"Quan Shao, that's miss an..."

Smell speech, the man is holding the golf club in the hand, the side head, see the woman that gives a person apology ceaselessly at a glance.

"Mr. Zhao, I didn't mean to..." what I said was better than what I sang. An shengxia had a charming smile and pretended to be innocent.

"I didn't expect that Quan Shao was also there..." the angry face turned away. When president Zhao saw Quan Yao, he was stunned and immediately changed into a respectful face.

"Good evening, Mr. Quan." The smile is impeccable. An shengxia is only stunned for a second, then nods to Quan Yao, just like a stranger.

"What are you doing?" The man said this, but he asked general manager Zhao.

"Playing is just entertainment." Unexpectedly, Quan Shao took the initiative to speak to himself. Mr. Zhao was so surprised that he walked over excitedly.

"So late, come to play..." and still with a woman, for a normal person, will not be bored to teach a woman to play.

"Quan Shao, if you like it, why don't you join us?" President Zhao took the initiative to talk.

Smell speech, the man does not say a word, but toward the Secretary of one side hand.

The Secretary immediately handed over the warm wet towel. Quan Yao took it and wiped the palm of his hand. Then he held the club again.

Seeing this, general manager Zhao immediately took a look at an shengxia, "you go first, and the account just now will be calculated next time!"

"Midsummer, let's go now!" While talking, Qin Sheng takes off his coat and puts it on an shengxia's shoulder.

"Why, if you take a bath or not, just dress me. I tell you, I'm a cleanliness addict." Ann just wants to wear a skirt.

"You heartless woman, freeze to death!" Qin Sheng cold hum, and then side his head, curiously looked at Quan Yao, this is a few meanings, these two people pretend to be like strangers, if Zhao always know, an shengxia is Quan Shao's ex-wife, probably won't embarrass her?

Since Qin Shengneng thought of it, an shengxia also thought of it, "Mr. Quan, I'll play with you!"

"Forget it, just your skill?" Qin Sheng rolled his eyes subconsciously.

"Come on, I'll fight first." Holding the ball, an shengxia immediately swung, but as before, the club did not even touch the ball, she was very depressed!

"It's just playing. It's no fun." Quan Yao said suddenly.

"Since Quan Shao thinks it's boring to play ball, let's play gambling." Even in order to show off his face to Quan, president Zhao will deliberately lose.

But Ann can't afford to play in midsummer!

"How big is it?" The man just looked at Mr. Zhao.

"One million for one." Mr. Zhao is in a hurry to give money to Quan Yao.

An shengxia immediately clenched the club in his hand, stepped back slightly behind him, and was ready to leave.

"Miss an, you can have a good time with me." Generally, seeing an shengxia's intention to retreat, general manager Zhao clenched her hand and said in a low voice, "if you lose, it's me. If you have less power, I'll take care of your office building!"

Mr. Zhao can see that Quan Yao's intention is an shengxia. Otherwise, he won't give him the face to play.

"True or false?" An shengxia never refuses a business that doesn't lose money. Before, she even planned to give up the list of general manager Zhao. But when she thought of the huge profits, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

"I don't think miss an can play at all. Compared with her, it's too bullying." The man suddenly sneered.

"Since miss an can't..." coughing, president Zhao pushed an shengxia, "why don't you teach her for a while?"

"..." hearing the speech, an shengxia first took a look at general manager Zhao, and then looked at Quan Yao again.

Why is it that when I see this product again, my heart is as still as water? Maybe, once was not enough love.

With a sneer, an shengxia came to Quan Yao and said, "Quan Shao, I don't know if you have time to teach me how to play?"

"Oh, do you really want to learn?" Tall body, stand straight, the man has been staring at her white tender hand pulled by Zhao Zong, silent for two minutes, but it is a steady step to go past, and then hold her palm, "first of all, you have to learn how to hold the club."

"Is that so?" An shengxia learns his gestures and finally knows how to hold the club. It seems that he really wants to learn it. This kind of casual contact doesn't seem to disgust him.

"Well, then you have to stand up straight." Standing behind the woman, Quan Yao pressed her shoulder, "Why are you so nervous“

"I'm sorry, maybe you are too charming. Any woman will be nervous when facing you, won't she?" With a smile on her face, an shengxia is speechless in her heart.

"Take it easy. Don't be nervous. Stand up straight." He pressed her ear and said coldly.

"..." seems to have become a primary school student and is being disciplined by him.

With a sigh, an shengxia suddenly feels very depressed.

Why did she promise to let him teach her how to play?

But looking at Zhao Zong's sinister face, an shengxia still admits his life.

Compared with general manager Zhao, it's better to play with Quan Yao.

Even if they are embarrassed, they don't have to be enemies after divorce. If he could help her this time, she might be able to treat him to dinner calmly.

"Mr. Zhao, my client, is going to buy my office building. If you can help me this time, I can share the profit with you." An Sheng Xia said half jokingly.

The man picked next eyebrow, before thought, she will always do part-time, did not expect is to buy a house, and, she became smooth, no longer so straightforward.

"Oh, if you don't promise." It doesn't matter that he shakes his head. An shengxia doesn't expect Quan Yao to help him. As he said, he is only responsible for his women. From the day of divorce, there is no relationship between them.

"To score that, I might think about it."

The man's voice falls, an Sheng Xia immediately stares big eyes, "are you serious?"

Can not help but excited, an shengxia dancing holding the club, just about to lift the club, the finger was clenched by the man from behind!

"What's the matter?"

Is he going to go back?

"Don't distract. Look ahead." A man's voice is young and more magnetic. It's very familiar that he rushes into AXA Xia'er word by word!

Next, without waiting for an shengxia to recover, the man has already grasped her wrist, raised the club in an instant, and shot into the hole!

"Ha ha, what a good shot!" I don't know whether to clap or not. Qin Sheng is very depressed. What's the matter with these two people?

On one side, Zhao always wipes sweat. No matter how stupid he is, he can understand Quan Yao's meaning

An shengxia's list, he must take it.

"Thank you..." I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to help himself play. An shengxia didn't know how to thank him, so he didn't know the propriety.

But unexpectedly, the man spoke again next.

"Where did he kiss you just now?"

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