President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 523: Finally have her news

After analyzing the amnesia and amnesia, looking for a week passed, the heart of Gongye’s night was on the verge of collapse every day. In the end, he made a decision and rewarded him. If anyone can get the news for Cheng Haoyue, the bonus is 500. Wan, this news was immediately seen by the major TV stations.

The time of gold was played out. Even if he let him pay a billion, he would not hesitate for a second. However, if there are too many bonuses, he will set aside the danger of a month, one million, which is attractive enough.

Moreover, this time, an anonymous reward was issued, and only a daily photo of Cheng Haoyue was posted, which made her face clear.

After Gong Yao’s decision was made, no one had clues during the day. He could only wait patiently.

Every minute and every second is a torment for him.

But now, he can only wait.

On the island, I also passed a week. In this week, most of her days were spent in a daze. She lived in the manor of Langka and lived with Langka. It was just a separate room. Lanca also did not make any unusual moves to her.

It can be regarded as respectful.

Today, in the study room, she saw a few blank manuscript papers. She looked at the scenery outside the window. She picked up the paintbrush next to her and carefully depicted the scenery outside the window.

The fluency of the pen was a little surprised by Cheng Haoyue. Was she interested in painting before?

Cheng Haoyue's pen is very natural, and the large piece of trees and gardens outside the window, the blank clouds, seem to be on the paper, realistic and amazing.

And she was very fascinated, and behind her, Langa gradually approached her. She didn't find out. Langka looked at the painting she was painting there. She was a little surprised. He walked over step by step. When he looked at the green scroll on her paper, he could not help. Stunned a few points.

The girl's calm and elegant appearance has already made him appreciate it, but she did not expect her to have such a standard of painting.

"It's beautiful." Behind him, Langa couldn't help but admire.

Cheng Haoyue quickly took the pen and received some embarrassment to him. "Sorry, I am moving your things."

Langa has always been helpless. The girl in front of her eyes is like a beautiful stone that doesn't heat up. Even if he cares about how to care for the cold every day, she is a look of retreat, and the closest thing is just that. She allowed him to take one hand.

This is not the result he wants!

"Grandpa said let us prepare for the wedding for a week. What are your requirements for the wedding? You can tell me now, I will go to the row."

"So fast?" Cheng Haoyue was taken aback, she still has no mental preparation.

Langa sighed at her. "Grandpa's body has been bad, and, after another week, he may have to go out to the island for an operation. After the operation, he may not be able to stay on the island for a long time."

"What happened to his grandfather?"

"He is late in liver cancer."

"What?" Cheng Haoyue was shocked and slightly widened. "So, I am now preparing for the wedding. There is a huge church here. They will prepare the wedding scene for us as soon as possible. Your wedding accessories will be airlifted tomorrow morning. I will prepare ten sets for you to choose from. , small poem, I try to give you a perfect, the most grand

Wedding. "Langa's gaze looked at her. He is now against her. In addition to appreciation, there is still a desire. She is as beautiful as a snow lotus, clean and unstained. He expects her to be his wife."

Cheng Haoyue looked at him and thought about it. She shook her head. "I don't have any special needs."

"So, then I will go to the row, small poems, I will make you the happiest bride in the world."

Cheng Haoyue’s eyes suddenly stunned. I don’t know why, Ming Lanja is also full of feelings, but she is not excited and excited. She doesn’t know why.

Langa smiled at her. "Let's finish your painting, I want to hang in my living room, there is a painting missing."

Cheng Haoyue licked his lips and smiled. "Well, I will finish painting." It was another difficult night to pass. From the son's room, Gongye went to the babysitter's room and held the little daughter in his arms. I’m a little fat, my face is tender and tender, and the facial features are like Cheng Haoyue. He looks at his daughter and secretly swears that he must put the little guy’s mother.

Pro to find.

No matter how much hardship he has to experience, he must find her.

Three days passed, and Cheng Haoyue’s news was still not provided by anyone. It must have been sent out in the name of the police. The masses did not dare to come to ask for money.

In a base in this city, the canteen usually broadcasts the news of the country. A soldier who has just returned from the mission has a skeleton on his left face, which is very embarrassing. However, he is the best one in the army. Approved soldiers.

He is eating with his companion. The TV in front of him is playing the noon news. He looks up and sees the female host's words continue to broadcast the previous tracing notice.

Cheng Haoyue's photo was clearly enlarged on the entire screen, and the soldier who was eating immediately shook his eyes slightly, toward the companion around him. "I have seen this girl."

"What? No!"

"I really have seen it. I was there at the scene of the explosion. She was dizzy. I was going to send her to the hospital. However, she woke up and got off the bus."

"This news has been broadcast for a few days. Maybe the family is very anxious. You have time to go to the nearby police station."

"I will go after dinner."

Noon at noon.

Gong Ye night is still in the castle, accompanied by his daughter, his cell phone suddenly sounded, he looked at the police phone, he quickly picked up, "Hey!"

"Mr. Gong, I just had a man who said that I have seen your wife. Would you like to come over?"

"Really? Well, I will come over now and let him wait for me." Gong Yee hurriedly took her daughter into the mother's arms. "Mom, I have to go out."

"Is there any news in Haoyue?" Xia Houlin was also anxious recently. The two grandchildren are still so small. She really feels distressed. Of course, she is also worried about the things that Cheng Haoyue may have lost her memory.

Originally, both of them were prepared to hold a wedding after they had finished the granddaughter. Where did they know that this would happen?

Gong Ye night rushed to the police station, I saw in the lounge, a man in a military uniform sat there, the police said to him. "It is this soldier who said that he saw your wife at the scene of the explosion." I hurried and sat down opposite him. "Hello, have you really seen my wife? What happened to her at the time."

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