What do you mean, let her stand beside Si yejue?

"Auntie, I don't quite understand what you said..." Shen Jiang asked with a confused face.

"I also know that his contact with you is getting less and less these days because of Han Anshen, but he is just confused for a moment. When he calms down, he will see your good future."

From the bottom of my heart, Mrs. si still hopes that Si yejue can remarry with Shen Jiang.

Therefore, Mrs. Si said painstakingly, "even if you are not together, at least you have been together. You certainly don't want to see him fall to the bottom. Besides, he is also the father of the child. Even for the sake of the child, you must help him. You can't turn around and help Leng silently?"

"They are all my uncle's sons, and I'm just an outsider." If it's because of the inheritance right of the Si family, Shen Jiang, an outsider, can't help it. No matter what the Si father does, he will have his own intention.

"Shen Jiang, I almost watched you grow up. You've been very close to me since you were a child. I also know that your mind is on my son. So all along, I regard you as half a daughter. This time, I really ask you to help him." Mrs. Si can't help it, so she finds Shen Jiang.

Because this time, Si Fu is not joking. If he can't control Si yejue, he will certainly transfer the power to Leng Muran to make up for the debt over the years.

"Aunt, no matter what happens, you should know that uncle and Si yejue are not muddleheaded people. Their choices must be the most correct." Shen Jiang advised each other.

"If the old man, like you said, is not confused, I will not worry now. He feels that he is in debt, so he has an idea to hand over the company to Leng Muran. If he wants to do so, it will completely chill my heart." Mrs. Si said goodbye. She was flustered.

"Auntie, I don't think so. Anyway, he's the eldest son of the family. Besides, he's also the favorite son of his uncle."

Shen Jiang said with a light smile, "so sometimes Auntie and uncle just say these words to scare him. It's not true."

Moreover, even if this is true, what else can she do as an outsider?

"Shen Jiang, even if you divorce him now, this child has the right of inheritance. You have to consider for this child after all. I heard that you are closer to Leng Muran, but I just heard that. I hope from now on, you can... Worry about his feelings a little bit." Mrs. Si also hopes that Shen Jiang and Si yejue can work together.

"I can see anyone now. Even if I see Leng Muran, I have my own reasons. I hope you don't get me wrong." This kind of illusion similar to moral kidnapping makes Shen Jiang feel numb.

"I say this for your own good. If you wander between two men, it's not good for you to hear this kind of thing spread out." Mrs. Si reminded.

"Auntie, thank you for reminding me. I know how to do it." Shen Jiang nodded slightly.

"I hope you really listened to me." Mrs. Si is not sure. She always feels that after Shen Jiang's divorce, she has changed a lot, which makes her unable to control.


Another day, a seemingly peaceful past.

Leng silently sends people everywhere to find Han Anxin's whereabouts.

Therefore, although Han Anxin lives in a villa and seems quiet, he still has no bottom in his heart.

According to the cool and silent personality, I will not sit by and ignore her. I will certainly try my best to find her out.

At the same time, an shengxia is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With the cold night, she is also looking for her everywhere.

"Shen Jiang, don't worry. I'm sure I'll find someone for you." Even if it's not for Shen Jiang's sake, an shengxia can't see it. Si yejue hides people like this. Even if it's the attitude of watching a play, he will help Leng Muran find people together.

"You are a real spectator." Shen Jiang is speechless.

"No way, who let her provoke, is your ex husband, the child his father?" Anshengxia tilted his head.

"Have you ever thought that someone might be true love? Besides, we divorced first, and then she came back to China." Shen Jiang doesn't care.

"You are the only one who is so stupid. From your divorce to her appearance, there is not a few months before and after. Do you really believe that they didn't contact each other before?" An shengxia asked suspiciously.

"I can still guarantee this, but the most terrible thing about a person is that he has put some thoughts in his heart. Although he has no contact, he has not forgotten for a minute." Shen Jiang's playful sneer, she just lost to the first love of Si yejue, which she recognized.

"So at the beginning, if he had a little responsibility, he should not marry you, but tell you clearly that he loves others." This is what an shengxia is most angry about. When he got married, Si yejue agreed to it. Even for the sake of family marriage, Si yejue didn't tell Shen Jiang that he already had a place to belong to. It's ridiculous that Shen Jiang thought that time could solve everything, and she could finally get Si yejue's heart.

But in reality, it really hurt Shen Jiang's face“ In fact, when I think about it now, the past few years with him are just a dream. " Shen Jiang closed his eyes and gave a smile, feeling relieved.

Bar, some dark private room.

"So, are you really going to hide people all the time Cold night ponders of shake head, "Si yejue, I advise you, still don't wade in this muddy water, if you really annoy your father, maybe you really, will lose the right of inheritance, I have heard some bad news outside, you don't have to play so big."

"Yes, Si Shao, I think you are really confused this time, but for a woman..." Bo Yehan said sarcastically, "you have been separated for so many years, how can you know that she is not the good girl she used to be."

"You don't know how I feel now." "Si yejue is a cup of bottom again," since I choose to do so, hide a person, natural have my reason

"Well, then, what's your reason?" Cold night unfeeling questions.

Now, Si yejue was silent.

"I know that the more women you can't get, the more you want to get, but this woman..."

Half narrowed his eyes, cold night suppressed his voice and said, "I don't think she may be as good as Shen Jiang. If you still have a little brain, just listen to me. Now hand over the person...!"

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