President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1867: Certified

Xi Jingzhen started with Duan Shuzhen. This time, there was no neatly tidy team. The bodyguards were replaced with very low-key ordinary vehicles. It was also convenient to protect them. In the downtown area, this would not happen. Too eye-catching.

Duan Shuzhen sat next to Xi Jingzhen, this time sitting in a very business car, next to two cups of coffee prepared by bodyguards.

Duan Shuzhen holds the coffee and looks at the familiar street outside the window. She still remembers that there is a grilled sweet potato there is very delicious, and there is also a snack is also very authentic.

But at this moment, she suddenly found a thing, this is what she had not thought of before, that is, from now on, she can no longer go there to eat, nor can she go to the streets as usual.

After today, she is the identity of his wife and will go with him to live a private life that needs protection.

Duan Shuzhen knows what he got and will give up. She married him and abandoned her previous way of life, and she is willing to give up everything as long as she can be with him.

Was staying, thinking about something, a big palm gently gripped over, Duan Shuzhen immediately turned to look at him, touched a pair of deep eyes, as if her mind, can not hide these eyes.

"Sleepy, sorry."

Xi Jingyu was apologetic.

When she was looking out the window, he just looked at her eyes and looked at her in a direction still in her eyes. He knew that she was in love with the freedom of the past.

After being with him, even if there is freedom, it is not the freedom she used to. He grew up in this way of life. He knows that this freedom also includes a kind of loneliness.

Even after walking normally on the street, it is a luxury. She will abandon her past circles and lose her former friends, only her family and him.

"No need to apologize, I am very happy to be with you."

Duan Shuzhen shook her head. She reached out and held his hand. "It is the luck of my life to meet you. I am very happy."

Xi Jingzhen naturally feels her true feelings. He sighs and caresses her long hair.

In the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Today, only two people need to work overtime, and even the cleaning aunts are on holiday. The yard of the entire parking lot is quiet and there are no extra people.

Until six cars came in, the bodyguards in plain clothes were separated, and eighteen bodyguards occupied the building and watched everything outside.

The business car was parked at the nearest position to the passage. The four bodyguards formed a wall of people, so that the people in the car were not seen by the crowd outside.

In the hands of Xi Jingyu, Duan Shuzhen walked into this place she was very curious about.

She never thought about it before. She came to the place with her beloved man one day. It was not a queue to get the code, but in such a situation, she walked quietly in the corridor here.

Xi Jingyan went to an office, and the person in charge immediately shook hands with Xi Jingyu, and then let the only female employee who came to work here to apply for the certificate.

The female staff still wonders why she was suddenly called back to work, and the leadership still pays so much attention. Moreover, she is still very curious to see these two young men and women. What kind of person are they?

Can you have such a privilege?

She can also feel an inexplicable majesty emanating from a young man.

This feeling is that she has seen the most majestic young people from her career to the present.

Xi Jingyi handed over the two books, and the clerk immediately took it. When she opened the first book, her excited hands trembled. She couldn't believe the first page of the head of the household.

God! It is Mr. President! It was the royal grandson who stood in front of me! She never dared to be scorned any more, and even dared to look at the young people.

When she finished the information in her hand, she handed the two forms to the two people. "Trouble the two to fill in the information and sign a word."

Bai Xia and Xi Jingzhen sat down, and the two men filled out this information very seriously. In dealing with this matter, both of them are carrying the heart of the city.

After filling out the information, the clerk led them to a photo studio. She personally took a photo of them. In the photo, the man’s white shirt was handsome and charming, and the girl’s elegant white dress was in front of the camera. Smile, the eyes are shining brightly.

Bai Xia looked at the photos, she was very satisfied, Xi Jingying looked at her happy look, he was also happy.

The clerk was a very honest person. Although she was so excited that she had to blow up, she did not expect her to have a marriage certificate for the son of the president. This is a blessing in her life.

When two documents were placed in the box and handed over to Xi Jingzhen, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because she was really nervous about doing something, Xi Jingyi said a thank you, passed it to Bai Xia, Bai Xi opened the box and took out the book, watching the seal cover on their photo, she bent Lips smile.

Bai Xia holds two marriage certificates in his hand, and comes out with the Xi Jingyu on the car. The bodyguards will take care of the person in charge. Of course, the person in charge knows what to do. Even the files that are kept at the end must be carefully guarded. Leak out.

Sitting in the car, Duan Shuzhen received a call from his father, they are already in Grandpa's home, and Xi Jingjing's bodyguard team is also heading there.

After the death of Duan Deliang's wife, he has been looking at the fields. Therefore, he is now moving next to a reservoir. There are no people around here. He has built a small villa here, and his father is here. Live here.

The air here is fresh, very quiet, fishing here every day, raising flowers and plants, and the days are very comfortable.

Duan Sizhen asked a private hospital to come over every other week to measure blood pressure for the two elderly people, at least to ensure their health.

Duan Shuzhen first came to Grandpa's home, she is also very fresh, bodyguards are scattered around, monitoring everything around.

Of course, in addition to their monitoring, there are satellites that monitor their safety in all aspects of the Security Bureau.

Duan Shuzhen got out of the car and saw a fat Alaskan dog in the garden. When he saw the puppies he had just bought, Duan Shuyi was delighted to kneel down.

When she was young, she thought about having a dog. This dream was not realized because the family did not let her raise, and she did not have time to take care of it.

Now, Grandpa’s family has a large garden surrounded by wild animals and a dog.

"Grandpa, how big is this dog!"

Duan Shuzhen asked the grandfather.

Duan Laozi returned a sentence, "only two months old."

"So cute."

Duan Shuzhen followed the little guy and turned, and Duan Deliang and Duan Deming sitting in the hall greeted Xi Jingyu.

And Xi Jing's gaze looked out of the yard, the girl who had never been in the dog.

"Shu Yi likes dogs from an early age and didn't let her raise."

Duan Deming said.

"Yeah! The house was not easy to raise in the past. It is different here. It is fun to raise a dog here!"

Duan Deliang apparently fell in love with such a life.

He entered the political world from his twenties, and he has been plunging into it for more than 30 years. He really needs to relax.

On the way to this side, there is also a black car, and Duan Sizhen took the journey in the future.

In the quiet car, Duan Siwei’s car phone rang, it was called by Grandpa, and he reached out and answered the Bluetooth.

"Hey! Grandpa."

"Sir, are you here?"

"on the way."

"Come on! Come here today, Shu Wei and Jing Hao are here, just waiting for you."

"Well, I will come soon with the future."

Duan Sizhen should have a sentence.

"Good! No hurry, drive slowly on the road."

Duan Sizhen also listened to his father, the uncles they will come, but he did not expect that Xi Jingzhen and Duan Shuzhen also came, Duan Siwei's eyes, the girl who fell slightly in the passenger seat.

"In the future, do you want to hear where our first encounter was?"

Duan Sizhen screamed at her softly.

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