Han Anxin originally felt that siyejue was a person she didn't need to think about before and after.

But now, Si yejue seems to care about another woman

No matter how calm Rao is, Han Anxin can't turn a blind eye.

Shen Jiang

You close to me, set me up with Si yejue, is it true?

After work, Han Anxin dragged his tired body home.

But unexpectedly, Leng Muran was already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Where did you go today?" A cold and impolite question.

"Where else can I go? I've been working in the company all the time, but you didn't tell me when you came back from a business trip. I was startled just now."

Han Anxin patted her heart, as if she was scared.

"Did you do something while I was away? That's why you were so afraid when you came back to see me... Han Anxin, you are not like that." Coldly and silently, he pressed the center of his brow and sneered.

"What else can I do?" Han Anxin gently smile, a few steps to Leng Muran, politely poured a glass of red wine, "come on, you drink something first, I'll cook for you, you're on a business trip recently, you must not eat very well?"

"Why do you like cooking all of a sudden? Before I remember, you never touched the kitchen. Let me think about it carefully. When did you get into the habit? After you met with Si yejue that day?" Leng silently shook his head and said, "so I don't really dare to eat your meal."

"Now that I'm a wife, I should learn to cook. Anyway, it's convenient to buy any materials when I come back. I'm good at cooking a few dishes, and you can rest assured, can't you“ Han Anxin said, then happily went to the kitchen, but just walked into the kitchen, Han Anxin's face changed.

Originally, she also felt that she could perfectly play the so-called virtuous wife role, but in the face of the cold silence, she seemed to be, a little unable to support.

After a while, Han Anxin brought the food to the table, which was unexpected. It turned out that Leng Muran had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

Leng Muran is the first flight to return home. I don't have much rest. No wonder I'm tired.

Han Anxin didn't dare to wake Leng Muran up, so he picked up the blanket and gently put it on him

"What's the matter?" Suddenly awakened, the man opened his eyes and saw Han Anxin's shocked face.

"I see you fall asleep, afraid you catch cold..." Han an's subconscious explanation, but he was surprised that his posture at the moment was too ambiguous, so he put down the blanket.

"Well, how long did I sleep?" Coldly and silently, he pressed the center of his eyebrows, got up and sat up straight, but smelled the smell of the food and the aroma.

"Why don't you wake me up when the meal is ready?"

"I think you are very tired, so I didn't wake you up. Why don't you go on sleeping?"

Han Anxin casually said that she didn't have the heart to eat, so she simply prepared and poured the food clean.

But unexpectedly cold silent a few steps to the table, picked up chopsticks, picky eat a few, "taste, not bad."

"I thought you didn't eat..." Han Anxin picked an eyebrow. Unexpectedly, Leng Muran gave her face so much. She simply sat beside Leng Muran and ate with him.

Han Anxin is well aware of Leng's temper. He likes to be accompanied even after a meal.

"I'll do the dishes later." Leng silently offered to wash the dishes. Han Anxin was surprised.

"No, I'll wash it." Han Anxin chuckled, originally, washing dishes is what women should do.

For ordinary couples, it's probably men who come to do the dishes.

But Han Anxin has never been extravagant since she got married.

"And you're tired. Take a bath first, and then have an early rest." Han Anxin actively cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Cold silent but a press her slender wrist, "I come."

Han Anxin's mouth was wide open in surprise, and he could almost plug an egg.

"Need, so unexpected, we are not husband and wife?"

Leng Muran's return this time is like a different person.

Han Anxin really can't understand Leng silent.

That night, Han Anxin stayed up all night and wanted to divorce several times.

But once this idea came out, it was swallowed by Han an Xin.

She can't imagine what will happen to her if she really comes up with Leng silently?

"You didn't rest last night?"

Cold silent deep smoke in the hands of cigarettes, sarcastic questioning.

"Why do you wake up so early?" Han an anxiously got out of bed and sat up.

Yes, they sleep separately all these years.

Leng Muran has never touched her

”Do you have anything else to say to me? But Han Anxin, I tell you, you'd better not say anything“

Sarcastic sneer, cold silent sneer, "even if you don't speak, I know what you want to say, but Han Anxin, I won't agree, from the time of marriage, I warned you, as long as I get married, I won't divorce, this matter, you don't want to think, understand?"

”Why on earth do you“

”No, I just feel that I have a sense of accomplishment when I get the woman that Si yejue loves. In addition, I can also meet the family of Si and his wife. So Han Anxin, don't look down on yourself. You are a trump card in my hand“

Coldly and silently, he raised his thin lips and continued, "Han Anxin, I really didn't expect that you still have feelings for Si yejue today, but do you know that people even have children. Do you think it's possible for you to be together?"

"Leng Muran, you think too much. I don't mean to divorce you." Han Anxin knows better than anyone that Leng Muran's self-esteem will not pass unless he proposes divorce first.

"Well, I hope I think too much..." Leng Muran's words are a wake-up call for Han Anxin.

After cold silent deliberate trial, Han Anxin can no longer say the word divorce.


"Shen Jiang, do you remember the music box I gave you before? Now I want to take it back. When do you think it's convenient?"

After receiving Han Anxin's call, Shen Jiang was stunned at first, then laughed indifferently, "any time is OK, but you have to give me a little time, I want to go home to get it."

"It doesn't matter. I can wait for you and give you time. I'll wait for you at the gate of your company." Han Anxin smiles gently.

"Well, I'll see you then."

Shen Jiang has to close his cell phone.

Han Anxin suddenly said, "Shen Jiang, do you know who gave me that music box?"

"Who?" Shen Jiang is also curious. Since Han Anxin takes the initiative to question, there must be some reason.

"Is... Si yejue!"

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