Facing the question of Si yejue, Shen Jiang just feels puzzled.

"I'm sure I don't know him. I can't even hear his voice. Besides, he doesn't show me his appearance. He's definitely not someone I know." Shen Jiang is especially sure.

"I don't know why I'm offended by such people. Maybe they have mistaken me." Shen Jiang thought it was a prank, or he was mistaken.

Among the people she knew, no man would sneak into the ladies' bathroom so bored.

It's either a psycho or a pervert.

Looking back at this moment, Shen Jiang only felt afraid after a while.

If at that time, did not deceive that person, she will be good, perhaps, had been arrested.

Perhaps seeing Shen Jiang's fear, Si yejue grabbed Shen Jiang's little hand and said, "as long as you don't go out recently, you'll be OK. I feel bored. I'll let miss an come to accompany you."

"Well." Shen Jiang nodded her head. Recently, she didn't dare to go out, or even stay alone.

The next day, Shen Jiang left the accident behind.

But Si yejue still cares about it.

"Do you mean Shen Jiang has been watched by a pervert?" Cold night questioned, "didn't you arrange bodyguards?"

"When she goes to the bathroom, the bodyguard can't always follow her." This is the only loophole, the division night Jue fidgety press eyebrow, "the other side knows me, also know her very well."

"Who do you think he would be?" Cold night funny asked.

"It should be the people around..." Si yejue suddenly lowered his eyes, but he didn't think that there was any possibility, "maybe, it's just a little person, but I didn't know who it would be!"

"You don't have to be too nervous, just calm down a little bit. After a long time, that person will show his horse's feet..." Leng Yeh just felt that Si yejue seemed too nervous.

"I can't talk about nervousness. I feel a little uncomfortable. It's really uncomfortable to be watched all the time. People are in the dark, but I can't even catch a living person..." said Si yejue with self mockery.

Shen Jiang is pregnant, so she is not only a person now, but also has his baby in her stomach.

Besides Shen Jiang, what he wanted to protect included the child.

It's no wonder that Si yejue is so nervous.

"Are you worried about children or Shen Jiang? I'm afraid only you know it in your heart... "Lengye advised," if you can continue to live, don't divorce easily and try to give your children a healthy family. After all, you didn't pretend to be good to Shen Jiang. You just resist the marriage itself and think that this woman is not your choice, but it doesn't mean that this choice is wrong. "

"You don't want me to divorce..." Si yejue heard it.

"I used to think that you didn't care about Shen Jiang any more, but now I feel that you seem very nervous." Cold night can't help laughing. That's how people are. Only under special circumstances can they expose their inner emotions. Otherwise, even Si yejue doesn't know that he cares about Shen Jiang.

"Besides, I just want to catch people now." Si yejue squeezed the back of his hand hard. He didn't believe it. He couldn't even catch a living man!

After all, this is also the territory of the night Baron of his department. Coupled with the strength of lengye, that man can't escape!

After a boring day at home, Shen Jiang felt bored, but he didn't dare to go out, so he had to stay at home honestly.

But I got a call from my parents.

"Come home today. Your father and I haven't seen you for a long time." Shen's mother's attentive way.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't seen you for a long time. I must have prepared a lot of delicious food?" Shen Jiang asked sweetly.

"Of course, it's all your favorite dishes. I'm ready. Come on." Shen's mother said with a smile.

But I just want to know what the relationship between Shen Jiang and Si yejue is.

"It's just mom..." Shen Jiang didn't want to go out, but he didn't want to go back to his mother's home, should it not go wrong?

"Well, I'll go out now. I'll be there in half an hour." Shen Jiang didn't change his clothes, so he went out of the living room in his comfortable casual clothes.

"By the way, you call Si Shao..." Shen said immediately, "last time you came to have dinner, you never came. Your father and I are very concerned about you."

"Mom, actually you want to see Sishao?" Shen Jiang helplessly holds down his eyebrow. Last time, Si yejue didn't know what medicine he was taking. In front of his parents, he didn't know how clever he was. But now, apart from the maintenance of his children, their relationship is no different from that of a stranger. Shen Jiang is not sure to take Si yejue home, so he has to laugh and say, "he's busy with work recently, I'm afraid he has no time to come, I'll just go there! "

"You are pregnant now. No matter how busy he is, he has to worry about you a little bit. When a woman is pregnant, she will remember that her husband is not good to herself!" Shen's mother also knows that a man should attach importance to his career, but his wife and children are equally important.

If there is only work left in Si yejue's eyes

Don't be such a man!

"No matter how to say, you should put people on me..." mother Shen told me.

Shen Jiang went alone.

Even, he didn't inform Si yejue.

In half an hour.

"You child, why did you come alone?" Shen's mother pokes her head out, but Dingsi yejue doesn't follow. She can't help but be disappointed.

"As I said, he is busy with his work. This is a temporary notice. Do you think he is a vagrant and can come to dinner at any time? Don't look at what time it is, normal people haven't got off work yet... "Shen Jiang explains with a guilty heart.

Shen's mother was also moved, so she nodded subconsciously, "that's what I said. I'll call you to dinner next time he's off work."

"After all, Ma, you care more about him, don't you? I'm a pregnant woman. Why don't you come to dinner? " Shen Jiang tilted his head and asked innocently.

"How's your relationship recently?" Mother Shen asked with concern.

After all, Shen Jiang is pregnant.

Si yejue seems to like the child and let Shen Jiang be born.

That is, no more divorce?

A man, only after having his own children, will know what is marriage and what is responsibility, and will really grow up.

Shen's mother only hopes that Si yejue can take Shen Jiang seriously this time!

"I am with him in fact... We are still very good..." Shen Jiang nodded, "I am now, at least not alone, there is a baby in the stomach, so he will try to let me."

That's true.

He was considerate of her.

Except that he didn't love he

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