President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 940: Season morbidity

Now all the industries of Jijia are handed over to Ji Tiantian. Therefore, he is very busy. Every week, he runs around the industry of Jijia. Most of the time, Ji Anning spends his time with his grandfather. Ji Anning is here. I have lived in the blink of an eye for more than a year. Today, she is dressed and dressed.

All of them have the richness of Miss Fu Jia. The childishness of that year was only occasionally revealed in the time when she was in a relationship with her grandfather. Usually, her travels showed a calm and calm atmosphere.

Ji Anning lives here, she still has a lot of questions in her heart, about her father, she thought the foreign guild mentioned, but she waited for a year and a half, and her grandfather never took the initiative to mention with her. About her father's business.

The grandfather did not say that Ji Anning would not dare to ask, for fear of touching the sadness of her grandfather, she thought, the mother left her in the world that year, but left the world alone, did it happen that year?

Is her father a taboo? A person who does not want to mention a grandfather?

Ji Anning also had to continue to bear it, and Ji Tianci did not mention it to her, but his father’s identity was always in the heart of Ji’an, eager to know that one day, she would bring her to the world together with her mother. The man is what it looks like.

The condition of the season's father has been concealed. Although Ji'an's return has made his mood happy, but his daughter's death has also affected him.

The disease is like a mountain. When the disease occurs, many complications will follow.

The spring semester of Ji Anning is over. The holiday is coming. In the morning, she will go to the piano room to practice the piano. In the afternoon, she will pick up a nearby horse farm to practice horse riding, shooting, or elegant golf.

She is smart and eager to learn. For more than a year, she has learned a lot.

The first time the father had coughed up blood three days ago. At that time, only Louis was with him. He told him to hide this thing, but Louis still called him to give Ji Tianci, let him take time back. .

The second time he coughed up blood, it was when Ji’an went out to ride a horse. At this time, Ji Tianci rushed back from the airport. When he came back, Louis called a doctor and was treating him for the season.

Ji Anning also came back early because of her studies. When she saw several hospital cars in the yard, her heart was immediately tightened. She quickly dropped the bag in the hall and rushed upstairs. Grandpa lay in bed and put on a ventilator.

"Grandfather..." Ji Anning walked in shock and screamed softly.

Ji Tianshen stayed in front of the bed, and he saw that Ji Anning suddenly came back, and when he saw it a little, he got up and said to her, "Anse, let me come out first."

"What happened to my grandfather?" Xia Ning eagerly asked him.

Ji Tianshen led her to a small hall next to him. He was silent for a few seconds, but he still didn't want to hide her again. "The body of the father is not going to work."

"What? What do you say? No! The grandfather's body is so healthy." Xia Ning did not believe in shaking his head. In her eyes, it is not a problem for her grandfather to live to a hundred years old. Now, my grandfather is only sixty. Eight years old. Ji Tian sighed and looked at her distressedly. "When you came back, the father diagnosed the late stage of liver cancer. He has not been ill for two years. It is probably because you are back, I am in a good mood, and I am actively cooperating with medication. However, the physical condition of the father is always gone.

When Ji Tianci said these things, his face was calm and revealed obvious grief and powerlessness.

If you can save the season master, money is not a problem, but there is no way in medical science.

Ji Anning lost a loved one. At this moment, it took me more than two years to let her face the leave of a relative. Her heart was so painful that she could not breathe.

Tears slipped from her clear eyes, and Ji Tiantian reached out and gently held her into her arms and patted her shoulders. "The old man kept me glaring at you, but I know that this thing will one day be If you can’t go on, peace, let’s stay with the old man’s last time!”

Ji Anning immediately hugged him tightly and cried in his arms. "Don't... I don't want to leave my grandfather... I have to live with my grandfather, I don't want him to leave."

Ji Tian is stroking her back, like the elders comforting the juniors, whispering, "Your appearance has already made the last time of the Father full of happiness and expectation. He once said that I am a gift given to him by God. But now, you are the best gift God gave him!"

Ji Anning couldn't accept this fact. She cried for a while. The old man woke up. She and Ji Tianci sat together in front of his bed. The old man looked at Ji'an's eyes and knew that she already knew his situation. .

Li Senyang had to sigh. "Children, don't cry, don't be sad, it's normal to get sick and die."

"Don't! I don't want my grandfather to go, you are gone, what do I do?" Ji Anning is like a wayward child, clinging to his arm and putting his face on his wrist.

The season man couldn’t help but laugh. "When the grandfather is gone, let Tianci accompany you! Godsend will take care of you for me."

"The old man rest assured, I will take care of peace for a lifetime." Ji Tianci's voice is full of reassuring firmness.

Ji Senyang’s father nodded with relief. “God, if I am gone, peace will depend on you, you must let her live happily.”

Ji Tianshen heard the meaning of the old man's tone. His eyes fell softly on Ji'an's body. The light in his eyes was like looking at the juniors, and he looked at the lovers. He nodded cautiously. "I will! You rest assured."

Ji Anning has been in sorrow. He did not find that her grandfather gave her life to Ji Tiantian for care.

Father’s physical condition is very bad. He is holding himself and he is not willing to withdraw his hand. “Anny, grandfather wants to drink your own hand to make Dahongpao. Would you like to have a cup of grandfather to come up? You tea. My grandfather loves to drink."

Ji Anning listened at this moment and immediately nodded and answered, "Well, I will go to the bubble for you to drink." What is the need of her grandfather, she is satisfied.

When Ji Aning left, Ji Tiantian looked at the old man and waited for what he had to say next.

The season's father is obviously giving Ji'aning a branch. Ji Senyang sighed and said to him, "Tianci, peace gives you peace of mind, but there is something I don't feel at ease. Peaceful child seems to be very happy. However, there are still a bunch of questions in her heart that need to be answered." "Is it about her father?" Ji Tianci asked.

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