President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 951: Ji'an Ning pain

"What is this hobby?" Gong Yuze really wants to teach her a meal.

Gong Yuning squinted and looked at a pair of men who came out of the window. She immediately blinked and stared at them with interest. Gong Yuze also turned her head and looked at her sister’s glowing eyes. He immediately got up and reached out and blocked her sight.

"Hey! Don't block me! Let me see!" Gong Yuning pulled his palm and wanted to chase after the back. Gong Yuze couldn't help but pinch her face.

This can hurt Gong Yuning, and she snorted, "pain!"

After Gong Yuze’s lesson was over, he sat back in the position, his eyes filled with helpless smile. He felt the gaze from the opposite side. He knew that Ji’an’s smile was on the side, his smile was slightly converging, inexplicable, he I want to converge and play with my sister.

His eyes calmed down and swept through the direction of Ji'an Ning. Ji Aning was hungry and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ji Anning immediately sat on his diagonally opposite side, naturally he couldn't help but see his interaction with the girl. Just now, she saw it, very sweet, and they were sweeter and more loving than they were.

The girl just had a side face and smiled like a flower. The beauty made her heart.

It’s good, his girlfriend is so beautiful, so cute girl, should she be happy for him? At least his side is not the girl of Lan Ying.

Ji Tianshen did not look back at the side of Gong Yuzawa. However, all the emotions of Ji Anning were seen by him. He felt bad about her, but he did not know how to help her.

Gong Yuning didn't even know what happened. She didn't know that her ex-girlfriend was sitting diagonally opposite. After she was pinched, she didn't dare to challenge her brother's bottom line. At this time, her ice-spirited spirit was sent, she Immediately, his eyes lit up and he picked up the spoon and started eating.

"Come, reward you." Gong Yuning took a spoonful of ice-spirited spirit and sent it to the front of Gong Yuze. Gong Yuze glanced and shook his head.

"Eat! This is the first, you can rest assured that I have not eaten yet." Gong Yuning is also tempted, this is not a matter between brothers and sisters.

Gong Yuze felt a pair of eyes watching him. He knew that Ji Anning must have misunderstood. He thought that the sister sitting opposite was his current girlfriend. He was sneer in his heart. He should let her misunderstand and let her know that without her. There are more women around him who are more like him.

The younger sister is definitely the kind of beautiful girl who brought her face out. He took a bite out of the spoon that the sister handed.

Gong Yuning smiled and took back the spoon, but washed it in the water cup next to him. He didn't give it to him. He ate it. She ate and praised it. "It's delicious! I want to come again." What?"

"Don't eat so many sweets, do you want to be a chubby girl?"

"I won't, I am the kind of physique that always eats fat."

On the opposite side of Ji Ningning, he took back his eyes, and his eyes were hard to conceal an envy, and there was an inexplicable discomfort.

She heard the heartbreaking voice. In her heart, Gong Yuze has been occupying her heart. In the past three years, she has met many people, and many boys have shown love to her, but she never let anyone replace it. His position.

The love for him has not stopped for a moment, she just has to choose to forget.

Now, goodbye to him, she finally knows, completely lost him.

Gong Yuning's eating ice-spirited spirit is like a child. Hu came to the corner of his mouth. Gong Yuze wanted to remind her, but she naturally picked up the paper towel and reached out and wiped her clean.

Gong Yuning smiled gratifiedly. "This is like my boyfriend!"

Gong Yuze looked at her silently, her eyes were slightly moved, and she looked at Ji'an Ning, and Ji Anning was too flustered to hide. However, she forced herself to look at him, and she smiled at him.

Gong Yuze’s handsome face was a little bit dull, what does her smile mean?

Does it mean that he can do anything that does not affect her? Representing the feelings of three years ago, she disappeared in her heart. He couldn't help but think that his interaction with his sister would make her sad and make her jealous, and she would regret to abandon him.

It turned out that she had already been obsessed, and Gong Yuze had an inexplicable anger. I don’t know who was annoyed. In short, I felt a little bad.

At this time, he saw Ji Anning get up, like asking the waiter for the direction of the bathroom, her figure went to a corridor.

Gong Yuze was just a thought, and he said to the palace Yu Ning, he went to the bathroom, he got up and went.

Ji Tianci noticed that Gong Yuze went to the direction of the bathroom. His heartstrings were tight. He was afraid that he would go to Ji’an. However, he did not follow the temper.

In the bathroom, Ji Aning was holding her hand in the painful face, and there was a tear in her eyelids. She was so sad that she was so sad.

However, she did not have any way to eliminate this pain. She could only be stabbed again and again, the old wounds were not good, and the new wounds came again.

Ji Anning raised his head and forced his tears into his eyes. He looked at the stagnation of his own self-changing eyes. Her eyes were more sad and accidental, and her eyes were firmer.

There was a lady coming in, she was busy washing her hands and preparing to leave.

Ji Anning pushed the door open, and when he was cold, he saw a tall figure leaning against the corridor. She looked up and was shocked.

It is Miyazawa.

He seemed to be waiting for someone else. He put his hands in his pockets and squatted, as quiet as a still picture.

Ji'aning's heart trembles and trembles. There is a kind of man who is addicted, like a poison. If you look at it more, you will be moved.

Gong Yuze is such a man.

"Mr. Gong, well, you are also eating here." Ji Anning pretended to walk calmly past him and greeted him.

Gong Yuze raised his eyes and locked her eyes. "It seems that your relationship with your big brother is not ordinary warmth. How? You started to like brothers and sisters? Are you so abandoning your first love?"

Ji Anning's face is red, this sentence is very harsh, but also very hurtful, as if in the dark iron she is a woman with watery Yanghua, see a love one.

Moreover, she and Ji Tianci are only a simple brother-sister relationship, and he is misinterpreted as such a relationship, she is not a taste.

"Three years, I have changed, have you not changed? The girl is very beautiful, and it matches you very much. I wish you all forever." Ji Anning suppressed all emotions and smiled and said this, she walked outside the corridor. go with.

Because she didn't want to hear more ugly words, especially from the man's mouth, she could stab her in one sentence.

Gong Yuze immediately wanted to move towards her back and explain his relationship with Gong Yuning. However, when he got to his lips, he took it, and he laughed at his lips.

Why is he explaining? If she wants to misunderstand, she will misunderstand it! If you let her know that he hasn't had a woman in the past three years, isn't that too much skill?

On the other hand, she abandoned him and changed her first love. Now, standing next to another man, she has the ability!

Gong Yuze returned to the position, Ji Anning and Ji Tianci were already eating, and Gong Yuning was already eating. She greeted, "Quickly eat, really delicious!"

However, Gong Yuze had no appetite at all. He still picked up the knife and fork and began to cut the steak.

At this time, there are two beautiful waiters holding a tray. There is a beautiful crystal rose in the tray. It is a gift for lovers today. If you admit that you are a couple, you can have one.

They first walked by the window, and Gong Yuning had already noticed it. Therefore, she was looking forward to and wanting one. When the waiter arrived, she asked her about her relationship with Gong Yuze. She was busy immediately. The nod of the fall admitted, "He is my boyfriend."

Gong Yuze did not refute her.

"Miss, your boyfriend is so handsome!" The waiter praised and gave her a little crystal rose to her. Gong Yuning, who got the gift, was very happy immediately.

Not far away, Ji Anning looked at this scene, and her calm face was a sad mood.

When the waiter came over and asked if they were a couple, Ji Tianci asked for a hand, and the waiter went to the next table. Ji Tiantian handed the crystal rose to the front of Ji’an. You! Happy."

Ji An Ning naturally took it and took it in his hand.

But I don't know where the window is, the face of a man has once again become ugly, and sure enough, he guessed it.

They are lovers, otherwise why accept the rose? Gong Yuze only feels upset. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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