As soon as they saw Quan Yao's angry face, they knew that an shengxia was making trouble.

"Young granny..." Zhang Ma advised, "you see, so many people are watching. If you don't get out of the car, there will be no place for the young master's face."

"No, I don't think he's very respectable." He is still so self righteous that he thinks that she has to stay when he speaks. Ah, at the beginning of the divorce, she had no intention and married him easily. No wonder she was not taken seriously, which made him feel that even if song September lives in the wedding room, she doesn't need to communicate with her, and she doesn't need to nod her head.

Even some new servants thought that song September was still the hostess of Quan mansion.

He once said that the power house has the final say, except him.

Now I want to come, but also to coax her.

However, she would not have any problem even if she was in a hospital or an apartment.

But in September song lived in Quan mansion! He wants to use his own power to protect song September!

And she, no!

"Sister in law, did you quarrel with my brother? But even if you are wronged, you can't go back to your mother's home. If it comes out, it will make outsiders laugh at our home. " Hearing the news, Quan Meiyuan can't wait to see the play.

"Well, you don't want to make things worse here!" Quan Yang sighs.

"Third brother, what they say is true." Quan Meiyuan turned her lips.

Quan He was quiet, looking back and forth at an shengxia and Quan Yao.

Since anshengxia entered the old house, he has never stopped.

This quarrel is nothing more than... Song September.

I didn't expect her reaction would be so big.

"Get out of the car." When the fist goes down, the man tries his best.

What's more, the QQ had been hit several times. Seeing that the front of the car was choked down, an shengxia ran away and brushed down the window, "get out of the way! Or do you want to be laughed at by them? "

In a word, he has a problem.

But now, she is unreasonable and has to go back to her mother's home!

"Sister-in-law, I know you're joking. You're making fun of everyone. Get out of the car quickly." Seeing that the scene could not be finished, Quan Yang knocked on the window and forced out a smile, "otherwise, when it comes to Dad's side, I'm afraid it will be misunderstood..."

If it comes to Quan Xi, the son of an shengxia will undoubtedly be deducted points, which will also affect the selection of Quan Yao's successor.

"Third young master, get out of the way. I don't want to stay here today." Fortunately, an shengxia lowered her voice before she reached Quan Xi.

It's not to show anyone or make trouble. She just wants to leave here and stay alone. At least, she can go to a place separate from Quan Yao.

In ordinary people's families, returning to their mother's home is no more simple than a woman's right.

But in this old house, it's like a woman going to work, going back to her mother's home and fighting for herself. It's just too much.

She can't figure it out!

Still going

Pick next eyebrow, right he matchless accident of see to an Sheng summer.

This woman is very interesting.

"You have to stop here, it will only make the scene more ugly..." seeing Quan Yao blocking in front, an shengxia had no choice but to back up, bypassing the audience and driving to the back yard!

"Second sister-in-law!" Quan Yang grabs a handful of hair and feels headache. It's strange that an shengxia makes such a fuss. Dad doesn't know!

"I really don't know what my son likes about her..." no one is more depressed than Zhao Qinglian. With the help of the housekeeper, he didn't feel angry.

"Sister, your daughter-in-law has a big temper. Next time my son is looking for a woman, I'll definitely shine my eyes. I'm afraid that such a daughter-in-law is..." the eldest lady smiles.

"Elder sister, you don't know. Today's young people like to make a lot of noise. Whether they fight or scold or love." The third wife glanced at her son and sighed. Quan Yang stood on Quan Yao's side and had no idea of inheritance. She could only sigh.

When an shengxia's car was driving to the back yard, it happened to meet a dark black extended Lincoln head-on!


"Are you going out so late?" In the back seat, Quan Xi lowered the window.

"Dad, I want to go home..." holding the steering wheel, an shengxia is awed by the man who holds great power, but still does not show timidity.

"Sister in law!" Quan Yang, who arrived later, couldn't help persuading him, "you'd better go back, second brother..."

"Anshengxia, I'll let you go!"

Understand an shengxia's personality, not to achieve the goal, will not let go, Quan Yao is sure that she is not angry, is really going!

Then, he will let her go! He Quan Yao, not to be shameless, will be a woman at home!

Without saying a word, Anson Xia stepped on the accelerator, bypassed Lincoln and left quickly!

Still reasonable, along the way, anshengxia maintained a stable speed, did not drink, safely arrived at the apartment.

As soon as I got out of the car, there was a sound of engine behind me. Anson Xia turned around and saw the familiar Bugatti.

The man sat in the driver's seat and followed all the way.

Turning around, anshengxia locked the car, took out the key, pushed the door and went in.

Fast. She didn't want him to follow.

Just sitting in the car, Quan Yao makes sure she gets home safely. Then he leans back, his dark eyes are deep in thought.

"Who?" In the dark room, an shengxia just walked in, but there was a fruit knife on his neck.

"It's me... Miaomiao?" Questioning in doubt, an shengxia can hear Xu Miaomiao's voice.

"Oh, it's you. I'm scared to death..." Miaomiao was relieved.

"Miaomiao, when did you return home?" Ansheng Xia is more and more curious about her work. She often seems to return home, but the time of each stay is very short. She seems to be hiding from someone!

"I, I'm hurt..." Miaomiao gritted her teeth in pain, "so I have to hide here. It's a fall."

"Who on earth have you provoked?" An shengxia's heart leaps wildly, "is it your father's former enemy, or those creditors? No, didn't Bo Yehan help you return all the money? "

"Don't ask me anything. I'll leave as soon as I take the medicine." He shook his head. Miaomiao didn't want to say more.

Thinking that Quan Yao's car is outside the door, an shengxia panics. If Miaomiao leaves now, in case he meets Quan Yao

As long as Quan Yao knows Miaomiao's whereabouts, Bo Yehan will also know

"I'm afraid you can't go yet!" An shengxia pressed Miaomiao's shoulder and said, "I had a fight with him. When I stopped just now, I saw his car. If you go out now, you will be found!"

However, if Miaomiao continues to stay, he will be discovered sooner or later.

"It doesn't matter. Since I can come, I know how to go."

Smell speech, an shengxia immediately out of the medicine box, seriously to Miao Miao medicine.


The sound of the engine of the car resounds through the sky!

It's Bo Yehan's men and horses!

"Surround the house, follow my orders and rush in! Catch all the women you see! "

After getting out of the car, thin night cold evil spirit pulled a tie, continued, "no matter with any way to catch people, but don't hurt her a hair!"

Said, thin night cold raises foot to go forward, but the left shoulder is held down viciously!

"Bo Shao, you can't move my woman's territory."

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