"Why on earth are you pestering me?" Shen Jiang just can't figure out when she provoked this man.

When Shen Jiang wanted to come, they didn't know each other at all!

This man, sometimes strange, sometimes familiar.

"You're not the one who provoked me?" The man jokingly asked, "if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't hold you all the time now. It's also because of you, so I can't like others."

"You're bullshit. I only pestered one man!" That's siyejue!

In addition, Shen Jiang hesitates for a long time even if he says a word.

Besides, Shen Jiang had been in the army all the time before, and had no time to contact the opposite sex except for work.

"It seems that you forgot me... But it doesn't matter. I can help you remember." The tone of a man is very firm.

"I forgot you?" Shen Jiang was confused.

Does she really have a bad memory?

"If you can't remember it, don't think about it..." the man held Shen Jiang in his arms and coveted the silence at the moment.

"What do you want to do to me?" Shen Jiang was so upset that he struggled immediately.

"If you don't move, I won't do anything, if you..." the man wants to talk and stops.

Shen Jiang's eyes, immediately across a trace of disgust, "you have to wear a mask, must be too ugly, very ugly?"

"I'm pretty confident about what I look like." Men laugh.

"But why are you disfigured, wearing a mask all day?" Shen Jiang is very curious.

"Of course not..." the man laughed low.

"Ha ha, if you have low self-esteem because of your disfigurement, you should wear a mask to avoid running out to scare people." Shen Jiang said these ugly words on purpose to stimulate the man. When the man hates her, he will let her go.

"I just hope you can fall in love with my heart, not my gorgeous appearance." The man's words made Shen Jiang laugh and cry.

"A man who kidnaps me... Why do you think I should like the inside of you?" Shen Jiangxiao's forward and backward, "you such inner, no matter."

"Even if I kidnap you, I just want to give you a better way of life. There is no you in that man's heart at all. Therefore, you should come to see my kindness to you from time to time." The man suddenly pinched Shen Jiang's chin, "I will be very good to you in the future."

"But I've never been greedy for a man's kindness." Only a fool can feel that this kind of good will not change. Shen Jiang has learned a lesson for a long time.

"I'm divorced now... What do you want a second married woman to do?" Shen Jiang really doubts that this man is crazy!

"As long as I like something, no matter what others think, as long as I like it, it's enough..." the man's words made Shen Jiang sneer.

"Do you know what love is? You don't even like yourself... "Otherwise, who would wear a mask? No matter how gorgeous the appearance is, what's the use?

This man, obviously does not like his appearance!

"I just hate the way I look, but it's true that I like you." The man pressed Shen Jiang's wrist and said, "it's time to eat. Go downstairs and eat with me."

"How long will I stay here?" Shen Jiang asked impatiently.

"You can't keep me locked up all the time, can you?" Seeing that the man didn't respond, Shen Jiang was extremely afraid, "don't scare me, you have to give me a time limit, right?"

"When the baby is born, I won't force you to go anywhere you want." The man said, but saw Shen Jiang excited face, can't help laughing, "as long as you can go out, you seem very happy."

"Of course, no one likes being locked up. You're kidnapping like that." Shen Jiang is extremely ironic.

"For the time being, you can only aggrieve yourself and stay with me." The man took a look at the food on the table, which was Shen Jiang's favorite.

Shen Jiang is very surprised. Why can this man feel her preferences so clearly?

"Eat slowly, and no one will rob you." Men several times to remind, and finally there is no way, simply take out a tissue, gently wipe the woman's mouth oil.

"Why do you know what I like to eat..." this is what makes Shen Jiang most puzzled.

"You want to ask more than that?" Not only diet, he even knew that many of her little habits in life would not have been noticed if she was not familiar with them.

"You know me well." This kind of understanding even made Shen Jiang feel afraid.

"You can also understand that I have secretly investigated you, so I will understand so well..." the man bent his head and laughed.

"Keke..." Shen Jiang felt that he could not talk any more, so he bowed his head and ate with all his strength.

I think it's terrible.

She was spied on.

"Si Shao, because there is no monitoring near the restaurant, I don't know whether Miss Shen left alone or was taken away." This is the latest development the Secretary has investigated.

"So that's all you've investigated after so many days?" Si yejue held down his eyebrows, sneered a little at first, and then smashed all the papers on the table.

"What's the use of me supporting you useless people?" I can't find a woman!

"Si Shao... Maybe Miss Shen just wants to go out and relax. Besides, she has been in the army, so she should not be attacked." The Secretary warned.

"You don't know what's going on with her? She is a pregnant woman... "Si yejue thought about it at the moment, but he was shocked. He didn't know Shen Jiang's life, let alone the child.

"To be sure, Miss Shen is still in the city, not leaving the country..." the Secretary bowed his head submissively.

Si yejue's face was even worse. "I knew the news for a long time. I need you to remind me now?"

Secretary is extremely unexpected, everyone knows, the division night Baron's temper, is well-known, and will not casually vent their emotions in front of outsiders.

But this time it's out of control.

I guess I'm too worried about Shen Jiang's safety at the moment.

People are just like this. Before losing, they are not satisfied.

Only after losing can we know what we want most.

The Secretary didn't dare to stay any longer, so he had to pick up the scattered documents on the ground, but he saw the divorce certificate again

On that, Shen Jiang and Si yejue signed.

The Secretary's fingers suddenly trembled, eagerly mixed the divorce document in the document and put it on the desk.

But Si yejue noticed something and suddenly reached out and picked up the divorce certificate

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