, and her heartstrings suddenly relaxed a lot. The atmosphere of the first family was the same as that of ordinary people, and the family enjoyed the family.

When Xi Jingxi looked at the watch, "I still have half an hour from dinner. We went to the yard."

Duan Shuyi nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

Outside the window, the most spectacular time of the evening glow, the distant horizon, dyed the scenery of the entire yard, lingering in the evening garden path, do not have some fun.

Xi Jing asked her to ask, "When is it free, let's get the marriage certificate!"

This sentence is like a force. Immediately, the girl around me is acupuncture. In general, Duan Shuzhen squats and looks at him incredulously. "Let's take the lead?"

Xi Jingying looked at her expression, he asked in a funny way, "What?

Haven't thought about marrying me? ”

"of course not."

Duan Shuzhen immediately shook his head.

"When you want to marry, is it not the same late?"

Duan Shuzhen’s heart was so excited that she squinted and said, “Is it really necessary?”

"Yes, two days after I saw it, I arranged a time, and we went over."

Xi Jingxiao arranged with a smile, and the time they will receive the certificate will of course need to be arranged in advance.

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