"You think my son is the kind you can easily fool with just a few words?" Mrs. Si is still confident. Even if Han Anxin really said something, it's just a threat. She can't be taken seriously.

"When I was in the world, you were not born, so don't use any means in front of me. You can tell what you are holding in your mind by saying it. Before, I didn't know how to speak, so my son thought that I was aiming at you on purpose. But in the future, I will learn to be smart and let you slowly expose your prototype."

"Aunt, to be honest, in fact, even if I sometimes, please you, but also in order to be with him, I don't want anything, but want a feeling, why do you have to interfere with me?"

Han Anxin couldn't figure it out at all.

"I think that a person's birth really can't represent anything, but if you go the wrong way, or like to play tricks, it's a bit too much. Besides, at that time, you knew how to play tricks when you were young, but Shen Jiang's mind is delicate, but not as complicated as you."

Mrs. Si clenched her cell phone. "In a word, I won't let a woman like you stay with my son. I won't allow it unless it's the day I die."

"So when I was young, I really didn't know how to please you, but I forgot to solve the problem fundamentally. If I had a way to make you disappear at that time, maybe I would be Mrs. Si."

Han Anxin seems to really regret it.

"Since you all say so, I feel relieved. I don't like you always pretending to please me. If you do that, I will look down on you."

After listening to Mrs. Si's words, Han Anxin just pretended to smile, "Auntie, you'd better look forward to it. I'm not your future daughter-in-law“

"Of course not. I still believe that my own son's vision, maybe once, he knew less women and saw less means, but now, he really is not the former Si yejue. He certainly knows what kind of women are worth marrying home. If you don't believe it, you can run with time."

Mrs. Si's determination made Han Anxin feel uneasy.

Not only Mrs. Si, but also she was waiting for her joke.

In addition, the biggest threat is Shen Jiang.

Han Anxin even feels that the whole world is waiting to see her jokes!

"Auntie, I really hope you said all these words to me face to face. I just think it's inconvenient to be separated from my mobile phone, but I can't help it. Si yejue seems to have warned you not to meet me and embarrass me, right?" Han Anxin is a true guess.

"He said that just because he was worried that I would be impulsive. It was also in the past that I didn't know how to handle things properly so that you could take advantage of it." Mrs. Si is not worried.

If Si yejue and Han are really at ease, then she will give Shen Jiang and her grandson all the property of the Si family!

So at that time, Han Anxin will still not get it.

"Han Anxin, you are doomed to get nothing."

Mrs. Si's words, let Han Anxin already guess a probably.

"Maybe what I really want is your son, not the so-called money. I don't care much about those things..."

"But don't forget that it's really hard to live without money. You have suffered before. If you are really a progressive child, you won't marry Leng Muran."

Mrs. Si is very good at judging people.

"At that time, Si yejue won't give up everything for you. The end you get may be more miserable than before."

Mrs. Si closed her eyes, "but I also miss it. I shouldn't find someone to take you..."

That is the reason why Si yejue is estranged from her.

"Mrs. Si, don't pretend to be merciful here. When you laid hands on me, you were not soft at all, so I won't be soft on you when I come back this time." As long as Han Anxin thought about it, his whole body was shaking and stiff.


"I heard that you are very close to Han Anxin recently. Son, you should know what you are going to do." It's also rare for Mrs. Si to see Mr. Si yejue go home for the night.

"Well, I know." Si yejue pressed down his eyebrows. "Well, you didn't go to other people's trouble, mom. The things you did really reduced your level. You are Madame Si at least. It's a joke to spread that kind of thing."

"Well, it's my fault. I'll admit it now, but don't waste your time on this woman." Mrs. Si said eagerly.

"I know what you want to say, but I'm a little tired after work now. I want to have a rest first. Don't mention it. I don't want to mention it." Si yejue is at home and doesn't want to mention Han Anxin at all.

"Son, you said that you didn't want to mention Han Anxin. I hope that in the future, you didn't take the initiative to mention it. There's another thing you have to be clear about. If you are with Han Anxin, then you don't want the shares of Si. Your father will transfer them all to Shen Jiang, and then you will be penniless."

This is not a joke.

"You should have come up with this idea, but I've thought of it for a long time, but mom, do you think I'll get married again?" Si yejue shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in getting married now."

"You are just fighting with Leng silently now. Of course, you don't think it's necessary to get married. After two years, when you want to settle down, I was really afraid..." Mrs. Si cried submissively.

"Mom, you know the last thing I like to see you cry." Si yejue pressed down his eyebrows and said, "no one will know what will happen in the future. After all, everyone is not a God. We can count every step, can't we?"

"Well, son, I'll give you time and space to grow up. I hope you know what responsibility is. I hope you don't make me regret..."


"Miss Shen, Mrs. Si seems to be in a hurry to sign a document for you."

When the assistant came to inform, Shen Jiang fell asleep tired at work.

"What document?" Shen Jiang asked unexpectedly.

"I've never seen the specific content."

The assistant looked embarrassed.

"OK, I see." Shen Jiang went to see Mrs. si very cooperatively.

But I feel that it's like a world away.

"Before you came to see me, you had a lot of energy to help that woman talk, but now, you finally know that I'm for you..."

Mrs. Si said and put a document on Shen Jiang's hand seriously. "Shen Jiang, please sign it now."

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