President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 36: Father and son get along

Chapter 36: Father and Son Get along

The next time, Cheng Haoyue looked at how the man in front of her smiled and laughed. Her heart was not a taste. This man was really involved in the relationship between her son and her.

Going back in the garden, it was already at 8:30 in the evening. When I came back, Gong Ye night squatted the little guy back on the neck, and the laughter of the little guy broke through the sky.

Behind him, Cheng Haoyue heard his son's so happy and excited smile, and his mouth curled up with a smile she had never noticed.

As a mother, my son's happy and happy, is her happy and happy, this feeling, she wants to suppress can not suppress.

Going back to the living room, the little guy is almost out of laughter, and Gong Ye night squats in his arms. Junyan can't help but get close to him. He kisses his tender little face and kisses the little guy. I have to giggling, and the smile on the palace night, is also from the heart of love and love.

Cheng Haoyue came in and saw this ad, and for a few seconds, the man who had just talked to her was a demon, but at the moment, he became an angel.

Looking at the son on the sofa, she said, "Ozawa, it’s time to take a shower."

"Mummy, can you let me bathe tonight?" The little guy asked immediately.

Cheng Haoyue really wants to be mad, and his son is so stuck in the palace night, it is not a good thing.

After listening to the palace night, a pair of deep and charming dawns gaze smugly, and Cheng Haoyue did not bite his teeth.

"Well, take a shower for you, let's go! In the future, I will bathe you every day." Gong Ye霄 can enjoy his son's dependence on him!

"Yeah!" The little guy was excited and nodded.

When Cheng Haoyue went upstairs, he found that the servants in the castle were gone. Cheng Haoyue could not help but go upstairs. She remembered that there were many rooms on the fourth floor. After she slept her son tonight, she went back to the room. sleep.

In the bathroom, the palace night owl for the first time to bathe the meat toot little guy, is also very fresh, in the bathtub, the little guy's body is healthy and white, the black hair is stained with water, under the bright light, very handsome and cute A pair of watery eyes made him think of Cheng Haoyue for the first time.

If the child's facial features are extremely good, then these eyes must be like her mother, clear and pure, without any trace of impurities.

"Hey, my grandparents are there!" The little guy asked with big eyes and curiously.

Miyajima’s face was slightly stunned and smiled softly. “They live abroad, I will meet you when I find a time.”

"Yeah!" The little guy looked forward.

Cheng Haoyue walked into the master bedroom and saw a spacious room with a chilly style. The man’s provocative personality was everywhere, and she could not walk in the direction of the balcony.

Gong Ye night took the bathroom and took the little guy out. The little guy didn't have any clothes to wear. Gong Ye night thought that when he was building the castle, his other closet had a children's room, so in the children's room. There are spare clothes.

He wrapped the little guy in a quilt and told him not to get out of bed. He pushed the door to the next room, took a set of pajamas that the little guy could wear, and put it on.

On the balcony, Cheng Haoyue leaned back against the railing and looked through the window at the man who was looking at the bed to dress his son. Some people couldn’t believe it. The man’s feeling is cold, noble, and impossible, but at the moment, he is in front of his son. It is a full image of a dad.

In fact, it is not a bad thing for a son to have such a father.

Cheng Haoyue couldn’t help but smash his head. What did she think? Is it because he is better for his son, is it soft?

Cheng Haoyue pushed open the balcony door and swam in the palace night. "You should go bathing."

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