President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 996: Angry and splashing

<> The fastest update of the president is the most recent chapter of the super!

Maybe you know your brother!

"What do you want to do?" Ji Anning frowned and stared at her.

Lan Ying’s gaze also looked at her aggressively. She hung her arms, and some sarcasm turned around Quan’an and made a noise. “I can’t really see it! In three years, you’ve changed a lot. What means did you get to get it all now?"

"Please talk and respect some." Ji Anning swept her coldly.

"How about not respecting? Do you think I will be afraid of you?" Lan Ying snorted.

"There is something to say, I don't have time to accompany you." Ji Anning didn't open his face and didn't want to see her.

"Go to the cafe next to it! I think there are some things that are handed over to you here, not very suitable." After that, Lan Ying went out with her arms and went behind, and Ji Naning followed her.

Her face was blue and blue, but she was very proud, because as long as she had the u disk in her hand, she could easily appreciate the fear in Ji Anning's eyes.

When I arrived at the coffee shop, Lan Ying chose a place where no one was around, sat down, asked for coffee, and Ji Ning did not need it. She only wanted to understand the meaning of Lan Ying.

Lan Ying took out an iPAD from the bag and handed it to her. "You look at it yourself."

Ji Anning took iPAD and thought it was to see the mother's video, but didn't want to open it. It was a video of her and Gong Yuze's jokes in the restaurant. She immediately became angry. "You sent someone to follow us?" This is what my friend took back to me. Unfortunately, my friend also photographed the video of your shameless seduce Gong Yuze in that restaurant.” Lan Ying snorted and took the iPAD and stroked it. That’s a screenshot of her picture of Xia Shuhua, and it’s amazing.

I don't dare to take a look.

Ji Anning just swept away, and she turned her face in pain. She didn't dare to look at it. "What's wrong? Don't dare to look at it! You also think that your mother can't see anyone! This is just a photo. If it is a video, you will be even more afraid to watch it. Ji Anning, we will continue to do the transaction three years ago, you Leaving Gong Yuze, I choose to keep your mother's reputation forever." Blue Ying's voice

Full of threats.

Ji Anning shook his head and looked back at her firmly. "I don't agree, I won't leave him."

"You don't want to leave him, then you have the heart to look at your mother's exposure?"

"You dare to try it." Ji Anning clenched his teeth and held her. "Try it and try it. Do you think I will be afraid? You better believe that I will do this." Lan Ying said, I took back the iPAD. "You are so shameless about your mother's photos. I believe many people. Want to see, for example, Yu Ze’s parents, the people around you, you have those street neighbors

The man's wife and children in the video, as well as a large number of netizens. ”

"You shut up." Ji An Ningliang shouted angrily.

"Then I will continue to trade with me, leave Gong Yuze, and get out of his side." Lan Ying forced.

Ji Aning bites her lip, and she still looks at Lan Ying firmly. "I won't leave him. I have hurt him three years ago. I will never hurt him this time, even if I personally explain the truth to him. I will not leave him."

"You... do you have to tell the truth? If Yuze knows that your mother is so embarrassed, maybe he will immediately think of you, you must be so embarrassed, the same kind of cockroaches are born." Angrily snarled.

In front of Ji'an Ning, there was a glass of clear water. At this moment, she listened to the sentence and clenched her fists, so that she could pick up the water in the cup and smash it toward the blue.

Lan Ying did not notice that the whole delicate face was covered with a full face, so I was so embarrassed, she immediately screamed, "Ji Anning, you are crazy."

"If you dare to marry my mother, even if I kill you, I will not blink." Ji Anning finished, got up and left.

"You don't want to go, you give me back, Ji Anning, I won't let you go, I will let your mother's ugly things know, I want you to lift your head."

Although Ji Anning fears that she will do this, she will not be threatened by her again.

Lan Ying was full of wolverines. She immediately took a few photos of herself, and then she sent it to her eldest brother.

"Xiao Ying, what happened? Who poured your water?"

"It's a monk, brother, you have to be the master of me!"

"A woman? Who is it?"

"She is called Ji Anning, she is the sister of Ji Tianci."

"Why should she splash your water? How can you meet her?" asked Blue Maple curiously.

Lan Ying was speechless and speechless. She had to support her. "I just smashed her a few words, and she splashed me like this."

"What are you doing for her?" Blue Maple could not understand.

"I will... I will see that she is not pleasing to the eye, marry her, brother, don't ask, can you give me revenge, I want her to look good."

"Okay, don't be angry, just wipe it off and go home!"

After Lan Ying complained to her big brother, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She was so embarrassed that the guests next to her are staring at her! From small to large, there has been no such insult.

She cried in the bottom of my heart, Ji Anning, you waited for me.

Ji Anning returned to the office, and the good mood of the day was destroyed by the appearance of Lan Ying.

Now, she can only do the worst. If she finds that her mother has uploaded it to the Internet, she will find someone to delete it at the first time. No matter how much it costs, she will be willing to pay.

Moreover, this matter, she intends to talk to her eldest brother, let the big brother help, although I also want to talk to Gong Yuze, but Lan Ying’s eldest brother is his best brother, and his sister’s doing this will also affect The feelings between him and his brother.

Therefore, there is a big brother to help her stare at this matter, there should be no problem.

Moreover, in order to protect the mother's privacy, one can know less and respect the mother.

Ji Anning came out from the office to the door of Ji Tianshen's office. He knocked on the door. He was so beautiful that Ji Tianshen saw her face. He couldn't help but stand up and ask, "What's wrong? You don't look good."

"Brother, there is something, I hope you can help me." Ji Yaning said with a trace of tiredness.

"What, let me know! I can help, naturally do my best to help you."

"It's about the mother of my death. This thing, I didn't even say Yuzawa." Ji Anning sat on the sofa of Ji Tianci's office, and some nervous things to say next. Ji Tianshen sat down beside her, quietly watching him, waiting for her to say, Ji Anning had the courage to make the whole thing clear, including three years ago, Lan Ying forced her to leave Gong Yuze. Things, Ji Tiantian listened to it, in addition to distressed her, there is still an anger.

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