"I've only looked at the contents of the will, but I haven't read all of them. However, it's really good for Leng Muran. Han Anxin, if you still want to go back now, you still have a chance. After all, Leng Muran has been sincere to you for so many years. Even if you don't admit it, it's a fact..."

Shen Jiang looked Han Anxin up and down. "If there is no cold silence, you don't have the comfortable living conditions now. I think it's necessary to think about the source after drinking water. Be careful which day you will capsize because you can't see your identity and ability clearly."

"Well, you are right. I also thank Leng Muran for what he has done for me, but I didn't ask him. Besides, he himself is willing. We are just using each other. Now, I don't want to use him to be a baron, so I will prepare for divorce. As for what is the result after this shareholders' meeting, I don't care." Han an's heart is assured.

"Well, now that you've made up your mind, I wish you good luck." Shen Jiang nodded heavily.

"Why do you suddenly start to help Leng Muran? In his will, my uncle is preparing to hand over the company to Leng Muran?" Otherwise, why did Shen Jiang's attitude change so quickly? Han Anxin couldn't figure it out.

"Because what we pursue is different. What you want is the position of siyejue and Madam President, but I'm not." Maybe this is the reason why my uncle was willing to give Shen Jiang his only will.


Bar, dark private room.

"I'm really surprised that you don't go to Shen Jiang tonight, but drink with us. Don't you feel bored? Don't you want to know what's written in that will? " Thin night cold sarcastically looks to the division night Jue, "all this kind of time, you pour is calm."

"Otherwise I can't do anything else, can't I? She promised my father that she wouldn't give it to me." Si yejue picked up his wine glass and shook it back and forth, "because Shen Jiang has changed a long time ago. She won't be selfish to me..."

"How can it be? Everyone knows that she is your ex-wife. I don't know how devoted she is to you. Her son has been born to you. You say that she has no selfishness to you. Go to cheat the ghost." Bo Yehan shook his head. "This woman is probably lying to you. I guess she still hasn't put you down."

"Bo Shao, you don't know what's going on now. Shen Jiang seems to have changed his mind. But Si Shao deserves his divorce. But I didn't expect that the old man would eventually give Shen Jiang his will..." Shen Ao only thinks that strange things happen every year in the world, especially this year.

"What do you want to do?" Cold night suddenly questioned.

"If he really knew, it would not be as simple as drinking here." Thin night cold guess, division night Jue now in the heart, is also a mess.

"Even if you don't care about that will, it's not good to keep Han Anxin all the time. I don't think it's good for you to keep this woman." Shen Ao reminds a way.

It's cold night. There's nothing to say. He never interferes in the private affairs of Si yejue.

"Cold night, what do you think I can do now?" Si yejue asked on his own initiative.

"It's up to you, but there's never a way in the world for both..." Leng yetiao eyebrows, "if you get something, you'll give up."

"I won't let Shen Jiang appear at the shareholders' meeting..." after putting down his glass, Si yejue sneered a few times.

"Why, you want to play really, but is it really good to treat Shen Jiang like this? After all, she is your ex-wife... If there is any way, don't make things too ugly. After all, if you don't look up and look down, what if she doesn't let you see your son in the future?" Shen Ao hinted.

"If I have nothing because of that will, then I still want to see my son? It's also impossible. " The most important thing about siyejue is that he doesn't want to enter the company quietly.

"I don't know what your old man thinks. At the end of the day, I remember that I still have an illegitimate son. Illegitimate son is illegitimate son. I have to put it on the table for fear that others will know..." Shen Ao grabs a handful of hair. Maybe, he is really lucky. After all, the old man didn't make an illegitimate son for him.

"Are you going to be cruel to Shen Jiang?" Cold night pressed eyebrows, hesitant to ask.

"I will think of a way, let her no way to appear, not necessarily, if ruthless..." Si yejue maybe, also don't want to move the real character to Shen Jiang.

"Well, it's your ex-wife after all. I'd better leave a little room, but what do you want to do with Leng silent? I won't interfere." Cold night just don't want to go back, can't explain with an shengxia.

"If I really touched Shen Jiang, maybe now, I won't drink with you here. You will tell an shengxia later and even make preparations early." All of these, sir yejue has considered for a long time.

"No way, they have a good relationship, and I only have such a wife." Cold night words cold, but revealed a bit of happiness.

"I want to know what you like about an shengxia. Haven't you known each other for a long time?" Si yejue asked suddenly.

"Sometimes it's just like this. Even if you take a look in the crowd, it's like you've known each other for a long time, and then you've determined that it's her..." cold night said.

"An Sheng Xia is a blessing." This sentence was not only said by Si yejue, but also by Bo Yehan.

"Maybe it's just that stupid people are blessed with stupidity." Shen Ao opens his mouth carelessly.

Cold night is not happy, "my wife is not really stupid, but wise, she knows how to hook up with me, otherwise, I will not be so focused."

"I don't think she did anything, but you chased them." Thin night cold sharp puncture.

"..." the corner of his mouth twitches suddenly in the cold night. Is his performance so obvious?

Glancing at the cold night, Si yejue regained his indifferent face.

Tomorrow, for him, is crucial.

The next day.

Si yejue woke up early in the morning. To be exact, he hardly had a good rest all night.

After changing into a clean black suit, Si yejue raised his mobile phone and contacted Shen Jiang several times.

But Shen Jiang didn't get through. It was not in the service area.

Si yejue frowned

Shen Jiang, where is she?

Is there any danger?

Looking at himself in the mirror, Si yejue half narrowed his eyes, but suddenly his left chest choked. It seemed that something was deeply pressing on his heart

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