Shen Jiang deliberately worked in the company all day before driving to the hotel.

Seriously, Shen Jiang doesn't know why han Anxin wants to meet in a place like a hotel

Standing in the underground garage, Shen Jiang lowers his head to contact Han Anxin several times.

But unexpectedly, Han Anxin's phone couldn't get through at all.

Shen Jiang tries to contact Han Anxin for the last time

But this time, before the phone was dialed, Shen Jiang just felt that the back of her head was hard to crack. Before she could react, she closed her eyes, and her weak body seemed to be a withered and yellow leaf, falling on the ground

"Let go of me, who are you?"

When Shen Jiang opened her eyes again, she realized that her eyes were covered by something. It was dark in front of her eyes. Her hands and feet were also tied. She could not move anywhere except her mouth.


No one answered Shen Jiang.

I don't know why, some strange fear, in Shen Jiang's heart, spontaneously.

"Is it you? Are you looking for me again? Why do you want to kidnap me this time? If you want to see me, just say..."

Shen Jiang subconsciously thought that it was the man who appeared again.

But there seems to be something wrong.

If it's that man, even if he really kidnaps her, he will never be serious, and he will never let her suffer.

But at the moment, Shen Jiang only felt that his whole body was fixed, sore!

"Anybody, anybody..."

No matter how Shen Jiang yelled, it was useless.

Suddenly, Shen Jiang's heart began to panic.

Why do these kidnappers have to demand her?

But think about it carefully, Shen Jiang did not feel that he had offended anyone!

The other party must have made a mistake!

"You'd better let me go. If all you want is money, I can give you money, but only if you let me go now!"

Shen Jiang's tone is extremely stubborn, and there is no room to turn around!

"Brother, this girl is really noisy!" A man who spoke finally appeared, and then blocked Shen Jiang's mouth with dirty cloth!


That disgusting breath, let Shen Jiang almost spit out!

"Ha ha, now I'm honest..." the man smiles with pride.

Then the man disappeared.

What's this place?

Why do they have to arrest her?

A series of problems make Shen Jiang puzzled.


It's a woman's slight cough.

Shen Jiang is very familiar with

It turns out that

Han Anxin!

How did she get caught?

"No, no, no!" Shen Jiang immediately asked Han Anxin, what is the matter?

Han Anxin sneered, "Shen Jiang, now you must want to know what's going on. It's very simple. We've all been kidnapped. These people are probably the enemies of Si yejue... I've had an affair with Si Shao before, so I've also been arrested. Right at our feet, there's a custom explosive now... If Si yejue doesn't show up, these people will blow us all up! "

"..." this is certainly not true! Shen Jiang just wants to curse his mother. These people want to kill Si yejue. Go to his trouble directly!

But she is innocent!

Besides, she has a crying son!

Shen Jiang is more and more anxious!

"I advise you not to move disorderly for the time being. I wake up earlier than you, so I have seen that timing device for a long time. If you move disorderly now, time will only go faster. Do you really want to die here?"

After listening to Han Anxin's words, Shen Jiang is particularly aggrieved.

The relationship between her and Si yejue is just like a stranger!

They just want to catch Han Anxin, but she is innocent!

Shen Jiang is extremely remorseful

"I didn't expect that these people would also appear in the hotel..." Han Anxin said coldly. "Originally, I wanted to find a place with few people to chat with you alone. Unexpectedly, I met this wave of people."

Shen Jiang doesn't believe Han Anxin's explanation!

I always feel that there must be something wrong with it!

Why does Han Anxin seem to know everything?

At the same time, Han Anxin is not afraid at all

Do you mean

Are these all Han Anxin's designs?

In this way, Shen Jiang is not nervous.

If these are all mischief of Han Anxin

Well, Shen Jiang is a little relieved. Maybe she won't die here yet

Just, what is the purpose of Han Anxin's doing this?

"Do you now accept your fate?" Han Anxin was surprised.

Shen Jiang suddenly calmed down. There must be some reason.

"As long as Si yejue is willing to show up, we can be saved. But I'm afraid that Si yejue won't show up. Even if he does show up, I don't know who he's thinking about..."

Han Anxin's words directly remind Shen Jiang.

Is Han Anxin doing this just to test Si yejue's heart?

Shen Jiang had a bitter smile.

Even if Si yejue really comes, it's for Han to be at ease!

Shen Jiang knows this very well.

It's just bad luck that Han's way of peace of mind has been touched!

"Shen Jiang, are you so confident that Si yejue will come for you?" Han Anxin is constantly questioning.

Shen Jiang is speechless. She can't speak now, OK?

Shen Jiang hums coldly and directly blocks Han Anxin's nonsense!

"Shen Jiang, in fact, it's not unreasonable for you to be so confident. After all, you gave birth to a son to him. He should care about your appearance after all. Otherwise, people will look down upon the words spread out..."

So Han Anxin assures that Si yejue will definitely show up!

Nonsense, even if Si yejue comes, it's for Han's peace of mind! Shen Jiang can only talk!

"Shen Jiang, do you know when I began to hate you?" Han Anxin soon opened the mode of self question and self answer.

"That is, every time you say you want to help me, in fact, it's just you. Do you want to get close to Si yejue?" Han Anxin shook his head and said, "I actually know that you won't really help me. It's just to see my jokes. I'm already a cold and silent wife. Moreover, I once met that kind of thing, and I'm not favored by Madam Si. You must think that I can't be together with Sir Si yejue. So, I deliberately pretend to be generous, so that Sir Si yejue can have a good impression on you again..."

Han Anxin's analysis is right.

Shen Jiang only thought that if he didn't become a psychologist, he would be blind!

"Shen Jiang, I know you very well. How hypocritical is a woman like you..." Han Anxin snorted coldly, "if I really take out my heart and talk to your friends, I don't know how much I will suffer in the future!"

"..." Shen Jiang is also drunk!

Is Han Anxin afraid of being persecuted?

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