"I know that since you want a divorce, you just don't want to have any more contact with the Shen family..."

Shen Fu pointed to the tip of Si yejue's nose, "so you can rest assured that if you find my daughter, I won't make trouble again. But if my daughter hasn't heard from me all the time, then I have to doubt the authenticity of that accidental phone call, because I didn't hear my daughter's voice at that time. Maybe she was killed, I will never let you go, sir

Even if really received, that strange man called, so what? I just heard the man's impatience, but it wasn't Shen Jiang who called in person.

For a while, Shen's father can hypnotize and brainwash himself. Shen Jiang is living with a stranger now.

It's just hope. Shen Jiang is safe for the time being.

But time goes on like this. Whether Shen Jiang is really safe or not is a question mark.

Si yejue was also aware of this and couldn't help sinking his eyes

As father Shen said, maybe Shen Jiang is not safe at the moment!

"Master Shen, I heard that you haven't taken any medicine recently. How do you feel about your recent health?" The doctor asked patiently.

"Is it all right..." Si yejue shook his head. "I don't think it's uncomfortable. Maybe I can stop taking the medicine before."

"After examination, I found that there are many blood clots in your brain, which indicates that taking medicine is still helpful. I suggest you continue to take it for a while..." the doctor explained, "in this way, it can help the original accumulation of blood clots, and slowly remove them..."

"I think it's better not to use medicine." Si yejue suddenly ruled it out and continued to take the medicine.

"Maybe it's your personal opinion. This medicine has no side effects. It's very good in clinical manifestations, but the price is a little more expensive..." the doctor dragged his chin. "But I see that Miss Shen bought some for you before, and you should not have finished it now. Young master, if you don't take it, it's not good for your health on the one hand, and on the other hand, It's also wasteful. "

"I'll do it myself." Si yejue was indifferent.

"Master Si, since you come to the hospital and let me be your attending doctor, you have to trust me..." the doctor thinks that his medical level has been completely ignored by Si yejue.

"Of course I trust you, otherwise from the beginning, I won't take these inexplicable drugs..." Si yejue shook his head, "but now I feel much better."

"I'm glad you feel better..." the doctor kept nodding.

"If I continue to take these drugs without any side effects, I will not take them any more." The division night Jue decisive way.

"In fact, it's not a big problem. However, young master, you need to come to check regularly. I have to control the blood clots in your brain to prevent large-scale spread." The doctor patiently explained, "probably need to, half a month to check."

To this, Si yejue actually nods to agree.

"Come and have a physical examination?" Thin night cold is in corridor, bumped into division night Jue.

"Well..." Si yejue nodded slightly.

"It's said that Shen Jiang still hasn't found her. I always feel that this woman may not have left by herself, or she may have been kidnapped. Otherwise, if she doesn't go home for such a long time, she will worry about her parents..." Bo Yehan said this for a long time.

"Of course, I know that I want to find this woman as soon as possible, but I have tried my best, but I can't find anything. Even Leng Shao can't help it..." Si yejue helplessly pressed his eyebrow, and suddenly felt that his head ached. "This matter, I always feel annoyed."

"Calm down first, you have blood clots in your head..." Bo Yehan constantly reminds him that he is also a doctor. So he knows that Shen Jiang can easily cause the change of Si yejue's mood, which will stimulate Si yejue's condition. He is not a normal person, but a person with blood clots in his head is very dangerous, A little careless, even need surgery.

"I'm always annoyed about her. At that time, I didn't think about it. I had to get a divorce..." but Si yejue shook his head. "But now that I'm divorced, it's divorce."

"I think you two are too impulsive..." Bo Yehan sighed, "once, I was very impulsive. I felt that everything I had now was not what I wanted. I kept pushing away the things around me, but at last I found that the original habit was really terrible. Unconsciously, it already disturbed all your rhythm of life, You and Shen Jiang have known each other for so many years. Even if there is no love, there will be so-called family affection. Besides, in the past two years, you have taken care of her in another capacity. There must be affection between you, but you don't want to admit it. I'm afraid you know this better than yourself, because that's how I came here... "

After that, Bo Yehan patted Si yejue on the shoulder. "I wanted to remind you long ago. Don't go my old way again."“ Miss Xu has been holding on to you all the time. Since she loves you, you won't really be separated. "

But he and Shen Jiang have come to a dead end, and there will be no possibility.

"You see, there is a strange man beside her. I don't even know who he is..." Si yejue shook his head. "Maybe she can see clearly at the moment, and she wants to find a man who is good to herself, not me."

"Si yejue, I can understand that you are jealous at the moment?" Thin night cold tries to ask.


Of course not.

Si yejue immediately shook his head, "even if I'm jealous, it won't be because of Shen Jiang..."

"You really have too much confidence, not yet, relying on the good people have been to you, so you have no fear..." Bo Yehan just wanted to warn Si yejue that as a man, you really don't have too much confidence, otherwise, you will face every minute.

Si yejue just refused to believe that he would be beaten by reality.

"By the way, you should know this pill." Suddenly, he thought of something and took out a box of medicine. "This is what the doctor prescribed for me. I took it for a while."

"There's nothing wrong with this medicine itself. You really need to take it. What's the matter?" Thin night cold glanced at that medicine box, feel no problem.

"It's nothing. All of a sudden, I don't like taking medicine..." Si yejue refused to admit that he was ill.

Even the doctor's prescription, also have a skeptical attitude

He always felt that something was wrong with the medicine

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