It was Bo Yehan's plan to lure Miaomiao to the wedding ceremony.

At the moment, however, Quan Yao plans to make a fake and hold a grand wedding.

According to an shengxia, she has no reason to refuse.

She's a woman. She likes to wear wedding dress. She hasn't worn it yet.

"When you acquiesce." Men are confident.

"Are you serious?"

Subconsciously grasp the man's hand, but feel not reserved, but no matter how to say, have already received the certificate of the people, an shengxia also let go of this face, small mouth can't help but get to the right Yao thin lips, "if you want to hold a wedding, we really get married!"

"Well." The man nodded.

"Hey, hey." An shengxia gave a giggle.


"Well!" Nodding heavily, an shengxia looks at the man in front of her with a smile, as if the whole world is eclipsed.

At this moment, she thought she had found a lifetime of happiness

An Xiaobai, who was lying in the living room, trotted over as soon as he saw an shengxia enter the door. "Mommy, you teach me this word!"

"Ah, you're only five years old. How hard are you to learn Chinese characters?" Seeing the extremely rare words, an shengxia rolled her eyes, and she didn't know it!

"My brother and I jumped the grade together, and now we have learned the knowledge of the third grade, but this word is what I saw in the extracurricular books, Mommy, can you?" Looking up at an shengxia, an Xiaobai asks curiously.

"Of course I know how to pronounce these words, but I want to test you and Dabai." An shengxia immediately throws the pot to Dabai.

"Mommy, I don't know how to read it, so don't play games." Dabai pressed his eyebrows and said, "Oh, I know. Maybe Mommy won't either. Let's ask daddy."

"Wait a minute!" Her strong self-esteem has been trampled on. Of course, an shengxia is not happy. She reaches for Xiaobai's book and reads it carefully for a long time.

evil spirits.

How to read these four ghosts?

"Mommy, can you do it?" An Xiaobai doubts!

"I don't think so. People know mummy. Unfortunately, mummy doesn't know these words." Dabai shakes his head helplessly.

"Who said I couldn't do it!"

An shengxia coughed after stamping his feet. Then he read clearly, "Li, Wei, Liang, Laing! Well, that's what I read! "

"Wow, Mommy is really powerful. She knows such difficult words!" An Xiaobai applauded excitedly.

"Yes? Really? Why do I think it's a little strange? " Andabai bit the tip of his pen.

"Dabai, I eat more salt than you walk. Don't doubt me!" An shengxia pokes Dabai's forehead.


Originally leaning on the back of the sofa, the man forced his heart to smile and suddenly made a sound.

I really don't know how an shengxia taught his son. He dares to read such a big wrong word and is not afraid of being laughed at.

"It's an idiom. It refers to all kinds of ghosts. It can also refer to all kinds of bad people."

After hearing Quan Yao's words, an shengxia's face turned red and white.

Smelly man! I've been watching the play all the time, and I don't help her! You mean to make a fool of her, don't you?

"Wow, daddy is really good!" In an instant, Dabai and Dabai worship hold Quan Yao's thigh.

"In fact, I know that, but I made a mistake on purpose to test him!" Grinding teeth, an shengxia gnashes his teeth!

"Ha ha, second daughter-in-law, if you say that, I don't think the two young masters will believe it." Zhang Ma also shook her head to express her disbelief.

"Mother Zhang, can you not believe me?" An shengxia's eyes are red.

"Second young granny, you'd better have a rest. The young master said that he will hold a wedding with you next week." Mother Zhang couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

"Oh, my God, really?" Xiaobai immediately stood up straight, "then my brother and I are not flower children?"

"Xiaobai, Huatong wants a boy and a girl." An Sheng Xia's thief way.

"Mommy, I don't want to wear girls' clothes..."

But no matter how an Xiaobai ran, he was caught by an shengxia, "Xiaobai, it's hard for you, and then you'll pretend to be a girl!"


The wedding of an shengxia and Quan Yao has long been wildly spread.

It's another cup. Song September never thought that she would get drunk with money.

"Don't drink in September." Holding a woman's slender wrist, thin night cold, eyes obscure, "even if you now drink dead here, he will not know, why do you want to?"

"But I can't watch them get married..." Song Jiuyue said with a laugh. "Before, I could tell myself that he married an shengxia just to give Xiaobai and Dabai a healthy home. But now, he wants to hold a wedding to let everyone know that an shengxia is his wife Quan. If I stay with him all the time, What am I? "

"Just wait and you'll have a chance." Bo Yehan said so, but song Jiuyue refused to continue to listen, "before, because I was not in good health, I was rejected by his mother, now I am in good health, but he betrayed me and married..."

"You drink too much."

"No, I didn't drink much at all." Shaking his head, song Jiuyue immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of familiar numbers, "Quan Yao, didn't you say that you owe me a life, so you can promise me any request!"


"Now that you remember, I'm relieved." Having said that, song September happily closed his cell phone.

Ten days later.

Bridal dressing room.

"No, really, it's too tight...!"

Wedding dress waist hard a close, anshengxia just feel unable to breathe.

"It looks good in this way!" The makeup artist said with a smile, "miss an, if you take back a little more, it will be more beautiful!"

"I haven't eaten for a day..." is to show the sexiest himself at the wedding, an shengxia already hungry dizzy.

"Why don't you have some water?" Qin Sheng's painful way.

"Come on, I've been eating and drinking for several days, and it's not bad for today." Clench one's fist hard, anshengxia hypnotizes himself. If you persist, you will win.

"It seems that Quan Shao has eaten you to death. Look at you, you are just getting married. How nervous you are!" Qin Sheng laughed and joked.

"What you may not know is that at home, I has the final say." An shengxia is very proud to brag without making a draft.

"Is it?" Qin Sheng didn't believe it at all. "I don't know. What do people like about you? Do you like your second brother

"You're only two, your whole family is two!" Holding on to the skirt, an shengxia has gone away. She also has advantages, OK?

"It's true!" Qin Sheng could not help but Tucao, "you make complaints about this bitch."

"Qin Xiaosheng, I draw a circle to curse you for being a monk!" Having said that, an shengxia drags down his high-heeled shoes and smashes them at Qin Sheng.

But he deftly avoided it.

Almost at the same time

The door was pushed open.

Just as the man stood still, he caught the woman's exquisite crystal shoes in one hand and said, "an shengxia, are you going to murder your husband?"

Next, I will not wait for an shengxia to explain.

The man's cell phone rings.

"Quan Yao, I want you to leave from the wedding...!"

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