President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 754: Chu Yan falls

<> The fastest update of the president is the most recent chapter of the super!

In the hall, Chu Yan took back her own box. Then, the leader who had opened the room sent the room card to them. Everyone went back to the hotel to rest. When Chu Yan dragged the box to find her room, it happened. The man just brushed the door card next door to her. .org 雅文吧

The man immediately laughed. "It’s so good that you live next door to you."

Chu Yan smiled and asked politely. "I don't know what your name is."

"My name is Wang Yue, I am doing things in the communications industry." Wang Yue was very pleased to introduce himself. After he finished, he did not forget to add a sentence, "I am still single."

Chu Yan listened to this additional sentence, she snorted and then nodded. "That I wish you soon to find your happiness."

After that, she swiped the card into the door, and Wang Yue looked at her after she entered, only a smile on her mouth. For him, it seems that this trip is worthwhile! Because he has a direct and clear goal.

When he was on the plane, he noticed Chu Yan at first sight. Her noble temperament and beautiful appearance were attracting him. People like his age are not like young people. They are not like them. The target of looking for it will be directly started.

Chu Yan is the target of his travel.

Chu Yan opened the air conditioner, sat on the sofa, and enjoyed the snow outside the window. She relaxed and she picked up the phone and opened it. Suddenly a SKPe appeared to apply for it. She opened it in surprise and saw only three words on it. "War, Yang."

Chu Yan’s heart jumped sharply. He actually searched her SKPe account and added it. She passed him.

Chu Yan’s heart still has some surprises. Why should he add her? Just thinking, a message sounded, she was busy picking up, and the war was sent. .org 雅文吧

"I heard that you are going skiing, so envy!"

Chu Yan laughed and returned, "It's rare to have a holiday, you have to use it to relax."

“Show me more photos, let me in the office, and enjoy the snow scenes abroad.”

"Okay! I will show you, is the scarf received?"


Chu Yan made a smile, and then, suddenly, she could not find any topic to talk to him, she said, "You are busy! I take a break."

"it is good!"

Chu Yan went to take a shower, changed her clothes and lay on the bed. When she picked up the mobile phone, she found that the war was not sending any more information. She sighed a little and put on her eye mask to sleep.

Woke up, it was dinner tonight, Wang Yue was sitting next to her, Chu Yan could feel the enthusiasm and affection of Wang Yue, she just kept a polite response, she can not afford to feel emotional now interest.

Dinner is very enjoyable, and there are activities in the evening. Chu Yan has always been the quietest person. She takes out her mobile phone from time to time and checks the information of SKePe. Every time the information comes, she immediately goes to check it, but it is not a war. of.

When she found out that she was so expecting his message, she couldn’t help but laugh and laugh. What happened to her?

At 9 o'clock the next day, their team began to go to the ski resort in the middle of the mountain. Chu Yan was also fully armed. At the same time, she picked up her mobile phone and took a picture of the snow on the mountain. She also took some pictures of her.

At the resting place on the ski resort, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a few photos to the war, and then they immediately began to go to the skiing position. Everyone was fully equipped and started skiing.

Chu Yan used to have skiing experience. However, after a long time, she was also unfamiliar. She fell to the ground several times. However, this is also one of the fun. Anyway, it is experience, and there is no need to be like a real ski master.

Chu Yan fell behind her several times, her friends and classmates have slipped down the mountain, at this time, Chu Yan's side came the voice of Wang Yue.

"Chu Yan, don't worry, I am with you." He laughed, but skiing is very skilled.

"Thank you." Chu Yan smiled, the two people slowly slide down all the way, Chu Yan fell on the snow several times, Wang Yue lifted her up, and finally, two people fell together, but two people are laughing.

Chu Yan was at the corner, did not control the speed, the whole person suddenly pulled out of the snow track, rolled down from a hillside next to it, rolled over a dozen laps before stopping, and Chu Yan felt the foot bare There was a pain in the sprain.

"Chu Yan." Next to Wang Yue immediately untied the skis and quickly rushed down to save her.

Chu Yan took off the skis, she snorted, her feet were sore.

"Is it broken? I look at it." Wang Yue came over immediately, and took her foot and looked at it.

"It may be twisted." Chu Yan finished, she tried to stand up, Wang Yue reached out and picked up the phone to prepare for help, which knows that there is no signal here.

"There is no signal, maybe they don't know that you fell. Now, I can only let you go up."

"Ah... no, in this case, you will definitely be very tired! I am very heavy." Chu Yan is of course embarrassed to let him back.

"Don't worry, I usually exercise, I have a lot of strength, and I am moving." Wang Yue smiled, and he bent down in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan’s foot hurts at this time, it’s quite cold. If you don’t hurry to the ambulance station, your feet will definitely be frostbitten.

She had to pick up the back of Wang Yue, Wang Yue carrying her, and began to climb to the runway halfway up the mountain.

This kind of place is not easy to walk, not to mention carrying a person, Chu Yan can feel that Wang Yue is very hard, can move one step, she is very unwilling to go inside.

"Or, let me go! I may still be able to go."

"No, your foot hurts, you can't move, you hold me tight." Wang Yue worried about her feet.

Chu Yan can only feel the hard climb of Wang Yue, and she is very embarrassed on his back. I have to say that at this moment, Wang Yue’s move touched her.

Wang Yue stepped up step by step and climbed for twenty minutes before he climbed up. Then, he found a staff member on the side and sent Chu Yan to a nearby ambulance station.

Wang Yue is not slipping. He is with her. Chu Yan’s foot is not a serious sprain, but she can’t ski at least for a few days. She can only rest in the hotel.

This is nothing to Chu Yan, she is not good at skiing anyway, she decided to live in the hotel in the past few days!

She picked up the phone and turned it on. There was a signal. At the same time, there was new news. She opened it. The war and Yang Yang sent a few words. "The snow scene is beautiful and people are more beautiful."

"It’s fun, be careful, your body is not good."

"What's the matter, call me."

"Be careful to keep warm and rest." Chu Yan's heart is warm, how do you feel that this young man, who is a few years old, always speaks in front of her like an elder?

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