Ear is the voice of a strange man, Si yejue suddenly sank his eyes, each word from the teeth in the jump, "who are you in the end?"

"Oh, you don't need to know who I am, but I know who you are. Besides, I know more about you than you think. Si yejue, you don't love Shen Jiang, you just want her baby. But I think this woman has the value of being loved besides marriage and childbirth. Since you don't feel about her at all, it's better to let her go completely. In the future, I will help you, Be nice to her... "

The man sneered and added, "because of Si yejue, you have no right to continue to get her."

"She's my wife now." Si yejue sneered, "you think, why do you take her?"

"As long as I say no, you never have a chance..." Si yejue is very proud.

"In fact, you really hate this woman, don't you want to fight with me and never divorce?" The man shook his head and said, "instead of being kidnapped by this marriage, it's better to let go and let her find someone to love her."

"You don't even want to let me know your identity. I think it's nothing." At least, in terms of economic strength, he is not as good as himself. Si yejue doesn't pay attention to this man at all.

"It's no use hiding Shen Jiang around you now." The man said firmly, "things that don't belong to you will leave sooner or later. It's just like you and Shen Jiang, two people who are not suitable for you, will be very tired to live together. If you have feelings for her at any time, you can't even get used to her. You don't like her or even hate her. It's just because of your children, This is willing to live together, do you forget, how did you force her to divorce? I was watching you in silence at that time. I wish you could get a divorce. "

"You said you were watching silently all the time?" Si yejue always felt that this was very strange.

"Where are you? If you have seed, just stand up for me. Don't play tricks here. What kind of man are you?" Si yejue looked around, but he thought it was funny. No, this is his villa. It's not only very safe, but even flies don't want to fly in easily.

"You don't have to look, where I am, you will never know..." the man said mysteriously.

"I'll find you..." after that, Si yejue suddenly cut off the call.

"You have come back?" In a daze, Shen Jiang was woken up.

"You sleep well." Si yejue frowned.

"I just took a nap. Is it three o'clock now?" After all, Si yejue has already gone home. It must be three o'clock in the afternoon. Shen Jiang glanced at the time. It happened to be between tea and tea. Alas, she has been eating and sleeping recently. She is just a big pig.

"Would you like a snack?" Shen Jiang also prepared one for Si yejue.

"Eat it yourself. I don't like sweet food." Si yejue went straight to the study.

"Then I'll help you eat." Shen Jiang couldn't help but move his index finger.

"You've been thinking about it for a long time, eating by yourself?" The division night Jue pauses a heel, "prepare a to send to me."

"Even pregnant women's food you want to eat?" Shen Jiang is just amazing.

"After all, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp. I need strength to take care of you." Si yejue returned to his study and sat still all the time. He didn't know the identity of the man, but the other party knew him very well, even his every move, even when he got home. To tell you the truth, Si yejue was very passive at the moment. He thought he was in control of everything, but at the moment, it didn't seem so.

Taking a deep breath, Si yejue squeezed his arm tightly.

No matter who that man is, he is definitely not his opponent.

"Shen Jiang."

Every other hour, Si yejue would go to the living room. Seeing Shen Jiang obediently watching TV, he said, "go to the bedroom and have a rest."

"But I don't want to lie down all the time. My stomach will be uncomfortable." Shen Jiang is frank.

But Si yejue had a feeling that even if Shen Jiang was sitting in the living room, someone would be peeping at them.

Si yejue immediately found a bodyguard and came to his home to carry out a carpet search, but he didn't find any monitors.

"Si yejue, what are you looking for at home? Have you lost something important?" Shen Jiang asked curiously.

"It's not, that is, to find something..." Si yejue pressed his eyebrows. Maybe he really thought too much. Maybe that phone call was just a prank.

But even in the cold night, we can't find the owner of the number.

In the office.

"Leng Shao, are you kidding me? Just one number should not be difficult for you." Si yejue is playing with his mobile phone.

"After several times of signal reflection, it's impossible to investigate the source of the number. The other party is definitely not a good fault, and it's not a prank. He's just aiming at you and Shen Jiang, who are Shen Jiang's pursuers. Maybe he's hitting porcelain on Shen Jiang's side, and there's no place to start, so he has to stimulate you..." lengye carefully analyzed.

"Oh, this kind of person is not even a rival." The division night Jue doesn't matter to spread out a hand.

"Maybe you care more about Shen Jiang than you think, otherwise, you wouldn't care so much." After all, it's just a number.

"Leng Shao, do you like to be monitored all the time? This person knows my living habits and even my commuting time, and always gives me warnings." This kind of taste is really hard.

"Si yejue continued," if you have a similar experience, you won't be sarcastic to me now. "

"But you didn't find the monitor at home?" The cold night frowned and questioned.

"Not at all." Si yejue nodded and said, "don't mention the monitor. I live in a rich area. There is a big gap between each villa. I have a private garden. Unless it's in a corner, someone uses a telescope to observe the situation in my home. That's why I know when my car will go back to the villa."

"This requires an investigation of the villas near you." It's not difficult for a cold night, but the key is, where to start, not to investigate one by one?

But at present, there seems to be only one way.

The solution may be a bit clumsy, but it won't miss any possibility.

"Si yejue, I can help you, but I'm afraid that in the end, there will be no result." Cold night frowns, "since it is, the number that investigation cannot reach, that person has his own ability, it is not easy to deal with."

"I'm going to catch him...!" Si yejue's words are firm!

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