For that man, nothing is more important than Shen Jiang.

Including that man's life, all can contribute to Shen Jiang without blinking.

"Do you think I will easily believe what you say?" Even if Shen Jiang believes that this man likes himself, he will not feel that he is more important than life.

"That's because you have no idea what you mean to him." Dr. Zhao also sighed. See, she fell in love with a woman who didn't understand herself. In the future, she suffered a lot. What's more, Shen Jiang didn't even believe that she was really important.

"You are friends. Of course you will help him talk." Shen Jiang didn't like it.

"Even if you can speak for me, don't you think my tone is a little too serious?" Dr. Zhao shook his head and said, "according to my own personal experience, I don't want to trust women any more. Even when I see women, I feel sick. I don't want my own friend to be infatuated with a woman like this. But I can't help it. He just likes you. It's useless to persuade him. He's too embarrassed to tell you some words, but I have to, Let you know. "

"Why do you hate women? Do you really like men? " Shen Jiang thinks that the man's situation is very dangerous.

"Where do you want to go? I've just been cheated by women, but it doesn't mean I like men." Dr. Zhao pressed the center of his eyebrows and felt that Shen Jiang's brain circuit was also wonderful.

"Can you still let women cheat you?" Dr. Zhao, who is so humorous and smart, should be very popular with women, so Shen Jiang doesn't believe it.

"Anything can't just look at the surface, otherwise, there will be times when you cry." Dr. Zhao shook his head and said, "this is a lesson from my predecessor."

"Why be so serious..." Shen Jiang was a little scared.

"I just want to let you know that he is really good to you, so good that I think it's time to believe in love again." After that, Dr. Zhao waved his hand casually, turned around and left, not to mention how smart his back was.

early morning.

Si yejue got up as usual, but he felt headache. He stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at himself carefully. He didn't feel strange. He just subconsciously pressed his eyebrows and rubbed them for several times. He felt comfortable, and then he vomited.

Since he was expelled from the company, Si yejue would not wait to die, but went to several other companies for an interview.

According to the ability of Si yejue, it is not difficult to enter a company.

But met the father's deliberate suppression.

Therefore, no matter what company siyejue goes to work for, he will be screened out.

There is no way to do this. No one dares to offend Si Shi.

"In fact, you can come to work here, but the premise is that you have to start from the basic place." That's the cold night.

It would be unfair to let Si yejue parachute.

"Do you think I will go to your side? First of all, I will not start from the foundation. People like me are naturally extraordinary. Second, your wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so I will not go." In short, Si yejue won't go to the cold night, and let an shengxia beat him down for nothing.

"Don't be so ugly. My wife is very public-private. You think too much." Cold night is a reminder of indifference.

"Ha ha, women don't have much in mind." Si yejue is clear, an shengxia is exactly what goods, don't punish him just strange.

"Since you have so much pressure in your heart, it means that, in fact, you know that you are not a thing, so it's no wonder that my wife has to ask you for trouble. You let your ex-wife leave with a big stomach... It doesn't mean that you have no sense of responsibility as a man." Cold night is not polite.

"I'm looking for a job, not a curse." Si yejue has not contacted lengye for a week.

On the other hand, Bo Yehan, under the control of Miaomiao, does not dare to help siyejue.

"As you know, my family Miaomiao and an shengxia have the same nostrils, so you'd better take care. At this time, I really can't help you." Thin night cold is also helpless, "but if you have any physical discomfort, you can come to me directly."

"Are you cursing me?" Si yejue frowned at first, then nodded, "I often have a headache recently. Maybe it's because my work is not going well."

"Frequent headache, or can hear about the problem, at least that you have a bad rest recently." Bo Yehan reminds, "maybe you have a headache because of Shen Jiang."

"Well, this woman really gives me a headache. I'm sure she left by herself, but no one believes it. They all think that I forced her to leave." He said sarcastically.

"So, it's not the right time to ask for a divorce. It sounds like crap." Thin night cold sneers a way.

"Si yejue, you don't have the qualification to feel headache. If I were you, I couldn't do such a thing." Bo Yehan deliberately emphasized.

"There is no difference between us. At the beginning, you were the same. After Miss Xu's abortion, you divorced." Si yejue insisted on bringing up the past.

"It's still different. Miscarriage was an accident. As for divorce, it was because there was no relationship between us. At that time, divorce was the best choice for me." Thin night cold also didn't expect, division night Jue still have this spirit, come to bite him.

Pausing for a few seconds, Bo Yehan continued, "but Shen Jiang is different. She still has your child in her stomach, so you shouldn't divorce."

"Originally I also planned to wait for her to give birth to the child, and then consider divorce, but later, some accidents happened..." Si yejue's explanation was very unconvincing.

"So far, no clue?" Even Bo Yehan was surprised. According to the truth, it is not difficult for siyejue to find a woman, unless siyejue has no intention at all.

But in fact, Si yejue not only found it himself, but also found lengye.

Even cold can't find people

So, where is Shen Jiang hiding?

"No clue." Si yejue said with a smile, "maybe this is the best news. Maybe she is hiding somewhere, and then she lives alone. She doesn't want to be disturbed. If she encounters any danger..."

Next, Si yejue did not dare to go on.

"Si yejue, you'd better hope that Shen Jiang is safe so far, otherwise, everyone will not let you go!"

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