President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 882: Handsome man

When Xia Aning ran downstairs and waited for Gong Yuze, there was a small square next to it. Xia Aning was thirsty. He planned to buy a cup of tea and drink it. When she got to a junction, she saw a familiar face. She was taken aback, she was a good friend of her high school, Wu Tian, ​​who saw here.

She, Xia Anning is still very surprised.

Wu Tian is an orphan. She didn't even have a college. She watched as she was waving a flyer to the passing pedestrians. She didn't know what she was doing. The passing pedestrians didn't pick up.

Wu Tian sighed, Xia Anning walked to her side, smiled and called her, "sweet."

Wu Tian turned to see Xia Anning, she could not help but surprise, "Anny, I did not expect to meet you here." After that, she was a little shy and squatted.

“How come you send flyers here?” Xia Anning asked curiously.

"No way, I am saving money now. We have a few orphans there, and we can make a little money." Wu Tian laughed.

Xia Anning’s heart was filled with a burst of admiration. She saw that she had more than half of the flyers in her hand. She couldn’t help but reach out to her. “Give me half, I will send it for you!”

"Thank you for your peace." Wu Tian was grateful, and reached out and handed it out to her. After Xia Aning took over, she began to send flyers to pedestrians.

The content above the flyer is a discount for the promotion of a shopping mall. However, since the shopping mall is not very famous, the people in the past have left at a glance and did not receive flyers.

Xia Anning and Wu Tian were still trying to deliver to the passers-by. At this time, Xia Anning’s cell phone rang, and she reached for a look, which was called by Yuki Yuki.

Her gaze could not be seen on the road to the company's door. She saw that the rainy black sports car of Gong Yuze stopped there. Xia Ning was busy picking up the phone. "Hey!"

"I am at your door." The end of the palace rains the low and charming voice.

"I am coming down. I am in the square next to me. I have a friend who is here to send flyers. I am helping. Can you wait for me for a while?" Xia Anning, at this moment, can't leave Wu Tian, ​​go fast. Black, she still has so many tasks not completed!

Gong Yuze was not angry at the end, or he was not bothered. He chuckled, "Good!"

Xia Anning’s heart was also relieved. Next to Wu Tian saw her pick up the phone and asked curiously, “Do you have something to leave?”

"Nothing, I can finish it for you." Xia Ning licked his lips and smiled.

Wu Tian’s eyes were grateful. She nodded and some exclaimed. “I could have come here to send it at a little more, but because of a little thing, I only arrived at four o'clock. If I don’t finish this, I Maybe this time it will be dry."

"Reassured, I will help you." Xia Aning immediately met, she can not leave her regardless.

Wu Tian’s life experience has always been poor, she also sympathizes with her, it is good to help!

At this moment, Xia Anning saw a long, tall figure in front of the crowd coming towards this side, against the setting sun, tall and incredible, Xia Anning holding the hand of the flyer, directly in the air, Gong Yuze actually Car?

Moreover, he still came straight to her side.

Wu Tian is handing out flyers. Her gaze is also looking at the pedestrians coming and going. It is cold and cold. Among a group of pedestrians, her eyes are dull.

She saw a figure of a genius who came to her side. She immediately became so nervous that she even forgot to send the flyer. However, she saw the man’s gaze looking at Xia Ning’s side, Wu Tianyi. Is it what they know?

Xia Ning smiled and smiled. Instead of looking at Gong Yuze, he quickly handed a leaflet to a pedestrian. When the pedestrian glanced, he waved his hand and did not leave.

Xia Anning did not feel embarrassed, and continued to walk in front of a passing aunt, the aunt was very interested, then took it and left.

In front of Xia Anning, Gong Yuze step by step to her side. "Need help?"

Low and charming sound lines, like a big string sound.

Wu Tian was shocked and she pulled the arm of Xia Anning. "Your friend?"

After that, she looked at Gong Yuze at a close distance. She shouted, it was really the most handsome and handsome man she had ever seen.

"Yes, my friend!" Xia Anning nodded, and then some shy dynasty Yu Ze said, "No, you just wait for me for a while."

Gong Yuze certainly knew that the flyer in her hand was very slow. He reached out and took the leaflet in her hand halfway. Xia Anning snorted slightly. Would he help her to send flyers?

On the side of Wu Tian also shocked, this handsome guy actually helped to send flyers? It’s just too incredible.

However, when Gong Yuze was stunned by the two girls, the flyer in his hand was sent to a passing girl. The girl was looking down at the mobile phone. When she saw the flyer being sent to the front, she immediately raised her hand and waved it, but After the pendulum is finished. She seemed to be attracted by something. She jerked her eyes up from the phone and looked back at the person who sent the flyer. Her eyes directly appeared in the stars. Then she turned back and took the rain. Ze will take back the flyer, hold the flyer, look at the man in front of him, bold

Ask, "handsome, can you add WeChat?"

Gong Yuze smiled and smiled. "Sorry, I don't play WeChat."

The beautiful woman did not give up and continued to show her cuteness. "So... is it not convenient to leave a phone number?"

Xia Ning on the side squinted and looked at the girl who was so enthusiastic. Her heart could not help but see the palace Yu Ze.

"Sorry!" There was a strong rejection in the eyes of Gong Yuze.

However, even if she was rejected, the girl did not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, she only lost, and while holding the flyer, she frequently looked back at Gong Yuze.

Wu Tian is also secretly surprised, there are handsome guys to help out, it seems that the flyers will be able to finish it!

really! As long as he passed by Gong Yuze, whether it was men and women, or young and old, he took out his flyers. The eyes in his hands were finished. He turned back and saw that Xia Ning and Wu Tian’s hands were still unfinished. Finished, he reached out, "Give me all!"

Xia Anning gave him the surprise in his hand, and Wu Tian also handed it to him. After Gong Yuze took over, they said to them two times, "You take a break." After that, he took a long leg and walked to the door of the mall not far away, so there was a splendid situation. Ze sent out the first leaflet, and the young girl around him immediately came in. He just picked it up and was immediately taken away by the girls, as if he was holding it, not a monotonous and boring flyer, but The same as money. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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