President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 84: Shen Junyao set up

Chapter 84: Shen Junyao Establishment

At half past six, I opened the meal. Cheng Haoyue sat next to the little guy and had dinner with the parents of the palace. The night of the palace was in front of the family. It was a deeper language. Most of the time, he was staring at the other side. Smiling.

Halfway through the meal, Cheng Haoyue’s cell phone rang. She said that she had left the table and picked up the phone from the bag and picked it up. “Hey.”

"Yueyue, it is me, Shen Junyao." The end came the voice of Shen Junyao.

Cheng Haoyue could not help but walk down the stairs and came to the garden to answer. She asked a little coldly, "Is there something?"

"Cheng Haoyue, you have a problem with the diamond ring you designed, can you come to see it."

"Now? I don't have time." Cheng Haoyue did not believe that Shen Junyao must have thought of ways to complete her!

"Cheng Haoyue, if you want to show me now, you don't believe it, I will never sign the delivery of your company's last payment." Shen Junyao threatened.

"This is a matter for you and my company." Cheng Haoyue sneered, Shen Junyao actually took this to threaten her, she did not take her much money.

Shen Junyao sneered, "Cheng Haoyue, don't believe it, I can still tell you that the diamond ring you designed for me is completely wrong. You waste the big diamond I bought with more than four million. I can sue. You compensate me for the loss."

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Haoyue said for so long, she still doesn't know what she is going to do.

"I want you to come over now and bring your design draft. I have to modify a few places. The time is very tight. I have to get the design draft tonight and send it to me." Shen Junyao ordered.

Cheng Haoyue was so angry that Shen Junyao should not change her design draft at the beginning. Now, what happened?

"Where are you now?" Cheng Haoyue asked without anger.

"I am in the Baohui Hotel, the tenth floor, you come directly! Someone will bring you to see me." Shen Junyao finished, and threatened again, "This is very urgent, I have to finish work to join my marriage." For the anniversary, you better not be late."

Cheng Haoyue certainly does not know, today is her anniversary.

The company attaches great importance to Shen Junyao's order, and the last payment is overdue. The company has opinions on it. She said, "Is it changed tonight, will you pay the final price?"

"Okay! Come over, get it, I will pay tomorrow." Shen Junyao said lazily.

Cheng Haoyue bites his teeth. "Well, I will come over."

Hanging up the phone, Cheng Haoyue walked into the hall. She looked at the palace night and walked over to him. "I have a rush to go out, can you let your bodyguard send me a ride."

"Now?" Gong Gong night eyebrows.

"Well, now, very urgent."

"I see you off."

"No, you go home with Ozawa at night! I am busy, go straight back." Cheng Haoyue said to him.

I can hear from the palace night, she does not want Ozawa to stay in the castle for the night, this woman, is the defense still so heavy? Gong Ye night did not say anything, took out the phone and unplugged the phone of the nearby bodyguard, let them pick up.

Ten minutes later, the bodyguard’s car came in. Cheng Haoyue apologized to the palace’s humanity, and then walked to the little guy and whispered, “Will you go home with you later?”

"Well! Ok, Mommy, see you later." The little guy waved.

Cheng Haoyue got into the bodyguard's car and set off. She had to go to the company to get the design. Fortunately, the company had a security guard at night. She could go back and get the design draft. Cheng Haoyue just forgot where Tang Weiwei had received her last time. .

She made a phone call to Tang Weiwei, and in a hurry, she put the phone down and was pressed into the design draft she was looking for.

Finally, Cheng Haoyue found the one, she held it in her hand, picked up the bag and left.

I don't know if the phone is left in the office.

Cheng Haoyue went downstairs and took the bodyguard's car to the hotel that Shen Junyao said. Ten minutes later, it was arrived.

She let the bodyguard leave first. She will take a taxi back later because she doesn't know what time she is going to be wrapped up by Shen Junyao.

When she got out of the car, the phone of the bodyguard rang. He glanced at it. It was the palace night, "Hey, boss."

"Is Cheng Haoyue still in the car?" The sound of the palace night sounds, the tone is a little anxious, because when he called her, she did not pick up the phone several times.

The bodyguard immediately replied, "She just got off the bus."

"Where did she go?"

“Baohui Hotel.”

As soon as I listened to the hotel's two words, the night of the palace night was suddenly sunk. What did she do for the hotel? What men are you dating?

"Boss, do you have anything?"

"Nothing." Palace night squatting cold and dropped two words hanging up the phone.

In the garden of the castle, the face of the palace nightingale is as dark as the dark clouds in the sky. He just wanted to ask her a few times. He can drive to pick her up and go home. She knows that her mobile phone has been unable to get through.

However, why didn't she answer the phone?

And her purpose is to go to the hotel, Baohui Hotel is a five-star hotel, and most people can't afford it unless there are rich people.

Is it going to see Lu Junxuan? The eyes of the palace night sputum shot a cold light, he strode into the hall, and said to the little guy, "Ozawa, go out for a trip, do you play with your aunt, grandparents first? Pick you up."

"Well! Hey, you go!" said the little guy sensible.

Miyazawa 霄 霄 沫 沫 沫 沫 沫 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了

The black sports car is like a meteor disappearing on the wide road in the forest.

When Cheng Haoyue walked into the hotel, he was surprised that Shen Junyao had a family room. Why should he meet in the hotel?

"Is it Miss Cheng? I am the assistant of Mrs. Lu, she is waiting for you, please come with me." A young girl came forward to meet her.

Cheng Haoyue frowned and nodded. "Lead the way!"

On a spacious road, a black sports car is like a blast. In the car group, the needles are usually headed for the Baohui Hotel. The man in the car has a pair of gloomy eyes, like the beasts of the beasts.

Gong Yeyue can almost be sure that Cheng Haoyue received the phone at home, which was called by Lu Junxuan. She was in a hurry, whether she was going to Lu Junxuan for a date or something. In short, it would be absolute for her to meet the old lover tonight.

The throttle under the foot, once again stepped on the bottom, but fortunately there are not many vehicles in this section, so that his sports car played the speed of this function, the light and shadow flow, the man's handsome face is perfect and strong.

Cheng Haoyue thought of seeing Shen Junyao here, and the heart was still very repulsive. She calmly followed the assistant's footsteps into the elevator.

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