"Once Shen Jiang or that child is gone, Si yejue, I'm afraid you won't have a good life in the future."

Thin night cold dragged his chin, "first of all, you can't go back to the company, second, your conscience will be condemned, after all, you have to divorce."

"I just feel divorced, good to her and me. It's just a waste of time and life for two people who have no feelings to live together. She might as well leave me early to find her own happiness." Si yejue decided that there was nothing wrong with divorce.

As long as Shen Jiang is willing to come out by himself.

"There's nothing wrong with divorce itself, but at the beginning, you also wanted her to be pregnant. I'm afraid you still don't know how good you were to her when you lost your memory. At that time, you were also you." Bo Yehan has never lost his memory, so I don't know why when siyejue regains his memory, he seems to be a completely different person, and he has to divorce Shen Jiang. Can't two years of feelings be equal to his disgust for Shen Jiang's past?

"As we all know, marriage is not your original intention, you are forced, you and Shen Jiang are only married, but in fact, you don't hate her so much, or you won't be so good to her when you lose all your memories." Bo Yehan reminds a few times, "Si yejue, you still have feelings for Shen Jiang."

Living together for so many years, even if there is no emotion, they have been used to each other for a long time.

"It's because I'm so familiar that I don't feel like a couple." Si yejue didn't know what kind of woman he wanted, but he knew that what he needed was not Shen Jiang.

"You are not me, so I don't know how I feel about Shen Jiang in my heart."

Division night Jue voice falls, thin night cold also just shrug.

Indeed, feelings cannot be forced.

Si yejue went back to the empty room, took the pills mixed with red wine, and had a rest all night. He was very comfortable.

"Son, I'm really worried about hearing that you are ill, so I'll come and have a look. Don't be angry with your father. He has no choice but to give an account to the Shen family. Now that Shen Jiang is gone and the child is missing, I'm very worried." It's time for Shen's mother to come to see wangsi yejue in the middle of the night.

"Mom, I'm really OK. Who asked you to come?" Si yejue held down his eyebrows, because he looked much better, so his face was no longer so pale, and he looked more energetic.

"I heard you came home from the hospital." The Secretary's mother sighed, "what do you think you can hide from me?"

"Mom, you think I'm wrong, don't you?" Si yejue sneered and asked. Everyone thought that divorce was his fault, but in fact

"Since you are my son, I know that no matter what you do, you must have your own consideration." His mother shook her head and said, "maybe you and Shen Jiang are doomed to have no fate. It's my fault. At the beginning, you should not force you."

"My own resistance was not strong enough, so I agreed to get married easily. At that time, I thought that emotion could be cultivated, but I really didn't love her." Si yejue sneered, "it's me who's wasting my time. Now I'm sorry. It seems that I'm a hooligan."

"I don't know if she's doing well now." This is what the Secretary's mother is most worried about.

What if Shen Jiang's life is not good now?

When she thought about it, she couldn't help crying.

"I'm sorry for her. It's none of your business." The division night Jue quickly comforts a way.

"Shen Jiang, she is such a good child. I always like her, but I can't help it. If you don't call, I won't think much about it. Now the only hope is that the child can come back safely. Even if the child is not here, it doesn't matter. I just want her to go home safely..." the company's mother soon burst into tears.

"Mom, she'll be fine. Don't worry." At the moment, it turned out that Si yejue was comforting his mother.

"Son, I'm so sorry. I thought I'd come to comfort you, but now it's the reverse." The Secretary's mother cried, but she also laughed.

"I've been looking for her whereabouts, but I don't know why. I just can't find anyone. Although she is in this city, she seems to have evaporated. It can only be said that the person around her really has the ability to communicate with heaven." Si yejue couldn't figure out why he couldn't find Shen Jiang.

"People, really want to hurry to find..." the division's mother determined that this matter can't be careless, also can't delay, continue to drag on, no one knows, what will happen to Shen Jiang.

At first, Shen Jiang also hoped that someone would find her.

It doesn't matter whether it's Si yejue or not.

At least, anshengxia will find her.

Coupled with the influence of cold night, it is estimated that she will be able to escape soon.

But after that, Shen Jiang completely gave up the idea.

Now that a month has passed and there is still no news outside, it is enough to show that the man who kidnapped her has great ability.

She can even be locked up in a villa under the eyes of so many people.

It's more difficult for people outside to find here than to go to heaven.

Shen Jiang only hopes that the man will really fulfill his promise and let her go after she has a baby.

"I don't know if they really don't look for you." Dr. Zhao can see that Shen Jiang is in a daze at the moment, and even clearly knows why Shen Jiang is in a daze.

"By the way, your ex husband Si yejue, he really doesn't look for you." Dr. Zhao emphasized the word ex husband.

"Oh, I had no hope for him for a long time." Shen Jiang shakes his head and says, who can be persistent except his family?

"Yes, this man doesn't care about you at all. If you knew this, you shouldn't marry him. Instead, you wasted your youth. A woman doesn't have much youth to delay." Dr. Zhao could not help sighing, "Shen Jiang, do you regret it now?"

"In fact, men's youth can be regarded as youth, so I have nothing to lose. It's just mutual delay." Shen Jiang can see it.

"My family is not poor in money, so in fact, my conditions are not bad. It's possible for me to be with any man in the future. It depends on whether I want to be with him or not." What's more, Shen Jiang and his children don't feel the loss, but think that Si yejue is even worse?

Shen Jiang thought so, and chuckled, "anyway, I'm satisfied with having his child now."

"You women are really terrible..." Dr. Zhao felt shivering all over.

"Do you know his name?" Shen Jiang suddenly poked his head and said in a low voice, "don't show me his appearance, at least let me know his name?"

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