His whole body was very cold. Shen Jiang lost his mind for a moment. He couldn't hear what people around him were saying. He couldn't even feel his own existence. He just felt that everything in his ear had become blank.

Time seemed to stop, so Shen Jiang could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating violently. Then he raised his eyes and mechanically looked at the faces in front of him.

There are nurses, there are doctors, there are theater people

And, Mrs. Si, Leng Muran

Of course, there is also Si yejue!

Si yejue's face was like the ice cellar in the cold winter, with a cold air.

Shen Jiang ran straight into the man's unfathomable eyes and felt cold all over.

Shen Jiang moved his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

But someone has grabbed Shen Jiang's arm violently, shaking back and forth.

That man is very emotional! Shen Jiang looks at it foolishly, but unexpectedly, it's Mrs. Si“ Shen Jiang, I trust you so much, but you look at yourself. You look at what you have done. Your uncle always says good things about you. Later, when he gets divorced, you are willing to. Even the children are placed beside you. What are you dissatisfied with? You come directly at me, but why do you want to, why... "

Mrs. Si gnashed her teeth, as if looking at a monster. She stared at Shen Jiang fiercely. "Do you think that the Si family owes you all the time?"

"Auntie, you don't want to do this. We have something to say. I think you must have misunderstood me. Really, I didn't do anything. You don't think that uncle is because of me... Really not. I didn't do anything. I don't know what happened..." Shen Jiang subconsciously put his hand around his head and just wanted to hide in a safe corner, but at this time, But no one to help, because everyone, are silly.

"When your uncle left, the last person he saw was you. Before he saw you, he was very lucky. Why did he become like this after drinking tea with you..." Mrs. Si said in tears. "Although your uncle is old, he is usually strong. How can he suddenly... Shen Jiang, you honestly tell me what you have done, You know, man is doing, and heaven is watching! "

"Aunt, you really misunderstood me. Although I was the last one who met my uncle, I promise, I swear, I really didn't do anything. If I don't believe it..."

Just in the middle of this, Shen Jiang excitedly looked at the operating room, violently pushed away the crowd, and insisted on rushing to the head of the bed of his father and kneeling on the ground, "uncle, get up quickly, you can explain to them now, I really didn't do anything to you, after all... You are little grape's grandfather, how can I do anything to you, which I respect most, You too! "

"You trust me so much, you discuss everything with me, and you regard me as your own person. When you are an elder, I never think about how to hurt you, but now you lie down like this, no one will believe me, so uncle, please, please get up quickly..." Shen Jiang constantly hypnotizes himself, it's OK, it's OK, Maybe my uncle is just sleepy and wants to have a rest, so he just has a sleep.

"Miss Shen, get up now, the ground is cold after all, and if you are so emotional, it's easy to affect other patients..." a few nurses couldn't look down, so they came over and kindly reminded Shen Jiang.

He also knew that he had affected the patients in the whole hospital, and let the passers-by come to see the play, so he caused the traffic jam in the corridor. Shen Jiang stood up and stood up straight, and looked behind him, only to see Mrs. Si's cold eyes

"Auntie, I really didn't, I really didn't!" Shen Jiang kept shaking his head.

"Shen Jiang, I think something is wrong with you for a long time. First you divorce, and then you have to leave the children. Later, the relationship between you and Leng Muran is getting better and better. I thought that you were just doing it for my son, but it was my son. Sorry for you. I also think that it's nothing to do. Even if you want Leng Muran to come into the company, I think, It's understandable, but I really didn't expect that you would treat your uncle... "After Mrs. Si held her eyebrows and stabilized her figure, she walked to Shen Jiang a few steps further." you murderer, I will definitely call the police and find evidence to prove your crime. Now get out of here, I don't want to see your face again! "

"Shen Jiang, go ahead now. No matter what you say, this woman won't believe it. It's better to go ahead than to stand here and be humiliated. When the police come and investigate, everything will come to a conclusion." It's surprising. It's Leng standing up and talking for Shen Jiang.

"You don't pretend now, do you? It seems that the relationship between you is very different now..." Mrs. Si's eyes came back to Shen Jiang and Leng silent. This kind of ironic eyes made Shen Jiang feel shame when she looked at them.

"Auntie, before the investigation is clear, you say so to me..." Shen Jiang bit the corner of her mouth. She also knew that Mrs. Si was too sad at the moment, so she didn't argue.

"What else can you explain? People obviously don't believe you. Even if you say it again, it's useless. Let's go." Leng silently stretched out his hand, pressed Shen Jiang's wrist, and then pushed hard, "you go back to have a rest first. It's estimated that you are scared too. After all, something happened."

"Don't be so merciful here!" Mrs. Si's teeth itched with hatred. "You get out of here too... Advanced Si's family, you can't do it in your life!"

"Old woman, some words are not your own has the final say, I am also the father's son, so I have the right, also has this qualification to enter the family, and, this is also the old man's wishes." Cold and silent, without flinching.

"Ha ha, now that people are dead, it's four or five games. It's naive of you to think that if the old man is gone, you can do whatever you want. If he really wants you to go into the company's house, why did he send you away at the beginning? He doesn't think that your existence is the shame of the whole company and the biggest shame of his life, so he is silent, I advise you that you'd better recognize your identity. Don't think that you are a member of the Si family now... "

Mrs. Si raised her haughty chin and announced to the public, "there is only one young master in the Si family, that is my son Si yejue, and there is only one heir... My son Si yejue!"

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