After a grudging marriage, Shen Jiang had seen through it for a long time.

It's better to separate as soon as possible than to stay together for the sake of children.

"Shen Jiang, it was you who refused to divorce for the sake of your children..."

But at the moment, the situation is subversive.

It's Si yejue, who means to start over.

However, Shen Jiang shook his head. "Just because I have insisted on it once, I know that everything is wrong if the direction is wrong. People can make mistakes on one thing many times, but they can't make mistakes on one person for the third time."

He was impulsive when he was young, but Shen Jiang didn't regret it.

But at the moment, Shen Jiang's mood is different.

Unlike when I was young, I was not afraid of pain.

No matter how strong Shen Jiang is, he is just a woman.

After hitting the south wall several times, Shen Jiang has been immune for a long time.

Once she was infatuated with the appearance of Si yejue.

But as time goes on, no matter how good-looking the face is, there will be a day when you are bored with it.

What's more, she had to feed the dog.

"I found that you just like to work against me." Nodded, Si yejue even thought that Shen Jiang was on purpose, deliberately against him.

"I don't know where you come from. I feel that I deliberately neglect you. Don't worry. I don't have these routines yet. I just feel that it's better to live a good life with my children than to focus on men. Besides, there are a lot of family members who love me around me. With my present conditions, even if it's a blind date arranged by my family, You can also find men with good moral character... "

Shen Jiang now knows that a man's appearance is a bonus, but a real good man's sense of responsibility is the most important thing.

"You mean to find a stepfather for the child?"

Si yejue wanted to stabilize Shen Jiang for the time being.

Who knows, Shen Jiang still wants to have a blind date.

Even if Shen Jiang just said it, Si yejue couldn't bear it.

"I don't agree with that." Si yejue retorted immediately.

"It's my private business. I don't think I need your consent, do I?" Shen Jiang almost laughed.

He really takes himself seriously.

I think she can't do without him, can she?

"Only men know men best. Otherwise, I'll help you." Si yejue has absolute confidence in himself. He doesn't believe who else is better than himself.

Shen Jiang's eyes should not be low, and he doesn't like ordinary men.

"Si yejue can't help but hook his lips." I'll help you, and it's also for my son's good. "

"Whatever you want." Shen Jiang is too lazy to talk any more.

"And remember, I'm not interested in men." Si yejue emphasized this point again.

Shen Jiang was surprised. It turned out that he cared so much about this episode.


"You and Si yejue seem to be very close..." usually in the hospital, Bo Yehan would never take the initiative to chat with Dr. Zhao.

But the eight trigrams in Bo Yehan's heart are ignited by Miaomiao.

"The relationship is good. I've known him since I was a child, but I know him..." Dr. Zhao opened his hand helplessly.

"Between you..." thin night cold several times, all want to talk and stop.

"It's a man." Dr. Zhao always felt that thin night cold eyes, is very strange.

"It's just as simple as a man?" Thin night cold touch chin, with the past high cold image, very different.

"Director Bo, what do you want to say?" Doctor Leng shrugged and said, "Si Shao is not very stable now. If you want to help him, the only way is Shen Jiang..."

"Well, I know." Bo Yehan is not interested in siyejue's illness, but "I heard that you live together."


"Since we live together, it's not an ordinary relationship..."

"You misunderstood me. I was living in a villa to prevent Miss Shen from having an accident..." I was misunderstood!

Dr. Zhao couldn't laugh or cry. "My relationship with Si Shao is not the kind you think. He likes Miss Shen. He's crazy about it!"

If not crazy, how could Shen Jiang be kidnapped?

"Maybe he didn't realize it himself..." Dr. Zhao grinned bitterly.

"Is it?" Bo Yehan has known Si yejue for so long, but he never knew that Si yejue would be so crazy for a woman!

"It's me."

The voice in the handset is very low.

Shen Jiang was stunned first, and then he said, "what can I do for you?"

"Can we meet?" The man said sarcastically, "if you don't agree, then forget it. But, I promise, even if I meet you, I won't do anything to you. I just want to explain something to you."

"The place." Shen Jiang calmed down and felt that he had no loss, so he agreed.

The meeting place is in a quiet coffee shop.

Men wearing white shirts, dress up very low-key, that high cold temperament, but very eye-catching, let a person never forget.

"How are you recently?" This is also a white question. Seeing Shen Jiang's mellow face, the man knows that she has a good life.

Even if it is separated, without him, Shen Jiang can still live very well.

Unlike him

It's just a redundant existence.

"I'm fine, and you?" Shen Jiang asked politely.

"I'm fine, too." Just the number of awakening, less and less, men know, the division of night Jue has found himself.

This is not good!

"I come to see you for no other purpose. I just want to meet you, even if it's just a simple meal." The man pushes the menu to Shen Jiang.

"The refreshments in this coffee shop are quite good."

Shen Jiang smell speech, then bow head to order to eat.

Shen Jiang suddenly felt familiar with the snacks here.

It reminds me that when she was pregnant, she often ate snacks with this flavor.

He should have bought it himself.

Shen Jiang moved his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, he kidnapped himself twice.

But strangely, Shen Jiang found that he didn't hate him much.

Because he didn't really hurt her

"How did you show up?" Shen Jiang is very curious.

"Sometimes, when I miss you, especially when I want to see you, I will show up."

And when Shen Jiang talks about him, he will also appear.

However, most of the time, it was he who took the initiative to think of Shen Jiang.

If one day, Shen Jiang falls in love with Si yejue again and completely forgets him

Well, he doesn't exist

"Shen Jiang's heart is very complicated.

The same face gave her a different feeling.

A high cold and gentle, eyes revealed sadness.

The other is rebellious and cold, looking at everything as nothing.

But in reality, what she came into contact with was the latter.

Maybe, this is fate!

"Shen Jiang, are you still in love with him... Si yejue!"

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