President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 926: Forced her

Xia Anning was in a daze, and a young man next to her was staring at the phone in her hand. When Xia Ning intended to put it in the bag, he suddenly reached out and took the phone in her hand and ran quickly.

Xia Anning’s brain was blank for a few seconds, and she immediately chased it. “Return my mobile phone... return the phone to me!”

Where is the thief still willing? This is a valuable fruit machine. He is used to stealing. He is very familiar with the section of this film. Xia Anning can't catch up with him any more.

"Give me back...send the phone back to me..." Xia Anning was behind him, chasing and yelling, and there was even more despair in his heart.

The phone has photos of her and Gong Yuze, and they have all the evidence they have. That is her last thoughts. Now, God has taken away.

"Don't... don't take it away... give it back to me..." Xia Ning relied desperately on a tree pole. She looked up and saw where the thief was. This means that her mobile phone, lost at the end of the lost!

Even if I can get it back, I need a lot of work. She has to go to the police station to find it again.

Xia Anning returned to the place where she lost her mobile phone. There was monitoring on it. She suddenly had some confidence. She asked the police station nearby and she passed. In the police station, the police accepted her case and looked at the surveillance. She said to her, "Miss, this thief is a recidivist here. We have been staring at him for a long time, but he often hooligans in the country. Case, we need to grasp the difficulty, and, can your mobile phone

Looking back, we can't give you a clear answer. ”

"Please, please, have you been helping me find my mobile phone?" Xia Ning was crying, and his eyes were red.

The young police officer looked at her white face and couldn't help but feel comforted. "Well, let's do our best! You leave a contact number and address, we have clues, or find your mobile phone, you must notify you immediately."

"Okay! Thank you." Xia Anning left her mother's mobile phone number. Anyway, this is a hope, she does not want to give up.

Xia Anning came out of the police station. She went to a bus and went home. Without a mobile phone, it seems that her heart is more empty. It seems that this is God’s deliberate arrangement. Is it for him to forget this man? Have to get more out of the bottom?

Was it punishing her to hurt him? So, even a trace of memories are not left to her?

When Xia Aning came home, it was more than six o'clock in the evening. She just turned out from the intersection and suddenly opened a black business car door next to her. Xia Ning was shocked.

He Yong took the figure from the front passenger seat, and there was a bodyguard to open the door next door. The statue of Miyazawa Yuki sat in it, his eyes and Xia Ning slammed together.

“Why don’t you answer the phone when you shut down?” Gong Yuze’s angry questioning voice.

After he woke up, he wanted to call her again, only to find that her phone was turned off, which refreshed his anger again.

Xia Aning was bitter and didn't know how to tell him what she had encountered.

"Do you have anything?" Xia Anning and he looked across the door.

"Let's find a place to talk and get on the bus." Gong Yuze ordered. Xia Aning had a glimpse of his heart, and at this moment, the bodyguard standing behind her suddenly rudely pushed forward, and Xia Anning instinctively rushed forward, and she almost hit the door. At this time, Gong Yuze’s hand stretched out. Come over and hold the hand that she wants to climb something, one by one, Xia Ning

Stepped into the business car.

The bodyguard apologized behind him. "Sorry Miss Xia, offended."

Xia Anning turned his head, the bodyguard pulled the door up, and Xia Anning’s hand was gripped by Gong Yuze, pulling her to the position beside him.

"You..." Xia Aning still wants to complain.

Gong Yuze glimpsed gently. "If you are obedient, you don't need to be treated like this."

Xia An-Ning hangs down, feeling that the palace Yu Ze is no longer seeing the pity of her eyes, she has a bitter self-satisfaction.

"Where do you want to take me?" Xia Aning is not afraid of what he will do to her. She is worried that being with him will shake her determination to leave him.

"When you go, you will know." Gong Yuze did not want to tell her.

Xia Anning bowed his head and looked at her big palm, wearing a string of black bracelets on her wrist, and Xia Anning instinctively pulled his hand back from his palm.

Gong Yuze stunned and his face was a bit ugly.

Xia Anning bit his lip, silent, and the front shutter pulled up, making the space behind it a private two-person space.

There are only two people breathing quietly, and Gong Yuze’s breathing is a bit heavy, because he has not retreated from high fever. Because he is acute, he will repeat.

Before he left the hospital, his body temperature was still above 38 degrees. At this point, it seems that because of bad mood, there is a rise in appearance.

Xia Anning heard that his breathing was not normal. She couldn’t help but look at him, just hitting Gong Yuze’s eyes, she was so scared that she quickly turned her eyes to the side and didn’t want him to see her. The eyes are worried about him.

"Are you still having a fever?" Xia Ning listened to his heavy breathing, like a high fever.

Gong Yuze took her hand and put it on his forehead. Xia Anning immediately felt hot, and she looked up at him scared. "It's hot."

When Gong Yuze saw her want to take a hand, he was somewhat overbearing and let her feel his temperature. "My illness is caused by you, you are responsible."

In his voice, there is a sense of dependence and obsession.

Xia Anning’s breathing was not caused by a slight breath. Her mind was blank and she didn’t know how to pick him up.

Gong Yuze's breathing suddenly came to her ear, and Xia Anning instinctively hid next to her, she just avoided, because she was afraid of what he would do.

However, in the eyes of the young Master Gong, she was clearly abandoning his approach. In an instant, his face recovered a bit of coldness, sat up straight and snorted. "Now, even my approach, you are Is it so resentful?"

Xia An Ning was sour in her nose, she continued to keep her face, she wanted to turn around and hug him, but she could not.

"Xia Anning, are you sure not to come back to me?" Gong Yuze's voice line was very cold in the dark compartment, and there was still a trace of pain.

Xia Anning clenched her hands tightly and her fingers were white. She looked at the scenery that flashed through the window. She was silent. She knew that if she answered, it meant that everything was clear. "Answer me, my patience is limited." Gong Yuze forced her. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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