Although she is not an 18-year-old girl, she has become old-fashioned, but in the face of men's gentle tone, Shen Jiang is still hopeless red face.

Scruple to Shen Jiang is just a few days after giving birth to a child, the man specially prepared a small yellow hair for her, "when you go out, no one knows, you haven't washed your hair for a few days."

Unexpectedly, he was so well prepared. Shen jiangrao wanted to shirk responsibility, so he had to put on his hat and go out with the man.

"Aren't you afraid? I'm trying to cheat you out and take you away again?" Man walking, suddenly half joking way.

Shen Jiang is extremely alert when he hears the speech.

But I think it should not be.

If he wanted to kidnap her, he would not inform the Shen family to take care of her.

"I'm kidding you." Touching Shen Jiang's questioning eyes, the man sighs helplessly. It seems that he has no trust in Shen Jiang's eyes.

But it's not Shen Jiang's fault.

He used to kidnap Shen Jiang for six months.

It can't be written off!

It's a man's case.

"Do you think the air outside is much better than that in the ward?" The man's side head, staring at Shen Jiang.

"Well, I lie down every day, so I should go out and walk around." It's just Shen Jiang's abdomen and the wound. After the operation, the pain is even worse.

At that time, Shen Jiang almost had dystocia. Because he had no choice, he chose to have a caesarean section, so there was a wound on Shen Jiang's lower abdomen.

"Is it here?" The man suddenly stretched out his hand and gently put it on Shen Jiang's abdomen, gently questioning.

"That's where the scalpel came in at the time."

Rao is imagination, all feel incredible, but also love her.

The man tried to hold Shen Jiang in his arms several times, but he was worried that it would hurt her.

"Is it still painful?" The question of the man's pity.

Shen Jiang was stunned at first, and then, perhaps because the man mentioned it, the pain became more clear, "if I was mentioned by you, I would be more painful."

"The doctor said, when can we stop the pain?" The man asked eagerly.

"After all, it's an operation, and it takes time to grow meat." Shen Jiang can see it.

"That's something to mend." The man immediately picked up his mobile phone and wanted to prepare some nutritious recipes.

"I want to eat pig's hoof soup." Shen jiangza smacks her mouth. During her previous pregnancy, she felt sick when she heard the taste of pig's hoof soup.

But at the moment, I suddenly like pig's hoof soup.

"Then I'll go and buy you materials now and make them for you myself." What's done outside, men are not at ease. They have to cook in person.

"This is a hospital. Are you going home to cook?" Shen Jiang asked unexpectedly, "I don't mind where you do it, but I think it's too inconvenient to go on like this. Why don't you go back and have a rest for a few days first, and I'll go directly to the nurse to take care of me."

"I have a good relationship with my uncle in the canteen recently. I can borrow the kitchen there." The man's indifferent explanation.

Then he went to the vegetable farm and bought the freshest pig's hoof.

"Young man, there are few young people like you who can cook by themselves." The canteen master praised the man.

"I can't help it. The women in the family want soup. They just gave birth." A man looks helpless.

"Your daughter-in-law is very lucky." Someone said with a smile, but frowned, "it's just a pity, is your face disfigured?"

"Well..." in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the man had to nod his head and admit it.

"As a matter of fact, appearance is the second, especially for men. Character is the most important. When your daughter-in-law comes to you, she has a good eye." A lot of people are comforting men.

The man nodded and then chuckled, "she's nice to me, and doesn't care about my appearance. I think we can go to the end."

"Congratulations." Canteen master, eyes smile into a gap, but also sent a small bowl of braised meat, is willing to let the man go.

After a while, the man went into the ward with the incubator in his arms.

"It's all hot. Eat while it's hot." Afraid that Shen Jiang was inconvenient to eat, the man had to open the incubator and hold the bowl of soup.

Shen Jiang sat on the bed with a spoon in his hand. He looked at the man first, then he lowered his head to eat.

"How about the taste?" The man asked depressed.

"Not bad." What's more, it's comparable to the top chef.

Shen Jiang is very satisfied with his food. He has beautiful corners of his eyes, which bend into a happy arc. I don't know how charming it is.

Especially after pregnancy, Shen Jiang's face adds a woman's mature beauty, which makes a man's mind ripple.

"Why don't you eat it yourself?" Shen Jiang asked as he ate.

"I've just had it." The man scratched his hair. "I guess this is not enough for you to eat?"

"You say that as if I can eat. Besides, I can support myself, and I don't eat your family's food." Shen Jiang said half of it, but she stopped. What she ate was really other people's food.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Shen Jiang was really puzzled. At first, she thought that the man was joking or interested in something. But she had already had a baby, but she insisted on taking care of it, and even drove away the nurses

"No why." For example, you don't need any reason to fall in love with someone, just because of some attraction and pleasant feeling.

The man sneered, "maybe, I owe you in my last life, so in this life, I come to pay the debt."

"Well, you may owe a little too much in your last life." Shen Jiang tilted her head and bit the pork on the pig's hoof. It was so soft and delicious that she had eaten the best pig's hoof in her life.

"It's a pity that you're not a cook because you're such a good cook." Shen Jiang put up his thumb and boasted.

"Not everyone is worthy of my cooking. So far, you are the first woman to eat my cooking." The man chuckled for a moment, pause for a moment, and then continued, "whether it's a man or a woman, you are the first."

"..." Shen Jiang suddenly looked into the man's eyes. At this moment, he felt dizzy.

"Shen Jiang, if I have been so kind to you, would you stay with me, eh?"

The man asked straight to the point.

Shen Jiang retorted, "do you think it's emotion that moves you?"

"As long as you are willing to stay with me, it doesn't matter whether it's emotion or not." Even if it is charity or pity, men can not care.

He didn't care about the process.

Just want one result

That is, let her stay with him forever!

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