President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 842: Became it mom

Gong Yuze immediately turned to look at her, "Is it funny?"

Xia Anning immediately pouted and shook her head, but her eyes were clearly laughing.

Gong Yuze couldn't help but slap the lips. "Just Xiao Ke needs a mother. Are you willing to be your mother?"

The smile of Xia Anning's eyes immediately turned into a shock, and she shook her little head violently. No, she couldn't be a dog's mother!

However, Gong Yuze turned to Xiao Kedao. "She doesn't want to be your mother. She dislikes you. What should I do?"

Xiao Ke immediately seemed to understand, a big dog's face showed a disappointed expression, so poorly squinting.

Xia Anning looked at Xiao Ke’s tangled and lost black eyeballs. She couldn’t help but feel soft. She found that this big dog was strong and very fierce, but he was also very cute and very cute.

"Okay! I promised, but can it be understood?" Xia Anning had no chance to keep pets since he was a child, so he didn't know much about the dog's personality and intelligence index.

"It's very high IQ, don't underestimate it!" Gong Yuze finished, stroking Xiao Ke's hair. "From now on, she is your mother. Do you know her well in the future?"

Xiao Ke immediately blinked and seemed to agree. Then, he stood up and used his big dog's mouth to sniff Xia Anning. Xia Anning immediately became scared and couldn't move.

"Don't worry, it's just familiar with the taste of you. In the future, it will treat you as the object it needs to protect." After Gong Yuze finished, he stood up and prepared to go downstairs.

Xia Anning has been staring at Xiao Ke, who is spinning around himself. Xiao Ke sniffed, and he finally kissed his mouth and squatted on it, and then quickly walked downstairs with Gong Yuze.

Xia Aning couldn't help but laugh. Now, she became the mother of a five-year-old dog? This feeling is really strange!

However, it seems not bad! It seems that I really have the pride and pride of a child!

Downstairs, the chefs had been busy with their breakfast in the kitchen. At the same time, He Yong also mentioned the dog food, bought Xiao Ke’s sleeping bed and the like, and began to sleep in the corner of the hall with Xiao Ke’s sleep. bed.

When Xia Ning just saw Xiao Ke, he felt that it was too fierce, but when he looked at it twice, he found that it had a feeling of uniformity and handsomeness. It really had an aristocratic temperament with its owner.

Xia Anning couldn’t help but secretly look at the man who was setting up his nest in person. Gong Yuze was in her eyes, noble and young, like any of his things, there were special people waiting for it, but at the moment, his The body exudes a charming and gentle temperament.

After he had arranged the nest, he turned to the small Kodo who circled him around him. "Go in and lie down."

Xiao Ke immediately obediently entered, licked his short tail, and became a group in the sleeping nest to test asleep.

Xia Anning could not help but find out that this little Ke really has to understand people! IQ must not be low, she could not help but come over and watch it!

Gong Yuze took a clap. "Well, we used to have breakfast."

Gong Yuze washed a hand out, Xia Anning also sat down to have breakfast, and Xiao Ke had a special bowl under the table next to it, it was also eating.

Xia Anning was full, and she got up. "I am leaving first, I have to take a photo." When she finished the bag, she asked again to Gong Yuze. "In the afternoon, I really can go to you." Is the company looking for you?"

"Yes! You have called me." Gong Yuze said to her.

"Well! Ok!" Xia Aning smiled and smiled. Then, waved to Xiao Ke, "Xiao Ke, goodbye."

Xiao Ke immediately shook his short tail and watched her go out. Xiao Ke walked to the side of Gong Yuze, sat down, raised a dog's face and looked at him. The eyes seemed to say, are you in love?

Gong Yuze grew up with him. This telepathy is also very strong. He stared at Xiao Ke for a few seconds and smiled. "Don't think about it, she is only a person who lives in my house for the time being."

Xiao Ke looked at his head, and seemed to be disappointed with a snoring, turned and went to his nest to play with his new home.

"I will take you to take a shower in a while, seeing you are in the cabin, it must be a little dirty."

Xiao Ke immediately had a feeling of being dismissed. Even the dog's face was wrinkled. Gong Yuze couldn't help but stare at it and smiled. "What's wrong? Angry?"

Gong Yuze had a fate with the dog since he was a child. He sent away two dogs in his life. When his parents sent his golden hair to death, he took another dog to raise the baby, but a few years ago. Passed away, until Xiao Ke came to his side, the dog became his most loyal and trusted friend.

Xia Aning out of the scene, she took pictures in cafes, shopping malls, streets, she was initially unnatural, the movement is also stiff, but used to the eyes of others, but also skilled, and even more expressions.

As soon as Xia Ning thinks about the money of Gong Yuze, she will have the courage to do it. She doesn't want any face. As long as she can make money, what should she do?

Besides, she is just a gesture, not too much.

At noon, I took six sets, Xia Aning was very tired, and the staff had eaten outside, and continued to shoot four sets in the afternoon, and the manager Xiaoying told her that the response from her costume was good, the picture above was very good. As I just passed it last night, there are a lot of attention and clicks.

Xia Anning is a bit shy, she will work harder to do the shooting work.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, today's filming ended. Xia Anning was nearby. She swept a shared bicycle and rode in the direction of the skyscraper in the center of the city. Her eyes looked at the building like a gold tower in the afternoon. Under the sun, towering into the sky, the golden light is dazzling.

And she looked up at the building, like an ant small, she couldn't help but ride and look at the huge dark blue curtain wall, she wondered if Gong Yuze would look down on the city on the highest floors. What?

Xia Aning rode for more than 20 minutes. She finally reached the building of the Gongshi Group. She didn't dare to look at it any more because she was afraid of dizziness.

She looked at the hall where the entrance and exit were high-grade gold-collar workers. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous and took a deep breath. Her slender and petite body, a slightly tender face and this modern building seemed to be out of place.

She couldn't help but scream, the company of Gong Yuze is so big!

"Miss, who are you looking for?" Xia Aning could not help but arrive at the front desk, and a female front desk stood up and asked.

Xia Anning could not help but blurt out, "I am looking for Mr. Gong Yuze."

The eyes of the eight front desks fell on her face as if they were hearing strange jokes. When the girl appeared, she said that she would look for the president of the Gong Group. When the young master of the palace entered the company, he was fascinated by the unmarried female staff of the whole company, which shows that his charm is great. And the girl who got out of this, when she came in, said to find him? (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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