"It's clear what happened between us, but you told him that I ran away from home..."

With a deep smile, an shengxia almost convinced this man. He was really capable. He made a mistake, but she was tossing him, which made everyone know.

"But you're wrong, my father has no right to control me, and he can't control me..." pulling away his fingers, an shengxia's eyes drooped and left from his side.

It's just that it's so hard for song September to leave Quan mansion, isn't it? Well, she can only say that she has no confidence in him and doesn't want to insist on it any more.

After all, it's so hard for a woman to leave. It's even harder for her to come out of his heart!

When the wound has become inflamed, we must treat it from the root, just take medicine, and it will break out one day.

An shengxia doesn't like to escape. She always likes to face up and understand the problem from the root.

For example, let song September leave“ Back to the apartment? " The voice of the man came from behind again.

An shengxia didn't turn around, but he said, "I'll send you."

Without waiting for an shengxia to respond, the man's mobile phone rings.

"Quan Shao, I was hurt in September!"

"What." Hold the mobile phone tightly, Quan Yao frowns and questions.

"It's Miss Xu..."

Everyone knows that Miao Miao's best friend is an shengxia.

Moreover, it was also because in September of the Song Dynasty that Miaomiao was completely separated from Bo Yehan.

It's Xu Miaomiao who suddenly appears. He wants song September's life!

Hospital, operating room door.

"Did you say something to Miaomiao? Did you use her to hurt song September? " Thin night cold see an Sheng summer, then don't have good spirit of question.

"It's not because of what I said. In fact, I didn't say anything. Maybe she found out that song September is not a good thing. Miaomiao and I have nothing to talk about. We are not plastic sisters. Besides, I just hope she can leave here and not be found by you."

Looking back, an shengxia feels that something is wrong. She is worried, "no, it can't be Miaomiao. She is also injured. How can she hurt people?"

"She was badly hurt?" Thin night cold nervous ask.

"The woman you want to be nervous about is song September now. Miaomiao doesn't need your care. I think there should be others around her, because I taught her that the easiest way to forget someone is to find another person to replace her..." an shengxia's voice just fell, and Bo Yehan's face suddenly turned white.

"Why did she get hurt?" Thin night cold worries of ask.

"You didn't make it?" Anshengxia suddenly surprised, if not thin night cold, who can it be?

Unless it's thin night, cold is playing silly!

But thin night cold, also not so no style!

So, isn't it cold at night?

"She may have provoked some enemies, but she won't say anything and won't let me worry. I doubt what enemies she is hiding from..." an Sheng Xia worries.

"If she comes to you next time, you come to me... After all, I can guarantee her safety." Thin night cold and determined to put down these words, an shengxia is not sure!

"Or, you let the right to protect less, I can choose not to see her!" In a word, Bo Yehan can't see what enemies are chasing her.

"Her business is not short of your worry. Now she has become different from before. She knows how to make money and how to defend herself." In the end, an shengxia didn't agree with Bo Yehan.

Three hours later, song September was finally rescued.

After getting the news, an shengxia left alone.

She wants to contact Miaomiao and doesn't want her to do stupid things for herself.

On that day, an shengxia still did not return to his old house.

It's the third day.

Old house.

Lying on the sofa, an Xiaobai is not happy even if he is eating his favorite potato chips. Instead, he holds his mobile phone and calls an shengxia, "Mommy, when are you going home?"

"I'm on a business trip. I'm making money seriously. If I don't make money, how can I support you and Dabai?" An shengxia missed her son so much that she almost burst into tears.

Think carefully, she is also full of ruthlessness, and he separated, unexpectedly can not see his son for three days.

"Mommy, you're lying! Daddy said, "you don't want me and my brother." Anxiously cried out, an Xiaobai did not know how pitiful.

On one side, an Dabai quietly looks at his younger brother's clothes. Daddy didn't say that. My brother was lying.

"What, did he really say that?" She was so angry that an shengxia almost vomited blood. He even provoked the relationship between her and her son. It was vicious!

"Xiaobai, believe me, I'm really on a business trip!" An shengxia explains in a hurry.

"Well, I'll wait for mommy to come home." Xiaobai bit his soft mouth and said, "Mommy, can you go home today?"

"Sorry Xiaobai..." after that, an shengxia hung up and cried on his desk.

She wanted to know how to meet her son, but she was not in the old house.

Soon, an shengxia thought of Zhang ma.

"Little grandma..." accidentally received a phone call from an shengxia, Zhang Ma was very surprised.

"I want to see my son..." an shengxia pressed his eyebrows, "do you have any way to keep him from knowing that it's near their school... I want to have a meal with them."

"Recently, young master..." mother Zhang hesitated and said, "I've asked for leave for young masters. I don't allow them to go out. It's estimated that it's to prevent you from meeting. You can't see them until you go home."

"When did it start?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly, "he went to school with Xiaobai and Dabai?"

"Well, although the young masters don't go out to class, they have tutors." Zhang Ma explained.

"But how can you learn well like this?" An Sheng Xia didn't hope at the beginning. What's the difference between her son and other children.

"Young granny, if you have any misunderstanding with the young master, you'd better make it clear face to face. You can't let the children suffer all the time, especially young master Xiaobai, who has been crying in class recently." As soon as Zhang Ma's voice fell, an shengxia was even more distressed.

How can't sleep at night, an Xiaobai holding a pillow, went to Quan Yao's bedroom, really cried out, "Daddy, I want mommy, I want mommy..."

"Son, come up and sleep with me." Quan Yao holds Xiaobai, but Xiaobai still cries.

He is helpless to his son after grabbing his hair!

"Come on, son, cry up."

After listening to Quan Yao's words, Xiao Bai suddenly quiets down and feels that daddy has a conspiracy!

"Why do you want me to cry! Daddy, do you want me to cry hoarse and never cry again? " An Xiaobai asked stupidly.

"..." tiger poison doesn't eat son. Is he so fierce?

As usual, Quan Yao pinches an shengxia to get off work and goes to an's.

This time, he went to her office ten minutes early.

"You see, that's the second young master of Quan family..."

"Wow, did you come here specially to meet manager an? It's really enviable..."

"So handsome, so handsome..."

Pushing the door, Quan Yao lifted his eyes, took off his sunglasses, and then looked at an shengxia, "Mrs. Quan, I'll take you home."

"An shengxia said nothing.

"Anshengxia, you are so cruel."

With a sneer, Quan Yao turns on a recorder, and from there comes the sad cry of Xiaobai and Dabai

"My son is crying all the time, and he refuses to go to school. You are their mother. Are you so cruel?" Turn off the recorder and put it on the desk. Quan Yao sees her holding the recorder.

The cry of her son is like pressing an shengxia's neck with both hands, which makes her unable to breathe and burst into tears.

"Give me my son and get a divorce."

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