President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1988: Must have son

Huangfu Quanche looked at her acquaintance, and his gaze returned to his son's face, a sense of pride as a father, spontaneously born.

What did the little guy think of, took out the red thorny divorce certificate from the small backpack, and handed it to Ji Qinglim, "Mum, this is for you, I'm afraid I will lose it."

Ji Qingneng looked at this divorce certificate and immediately understood the information of where his son came from. It turned out that he secretly took away her divorce certificate, and he could find Huangfu Quanche from the divorce certificate.

"Never steal it next time, you know?"

Ji Qinglim took it, she glanced at the divorce certificate, turned to look at the man next to her, raised Yang, motioned to him, there was really no relationship between them.

However, the man looked at him indifferently, and now he was full of sons.

"I'll take my son back first."

After Huang Fuquan finished speaking, he took Ji Xiaozhang and left.

"Mom, would you go back to Daddy's for dinner?"

The little guy hurried to ask.

"I ... I will return."

Ji Qingmeng promised her son that she would not rest assured that this man would take care of his son. He had no experience. What if he could not take care of her son?

Of course, for more important reasons, she didn't want her son to be taken away.

Huang Fu Quanche hugged the back of Ji Xiaozhang's back and disappeared around the corner. Ji Qingmeng was still in a dream, Lin Maomao immediately jumped in front of her, "Sister Limeng, why don't you tell me your ex-husband is so rich and handsome ! "

Ji Qingnian was startled and stepped back, facing Lin Maomao's fuss, she shook her head and laughed at herself, "Last thing, let alone mention it."

"I now know why Xiaojun looks so handsome. It turned out to be his father's gene!"

Lin Maomao's expression of epiphany.

Ji Qinglim stared at him immediately, "Why is he just like him?

Xiao Yan is like me. "

"Yes, your eyes are like you! They are beautiful too!"

Lin Maomao smiled immediately, why wasn't Sister Lime upset! Is this ex-husband really a scumbag?

"Sister Limon, why did you divorce! What caused it?"

Lin Maomao couldn't wait to hear the story.

"Did he derail?

Is he bad for you?

Raised Primary Three? "

Lin Maomao followed behind Ji Qinglim and couldn't help asking.

Ji Qingmeng didn't answer that marriage, there was really nothing to say about it, so let alone mention it.

Gu Yang was counting the number of boxes, and the backstage of the catwalk was a mess.

"Sister Lime, our boxes are here, and the organizer's car will be returned to the hotel in a while."

Gu Yang said.

Ji Qinglim nodded, "You will come back to the hotel with the car in a while! I have some private things to do. Tonight, I will come back later."

"Just don't come back! Don't report to us."

Lin Maomao smiled loudly.

Ji Qinglim reached out and knocked her head. "Be careful."

Lin Maomao immediately covered the place where he was knocked. It didn't hurt, but he was beaten, so wronged.

Ji Qingneng returned to the lounge, took off her red dress, and replaced her original white shirt with black trousers.

Ji Qinglim picked up her bag and glanced at the time. At 4:30 in the afternoon, Ji Qinglim went to a quiet balcony and looked around this once familiar city with her arms around. She needed to be quiet and think about the future road.

Because, she never thought that Emperor Fu Quanche would one day intervene in her and her son's life.

Don't think about it, but also know that between them, a fierce battle for subjugation is about to start, or a protracted battle, she needs to be patient.

At this time, her telephone rang, and she picked it up and called it from the good sister Lin Xuenuo.


Ji Qingneng picked up a bit tired, and she only needed to tighten her nerves in front of her closest person.

"Lime, did the catwalk win?

When will you bring my son back? "

Lin Xuenuo asked at that end.

Ji Qinglim held his forehead and looked away, "Maybe he won't be able to come back for a while. He knows Xiaoxi's existence."

he! Needless to say, Lin Xuenuo knows who he is.

"Ah! What?"

At the other end, she shouted directly, "How did he know?

Did you meet him?

Did he check your situation abroad? "

"No, you can't believe it. It was Xiaoxun who approached him personally. Now, he took Xiaoxuan away from me."


Did he **** Xiaoyu?

Gosh! How could Xiaoyu find him! "

Lin Xuenuo was about to die for her.

Ji Qingmeng had no defense against her own son. She was concealed in a foreign country, and even her family members and even her biological father had concealed it.

However, she never imagined that her son would find Huangfu Quanche himself.

But her son's starting point was for her good. Now, she can't blame, no wonder, no wonder, all you can say is that the world is unpredictable, and the will is unpredictable.

"To help me, I don't want me to be too tired to make money. He rushed to find Huangfu Quanche for maintenance."

Ji Qinglim is getting bigger and bigger. She is working so hard for her son, because she wants to give her son the best education and life.

However, she ignored it, and her son was distressed.

Lin Xuenuo shook for a few seconds at that end. "How did he know that Huangfu Quanche was his father?"

"I don't know when he found my divorce certificate and went to the door smitten."

"Why didn't you hide it! The little guy is growing up, he knows more and more things, hey! I think it ’s heaven to let their father and son meet! Do n’t get tangled, little guys can have this filial , Really conscience. "

Lin Xuenuo comforted.

"Actually, I have no objection to let Xiaoxiong recognize his father. I am just afraid, afraid that Huangfu Quanche will take him away."

Ji Qingnang had her long hair around her fingers and felt distressed and had a headache.

Lin Xuenuo sighed, "Can you not grab it?

He must be furious! "

"He wants to kill me."

"Ah! Then you have to pay attention to your life's safety! You can't go wrong, you have to tell him that if you kill you, his son will hate him forever."

Lin Xuenuo was busy supporting.

Ji Qinglim was ridiculed, "He didn't dare to kill me!"

But she thought that capital punishment could be avoided and living crime could not escape.

This man, obviously will not let her go easily, and this account, I do not know how he counted with her.

"So, aren't you back for the time being?"

"Maybe! Anyway, my show is over, and I ask the company for a break."

"Exactly, I also intend to return to China for development, because I have just been fired."

Lin Xuenuo only spoke about her.

Ji Qinglim shook, "What?

Have you been fired? "

"Designed, anyway, I'm unemployed."

Lin Xuenuo laughed at herself.

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