President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 970: Xiao Ke sneaked away

She did not forget the last sentence in the restaurant, Gong Yuzawa said to Lan Ying, Lan Ying wanted to come to his home to play, he is always welcome.

Is it really a spark between Gong Yuze and Lan Ying?

Although Lan Ying is very sad, but it is undeniable, she also has a delicate and charming face, as well as a tall and slender figure, she may only show her heart in front of her.

Then, in the presence of Gong Yuze, she performed a weak and pure girl? With the face of Lan Ying, I believe that it is a man, I will be captivated by her!

When I think of Gong Yuze's home, only Gong Yuze and Lan Ying are in the same place, she can't control a panic mind.

Even she thought of Lan Ying seduce the picture of Gong Yuze, thinking that they might...

Ji Anning has some headaches and hugged his head, preventing himself from thinking about it again. If she wants to continue, she will be crazy.

She really didn't want to be together with Gong Yuze and Lan Ying. At noon, He Yong is greeting Lan Ying, and Gong Yuze has been keeping himself in the study. His name is to handle the work. However, he has no work to do. He just doesn't want to face Lan Ying. Lan Ying’s mind, he has long been in his eyes, but he never likes it.

In front of the woman, make a misunderstood response.

Except that time in the restaurant, in the face of the season, said the sentence.

At this moment, I want to come, Gong Yuze is also somewhat annoyed, no doubt it is to fill it up, the woman will not be the same thing!

Gong Yuze stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study room. There was a window just right for the villa in the last season. He was surrounded by arms. The tall and straight figure had been squatting in front of the window for a while, and the two pairs were so dark and unpredictable. I can't see what he is thinking in his heart.

Lan Ying was eating the desserts that the chef had prepared for her in the hall, but she was somewhat uninteresting. The purpose of her coming here was to see Miyazawa, but now she has not seen him for two hours. .

At this moment, in a corner of the yard, Xiao Ke dug a dog hole for a few days and finally dug it. It took a dog's mouth to sniff outside and explored it, then determined that no one, its body. A drill came out.

Because Gong Yuze has been angry since the last time he unknowingly went to find Ji'an, he ordered Xiao Ke to be on his side, or on He Yong, not allowed to let go, so small Ke was stuffed.

It cleverly found a hidden corner, shaved a few days of soil, and finally dug a hole in the grass outside the wall, so that it went out to find its favorite hostess.

Ji Anning did not let the servant come over today. Her lunch was free to do it. Of course, this is not to let Ji Tianci know. Otherwise, she has to say that she has a meal.

At this moment, Ji Anning heard a dog barking outside the door, and heard the dog barking, her nerves still stretched.

But listening to the barking of the dog, the more I listened, the more familiar I was, the more suffocating, and the more like the door to her.

Is it Xiao Ke?

Ji Aning’s heart was happy. She walked to the door and screamed from the door. “Xiao Ke, is that you?”

The end immediately sent out a response from the pro, which was Xiao Ke’s voice.

Ji Anning opened the door and looked at a big dog from the head and his body with dirt and grass clippings. She was surprised. "Xiao Ke, what's the matter with you! How did you get so dirty?"

After that, she let Xiao Ke come in and glanced at the door. "Only you are here?"

Xiao Ke shook his body and walked into the small pool in her garden, leaning down and drinking there.

Ji An Ning thought, and sure enough, it was only a dog coming over. After she closed the door, she was worried about Xiao Ke. "How did you come out? Are you sneaking out?" Xiao Ke drank water. I kissed her in her hand, and Ji Ning did not care that it was dirty. I gently touched it. Then, I laughed. "Can you not run around in the future? You know that there are security guards now. Do you catch dogs without owners in the community? You don’t want to be caught by mad dogs.

Live, did he not buy a dog ring for you? ”

Xiao Ke had a pair of black eyes but still very fond of watching her, Ji Anning smiled. "Look at you running so tired, let's go! I cook lunch for you."

In the villa of Gong Yuze, He Yong knocked on the door. He glanced at Gong Yuze and even the computer. He knew that he was just hiding in the study and avoiding Miss Blue.

"Young master, lunch is good, do you want to eat it?" He Yong asked.

"Yeah!" Gong Yuze responded.

"Have you seen Xiao Ke? How have I not found it!"

"Is it not in the yard?" Gong Yuze suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows and asked.

"No! I just went to the yard and looked for it. I didn't find it!" He Yong shook his head.

Gong Yuze’s face changed slightly. “What? It’s not in the yard?”

He Yong’s face was also tightened. “Don’t it run out alone? This can be broken. Now there are security guards in the community who are catching dogs. I’m afraid there are mad dogs running in. Xiaoke has no collars, just in case. Being a dog without a master is troublesome."

Gong Yuze’s face also flashed a worry, and he strode out the door, “Go to the yard to see the situation.”

When Gong Yuze and He Yong went downstairs, Lan Ying followed them out of the yard. Then, he quickly found the hole that Xiao Ke had figured out.

"Sure enough, I ran out of it. Xiao Ke was so strange recently. Nothing is always going out and I don't know where it is going!" He Yong said with some confusion.

Gong Yuze has not told him that Ji Anning lives in this neighborhood.

Others didn't know where Xiao Ke went. Gong Yuze had a lot of thoughts. He tightened his eyebrows and went to He Yongdao. "He Shu, you greet Miss Blue, I will go out."

Lan Ying heard that he was leaving, and immediately asked, "Yu Zege, where are you going!"

"Looking for a dog." Gong Yuze dropped a sentence and went to the garage in the yard.

Lan Ying wanted to say it together, but He Yong immediately stopped her. "Miss Blue, let's stay for lunch! Let the young master go alone."

"I want to help him find it together!"

"Xiao Ke doesn't like strangers approaching, Miss Blue is better to stay at home."

Lan Ying thought of Xiao Ke’s appearance, and she still managed to stay in her footsteps. She was really afraid of that big dog! Looking at Gong Yuze's car drove out, she couldn't help but be annoyed.

Is it important for his dog to have lunch with her in the heart of Gong Yuze? However, the fact is that it is more important! (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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