"Originally you thought that I was lying to you..." Han Anxin's face turned pale, but soon returned to normal.

"Isn't it?" Leng silently pinched Han Anxin's chin and asked sarcastically, "Han Anxin, how dare you touch your heart and say that you didn't cheat me?"

"Really, I don't love him for a long time. The love I had when I was young is just a joke now. If I had known my childishness earlier, I wouldn't have had such an accident and lost my innocence..." Han Anxin can't help shaking when he thinks of that nightmarish night.

"I regret it, I really regret it, I regret knowing Si yejue..." the sadness on Han Anxin's face didn't pretend, even reached out and covered his face.

She couldn't face the night

That night, life is not like death

The night she lost everything

Han Anxin is crying in depression, and the whole person is in grief.

Usually cold silent, or cold appearance, but in the face of a crying woman, but unexpected no way.

"Don't cry. Eat the meal." Cold quietly knead eyebrow, a burst of irritability.

Han Anxin was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped crying.

What's the matter with her?

Unexpectedly, will easily cry out in front of the cold silent.

You know, she's strong enough.


"Miss Han, are you going to leave the hospital now?"

When Shen Jiang arrived at the hospital, he was quarreling with several doctors to leave the hospital.

It's just as if she was not allowed to leave the hospital.

"No more checking?" Shen Jiang rushed forward, "Miss Han, you'd better rest for a few days“

"No, it's just a common fever. I'm out of hospital now and I'm going to work in the company." Han an shakes his head calmly.

"You may not know that when you fainted, he was the first to hold you and ran out directly. At that time, many people saw it. So when you go back to the company now, I'm afraid you have to face some rumors." Shen Jiang has to remind us that after the last meeting, many people have been gossiping.

"I'm not afraid of this rumor." Han Anxin is nothing but a few employees chewing their tongue behind their back. She is not afraid of it. She still says calmly, "I just don't want to be hospitalized. I don't like hospitals..."

"Why don't you go home and rest for a few days?" Shen Jiang tried.

"No, lying around all day, I feel like I'm going to be useless." Han Anxin has no choice but to smile.

"You're avoiding the Lord of the night on purpose." Shen Jiang can see that Han Anxin is afraid that Si yejue will come to see her.

"Shen Jiang, why do you want me to be with Si yejue?" Since Han Anxin was poked at the center of the matter, he immediately laughed, "some people are not suitable to be together..."

"Feelings are not so simple..." Han Anxin looked at Shen Jiang, suddenly, to envy Shen Jiang, "if I and he, really can come together, also won't wait until now this time."

"What are you afraid of?" Shen Jiang didn't understand Han Anxin's words at all. He just said, "you don't have confidence in him, or you don't have confidence in yourself."

"I'm already a cold wife." Just this point, Han Anxin has no qualification, put into the embrace of Si yejue.

"Do you have anything on his hands?" Shen Jiang is nervous. When a woman has no expectation of life, what's the meaning of living?

"Miss Shen, I think you must have watched too many TV dramas. He was very kind to me. If he hadn't married me, maybe I would have killed myself now." Han Anxin now recalled that she really wanted to thank Leng Muran. If Leng Muran had not married her, she would not have now. Even though Leng Muran's purpose was to stimulate siyejue and the whole family, it didn't matter for her.

"At that time, I lost my innocence. I didn't even know who the man was... The man gave me a nightmare. I even suspected that he was with the secretary." Han Anxin gritted his teeth and said, "do you understand that I can only find that man by relying on cold silence."

"Leng Muran also promised me that he would help me find people!" Han an's heart kisses firmly. This is the most important reason why she stays with Leng silent.

"What are you going to do when you find that man?" Shen Jiang asked curiously.

"Kill him..."

Shen Jiang smell speech, can't help but support canthus, immediately flustered up!

"I'm joking, you look so serious..." seeing Shen Jiang's abnormal face, Han Anxin smiles, but the fundus of his eyes flickers strange light.


Looking back, Shen Jiang finds an shengxia and talks about Han Anxin.

"It was a few years ago. Now it's quite difficult to investigate." An shengxia is also in trouble. Even if she asks lengye for help, it's impossible to investigate the past clearly. Even Han Anxin could not find out the truth.

"Maybe the secretary knows who the man is." An shengxia thinks about it. The most likely person to know the truth is Mrs. Si.

"I'm going to ask now. My aunt certainly won't admit it, so I have to investigate." Shen Jiang shook his head helplessly.

"I think so. Mrs. Si would rather hang Han Anxin's appetite and make her suffer all her life than tell the truth." An shengxia also hurts the brain.

"There must be something special between them." Shen Jiang touched his chin, "otherwise I really can't figure out why Mrs. Si hates Han Anxin so much."

"I'll let cold night investigate this little thing." An shengxia's way of looking at brain cancer.

"Leng is always considerate to you. I'll take care of you." Shen Jiang was envious.

As we all know, cold night's love for an shengxia is unique.

"If you are envious, go to find a man." An shengxia patted Shen Jiang on the shoulder and gave him a gentle smile.

"It's so easy for you to be a good man?" Shen Jiang snorted coldly, "anshengxia, your life is so good!"

"Shen Jiang, I think there is no love in this world. Even true love needs two people to work hard together. You feel your heart and ask, what have you done for Si yejue?" An Sheng Xia blinked, "it's also necessary to have skills to chase men!"

"What do you mean by that?" Shen Jiang asked.

"You all say that my life is good. In fact, I suffered a lot before I really got his heart." Ann Sheng Xia thought of her own, and could not help sighing that she had been abused in the past, OK?

"Men are naturally slow to mature, but I just take my whole life to grow up with him."

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