President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 80: His gentleness

Chapter 80 His gentleness

Her words also made Xia Houlin not to mention it any more. The food came up. The little guy was very embarrassed to eat. He was very active and didn't have to worry about it. It was a good education from a young age.

When the Gongyang couple looked at the grandson, they saw the son's childhood, and then they were smart and the most favored in the whole palace.

Gong Ye night looked at his parents and looked at his son. Even the food was forgotten. He couldn’t help but chuckle. "Dad, Mom, you eat yours, Ozawa doesn't care about him."

Gong Momo took a bowl and said to the little guy, "Let's come to the competition and see who is the first one?"

"Okay! Aunt, I want to be the first." The little guy was energetic immediately.

"But we can't gorge ourselves, we have to eat slowly." Gong Momo made the rules.

The little guy nodded, "Okay!"

Gong Momo deliberately let the little guy, the little guy also did it slowly, eating very seriously, Cheng Haoyue looked at Gong Momo, could not help but love the lady of this palace, although born from the giants, but a little bit There is no shelf for the lady, but it is cute and playful.

Everyone also had their own meals. Cheng Haoyue and his sister-in-law looked at him several times. He saw his eyes deep in the sea, and when he stared at her, it seemed to have a magical power.

For a time, her heartbeat was chaotic.

After dinner, about 8:30, in order to be close to the children, this restaurant is a huge People's Square nearby, which is a great place for a good walk after a meal.

The parents of Cheng Haoyue seeing the palace nightingale did not mean to rob the child, and even the various aspects were very accommodating to take care of her emotions. This made Cheng Haoyue feel at home. "Eat enough to eat, go for a walk in the nearby square." Let's go!"

"Okay, okay! I want to go too." The little guy was excited because he had a lot of children playing in the square and he liked it.

Xia Houlin and Gong Shengyang smiled and nodded, they are also asking for it! There is just a flyover here, and it’s all right. The group did not drive and walked to the sidewalk of the square. There is a place for walking, and even bicycles are not allowed.

As soon as the little guy entered the place, he ran up excitedly. Cheng Haoyue immediately worried about catching up. Gong Momo had already done the baby for her. She is still like a child.

"Ozawa, you wait for your aunt."

Gong Shengyang and Xia Houlin both stepped up and went to the nursing. Cheng Haoyue was accidentally squeezed by a couple who walked at the same time. She wore high-heeled shoes and a shoe root. Her feet came. A sharp pain.

Although she was exclaimed, she did not say anything. She leaned toward the palace night, and the palace night saw it. The arm immediately took her waist and let her rely on his arms. He asked in a deep voice. ,"what happened?"

"The ankle is a bit." Cheng Haoyue took a breath of air.

Gong Ye night looked aside, there is a stone chair, "I will help you sit in the past, I will call Momo and my parents, let them look at Ozawa."

Cheng Haoyue nodded. At this moment, she couldn't help but keep up.

Gong Ye night picked up the mobile phone and unplugged the number of Gong Momo. She quickly picked up. "Hey, brother, what happened?"

"You and your parents say, look at Ozawa, I am waiting for you to come back at the entrance."

"Okay! Brother, you will live with the two-person world with your sister! I will accompany Ozawa." Gong Momo smiled and said, and hung up.

Gong Gong’s mouth was scornful, and he lowered his heart. He looked down at the girl sitting. Cheng Haoyue bent over and was holding his hand to the position of the sprain.

The pain is still very strong.

That being said, she can't even wear high-heeled shoes these few days.

The streetlights on the head are not bright, and there is a hint of beauty in the dimness. Under the green trees, even the faces of the people are covered with a layer of light. It is not really true.

Cheng Haoyue was squatting on his legs, only feeling bright on his head, standing in the palace night and squatting down, Cheng Haoyue eyes, seeing, is the shape of the man’s two eyebrows, the handsome facial lines under the light , dyed a few layers of soft.

Cheng Haoyue hasn't reacted yet. The thin legs are lifted up by the palace night, and they are placed on his knees. A pair of white jade-like feet that have taken off their shoes are reflected under the lights.

Cheng Haoyue's pretty face was red, and the palm of the palace night had already held her injured position. When his fingertip touched her skin, Cheng Haoyue's apex could not help but tremble.

"It's okay..." Cheng Haoyue was nervous, his eyelashes were shaking, he didn't want to be so warmly gripping his feet, and she felt that he was looking at his feet, and some were awkward.

"Go back to the medicine." Gong Ye night to see her feet naked and swollen, not serious, but these days she has an impact.

Gong Ye night did not look carefully, only then saw her feet slender and white, five fat heads round and lovely, but it is a beautiful foot.

When Cheng Haoyue was released, she quickly took back her foot and her bare feet. It seemed that he still had his heat not flowing, flowing to his chest, which made her jump up.

She looked up at the direction of the bustling center of the square, and some worried that "Ozawa did not run around!"

"Reassured, Momo will stare at him." Gong Ye night sighed, the slender body sat down beside her.

Cheng Haoyue’s heart is a little nervous. In this world, some people, even if he does not say a word, can make people feel overwhelmed. Gong Ye night belongs to this type of person.

Cheng Haoyue suddenly felt itchy on his leg. He reached for it and grabbed it. After a while, he had a swollen bag.

This kind of woods belongs to the early autumn, and there are quite a lot of mosquitoes. Cheng Haoyue reveals a pair of slender white legs. Who does not bite her?

Does Cheng Haoyue think that these mosquitoes are also powers? Specially caught her weak to bully, not biting the palace night?

Miyazaki saw her grab the leg and immediately took out the phone and unplugged the bodyguard. "Take the car to the entrance of the square."

Cheng Haoyue looked up at him. "Are you gone?"

“I still want to feed the mosquitoes?” Gong Gong’s snoring.

Cheng Haoyue certainly doesn't want to, she can't wait to get out of here quickly, she is going to itch, and at least five or six swollen packs on her feet.

Cheng Haoyue put on his shoes and got up and turned around. Gong Yeyue reached out and helped her. Cheng Haoyue pushed him. "No, I can go."

The man’s sword and eyebrows are twisted. Is this woman still stubborn at this time?

Looking at her limping look, he really felt uncomfortable, he did not care, bent down, he hugged the woman in front.

"Hey... Palace night, you let me down."

Gong Ye night Jun Yan exudes a cold atmosphere, listening to the unheard of, the slender legs steadily marching forward, he was originally tall, Cheng Haoyue was hugged by him in his arms, looking petite and exquisite, really a little contrast.

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