As expected, the man waited for Shen Jiang to fall asleep before he was willing to leave.

Like today, the chance to have a few words with Shen Jiang is even less.

"How is her recent health?" Before leaving, the man awoke Dr. Zhao impolitely.

"She's good enough to eat and sleep. The key is you. How are you?" Dr. Zhao asked sarcastically.

"Sometimes when I don't see you coming, I feel that I won't see you tomorrow." Doctor Zhao shrugged and said, "listen to me, money can't be earned all the time. You have to be more open. Don't look at money all the time. Sometimes you have to stop and let yourself have a rest."

"I want to give her a better one, so I want to keep making money to support my family. How do you think I got all this money from heaven?" Men can't help laughing.

"If you have money, but you are gone, do you think it's worth it?" No one knows this man's health better than Dr. Zhao.

"If you make money, you have to have this life to spend. That's lucky. Don't you worry about this woman? Then you can rest assured that she will live on her own with countless money?" Dr. Zhao tentatively questioned him. Of course, he knew that the most secure thing for a woman was money. But he was also worried about the man. If he really couldn't think of it, he would die one day.

"Of course not, my own body, I know..." the man sank his eyes, "I will take care of myself."

"I hope so." Dr. Zhao patted the man on the shoulder. "In a word, I didn't mean to curse you just now. I just hope that you can think for yourself and be a little better to yourself. For so many years, you have been living for Shen Jiang. Occasionally, you have to see yourself and live for yourself."

"It's estimated that you haven't met the woman you love, that's why you talk so natural and unrestrained. One day, when you really meet the woman you want to protect, maybe you exaggerate more than me..." the man raised his mouth and revealed countless rays of light at the bottom of his eyes.

"No, I don't want to lose myself for a woman." For Dr. Zhao, the most useless thing is feelings. If there are feelings, because of a woman, he would rather not be like himself.

"Sometimes it's not that you don't want to come. I used to think that I would be alone, but later, I met you." Men's tone, showing some helplessness, "in fact, met, also good."

"You know, I'd rather you were alone. Sometimes, people would rather be selfish... So that they won't get hurt." Since Dr. Zhao knew the man, he has never been happy, but he is sad for a woman.

What is emotion? It's just a hurtful thing.

Shen Jiang's vomiting is exaggerated recently.

Although it was the last three months, this shouldn't have happened, Shen Jiang's physical quality was abnormal with others.

Shen Jiang almost vomites whatever he eats.

Instead of gaining weight, he lost a few pounds.

"Dr. Zhao, I feel like I'm going to vomit and faint. I want to go to the hospital for a detailed examination." Shen Jiang was lying on the bed, and even said something.

"It's normal for you now, that is, general pregnancy and vomiting. No matter you go to any hospital, the doctor will have no choice, because your physical quality will be more painful in the next three months." Dr. Zhao hastily explained, "it is recommended that you eat less and more meals at one time, which is also conducive to the absorption of food nutrition."

"Are you sure you're not teasing me?" She vomited like this, but also let her lie down, and then go on like this, she will only get thinner and thinner.

"You have to believe in my professional quality. After all, I'm the only one here who is a doctor or a gynecologist. As for you who want to go out for examination, I dare not take you out without his permission." Dr. Zhao's words are true. Since he was beaten by a man last time, Dr. Zhao didn't have the courage to take Shen Jiang out.

"So you're waiting for me to keep vomiting?" Shen Jiang was angry, and then he grabbed the heavy object at hand and smashed it to the door.

Fortunately, Dr. Zhao quickly dodged and smashed on the visitor.

The man is first Lengzheng, a catch that heavy object, this just lift Mou to see to Shen Jiang.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jiang's face turned pale, and he was so angry. It was fresh.

"Why, you want to murder your husband?" If a man doesn't open his mouth, it's amazing.

"I feel sick. I've been vomiting. I can't believe Dr. Zhao. I want to go to the hospital for an examination." Shen Jiang's request is not excessive.

The man sank his eyes. "I have all the instruments in the hospital. No matter where you go for an examination, the result is the same. Since Dr. Zhao said that you need a rest, have a good rest here."

"I'm not your pet." Shen Jiang said with disdain, "don't worry. Even if I go to the hospital, I won't run. I'm just worried about whether the baby in my stomach is still healthy“

When Shen Jiang looked in the mirror every day, he found that his face was getting worse day by day.

I'm really worried about what will happen to my baby.

"Miss Shen, you are so nervous. Of course, the child is very healthy. It's all your own thinking." Dr. Zhao is also helpless.

But how many good tempers do pregnant women have?

"I don't want to tell you..." when Shen Jiang saw doctor Zhao, he was full of distrust.

"You're a woman who doesn't make sense." Dr. Zhao is speechless. He is also a famous doctor. He has never been so despised, except Shen Jiang.

"Reason with pregnant women. Are you ok?" Shen Jiang was even more amused. "You should let me do what I want to do now."

"Sure, you can do anything, but don't try to step out of this room." That's the bottom line for men.

"You..." Shen Jiang is also too angry, simply opened the bed sheet on the body, a few steps to the man, ferociously pushed the man.

"Go away, I don't want to see you!" Pointing to the door, Shen Jiang roared impolitely.

The man is low head, indifferent look to Shen Jiang, let her lose these small temper.

Compared with Shen Jiang's recent sufferings, it's nothing to lose his temper.

The man sighed, and then just signaled Dr. Zhao to go out first.

After Dr. Zhao left the room, the man held Shen Jiang's delicate chin and said, "I'll come to see you once and drive me away, eh?"

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